20 plants for vertical garden that will make your wall green

20 plants for vertical garden that will make your wall green
Robert Rivera

The plants for a vertical garden must be very well chosen. After all, nobody wants dead plants or plants that do not go well with the decoration. Therefore, in this post you will see 20 plants that do well in this type of garden. In addition, you can check out more information and tutorials on this way of growing at home. Check it out!

20 vertical garden plants to have a jungle on your wall

Vertical garden plants change the appearance of any environment, don't they? So, you need to choose well which ones will be in your garden. Also, the ideal lighting conditions for each plant is an important feature. So, here are some plants for your vertical garden.

Asparagus feather

This is one of those plants for vertical gardens that are sun-resistant. It is very hardy, meaning that it can withstand both sun and rain. In addition, it is easy to propagate and does not require much maintenance. This plant is the darling of landscapers when it comes to thinking about an outdoor vertical garden.


This type of plant can be used to highlight a certain region of the wall. This is because it is lighter and illuminates what is nearby. Ophiopogon jaburan is a plant that can stay in direct sunlight or in half-shade environments. Once it is adult, it does not require much watering.


A Pilea microphylla It has very shiny and beautiful leaves. This makes it a focal point wherever it is. Its structure is very rigid. This makes it stand out if it is close to other plants, especially those that are pendent. Besides, this is one of the plants for vertical gardens in pots.

Pearl necklace

You were wrong if you thought there wouldn't be a succulent on this list. This plant is very delicate, even though it is a succulent, and requires more frequent watering because it is more delicate. The pearl necklace plant usually grows and hangs, so it is ideal for a vertical garden, whether in pots or not.


This plant is very well known by Brazilians, it is also called gravatinha or paulistinha. It has several benefits, for example, it purifies the air of the environment in which it is located, which makes it suitable for indoor environments. The gravatinha should be watered two to three times a week, depending on the humidity of the air.

Cajun flower

It gets its name from the position of its flowers, and its drooping stems make it a great choice for someone who wants to put it in a vertical potted garden. However, care must be taken when combining it with other plants, because it can smother the neighbors.


The russellia is often used in wall or wall gardens because of its long, arching branches. The tubular-shaped flowers give a great ornamental aspect to the composition. Also, its low-density formation brings informality to the decoration. It is ideal for outdoors because it attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. In addition, it is a plant for vertical gardens with full sun.

English Hera

Ivy is a climbing plant, so it is ideal for a vertical garden on a wall or outside wall. However, it requires attention: its fruits are toxic to humans. In addition, its soil must be well drained and watered periodically, but the substrate must not be soaked.

boa constrictor

Who thought of a plant that is easy to care for, easy to propagate, and fast growing? The answer to all this is the boa. This plant is the darling of the moment for many people. It is ideal for those who are just starting out, because it is a very adaptable plant. In warm climates, it should be watered at least three times a week.

Purple Lambari

The Purple Loosestrife is another fast propagating plant. It is also tough, versatile, and very fast growing, so it needs a lot of attention and fertilizer. This plant should be grown in half shade.

Crested orchid

Have you ever thought of having an orchid that is cheap and easy to care for? The answer to this question is the carpet orchid. It can be grown in pots or directly in the ground. Its substrate must have a lot of organic matter, for example, worm humus. Besides, unlike other orchids, it likes a lot of sun.


This plant is part of the bromeliad family and loves the outdoors. It should have plenty of light, ventilation, and good humidity, however, its soil should not be waterlogged. It propagates easily and can be planted in unusual places. For example, it can be planted in tree trunks.

Purple Trapoeraba-

Have you ever thought of a brightly colored plant with a lot of volume? This is the trapoeraba. Moreover, it is a very sun resistant and pendant plant, ideal for vertical outdoor gardens. It is ideal for those who want to add more color to the garden or to the composition of plants.


If you are looking for a beautiful flower to compose a wall garden, you should bet on the anthurium. This plant is very resistant. Besides, its leaves are long and have a very dark and vivid color. The anthurium is a half-shade plant. Remember to keep it away from pets!


This plant is a distant cousin of the ferns. Its origin is Asian and equally tropical, so it is indicated to give more life to wall gardens. Its soil must always be humid and its fertilization must be up to date. Besides, the asplenium does not like too much direct light on the leaves.


It is also known as Pacová. Because it is a climbing plant, it can be used on walls and walls. It can be grown both indoors and outdoors. There are several special cares with this plant. For example, its substrate should have a lot of organic matter and be well drained. Besides this, watering should be frequent.


What Brazilian doesn't like a good superstition, right? So, how about combining it with the beauty of having a hanging plant on his wall? The ideal one for this is the money-in-penny. This plant is also called pennywort. It prefers humid soils and half shade. Nevertheless, it is a plant of easy propagation.


There are several types of peperomias, but all of them are ideal for the vertical garden. This plant is easy to care for and looks very beautiful when put up, due to its pendent characteristic. Watering should be done whenever the soil is dry. Also, the peperomia should be planted in a place with half shade. Direct light can burn its leaves.


The fern is another recommended plant for those who are beginning their gardening adventures. It is an easy plant to care for, but it needs half shade to be completely happy. Its soil should always be moist, so whenever the soil is dry, it is time to water it.


Incredible as it may seem, this plant is a cactus! Its body is pendulous, but full of very fine spines. It should be placed in flowerbeds or hanging vases. The effect created will be amazing and will bring a lot of contrast to a wall garden. Being a cactus, this plant needs little water. Besides, it likes to be in direct sunlight.

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All these plants will look great in a wall garden, so you can combine them in different ways to get the best composition. Combine hanging plants and plants that support themselves. Also, remember that plants look more cheerful when they are together with other plants.

More information about plants for vertical garden

Now that you know which plants to use, how about learning more about them?

35 plants for vertical garden

The channel Minhas Plantas (My Plants) shows 35 plants that can be planted on the wall, for which the gardener Carol Costa gives details of each species and how to care for them.

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Plants for full and half sun vertical gardens

Knowing the lighting conditions that plants like is ideal for them to live for many years, so when making a vertical garden, this condition must be taken into account. Thus, the channel Claudia Vida Florida tells which plants do well in wall gardens in the sun and in half shade.

Plants for vertical garden in pots

Some people cannot plant directly on the wall, which can happen for several reasons. Therefore, the Garden Life channel tells you which plants can be planted in pots and compose a vertical garden. These species are easy to grow and ideal for those who are just starting out.

How to make a vertical garden

Who has never seen several plants on the wall and was afraid they would fall off? To prevent this from happening, watch all the tips in the video by gardener Henrique Buttler. In this video, he teaches how to make a vertical garden with half shade plants. Throughout the video, the gardener gives several tips on how to prepare and care for your wall plants.

With all these tips it is easy to decide how your vertical garden will look, isn't it? However, some people can't use the whole wall to make the garden, so use the tips in this post to see how to make a vertical garden out of pallets.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.