22 plants that keep negativity away from the house to cultivate good energies

22 plants that keep negativity away from the house to cultivate good energies
Robert Rivera

It is believed that there are certain types of plants that absorb negative energies and that, with their mystical powers, attract prosperity and good energies to the home:

1. rue

Used since ancient times by healers and witchdoctors, rue is a powerful plant to energize the home and ward off the evil eye and envy. According to tradition, a pot at the entrance of the home brings protection and keeps bad vibes at bay. Grow in full sun or a well-lit place and water frequently.

2. figwort

Its popular name says a lot about the power of this plant, known for absorbing bad energies and warding off the evil eye. This foliage stands out with its very green leaves with white spots, and is great to be grown indoors. Water about twice a week and avoid direct contact with its latex, which is toxic.

St. George's Sword

Symbol of protection, the sword-of-st. George is related to the Warrior Saint or Ogum, and therefore is recommended to be cultivated right at the entrance of the house to prevent the access of bad energies. It has an elongated and structural look, very similar to the shape of a sword. It is easy to cultivate, resistant, and adapts well to both indoor and outdoor environments.

4. lavender

Surrounded by mysticism, lavender is a delicate plant with an intense scent. It is considered a symbol of protection, purification, and happiness, attracting forces of good and love. In addition, it is a natural calming agent, helping to promote a sense of well-being and tranquility. It can be grown in small pots or in beds that receive several hours of sun each day.

5. lily of the peace

The peace lily is known for its power of purification, absorbing impure particles from the environment, electromagnetic waves from electronic devices, and even evil spirits.

6. happiness tree

With origins in oriental tradition, this plant brings happiness and prosperity to the home of those who are gifted with one. This small tree has male and female varieties, which, despite being known by the same name, are not of the same species. This lucky duo is resistant, requires little care, and can be grown in the same pot indoors or out.

7. rosemary

Besides being a delicious spice, rosemary is also a great option to keep negative energies away from the house. This herb is a powerful mental stimulant, which brings vitality and protection to the home, family, and work.

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8. basil

Basil stands out with its remarkable flavor and aroma, and is also known to clean heavy energies from the environment and bring peace of mind to the occupants of the house. The care for its cultivation is very simple: choose a place in the sun and water frequently to keep the soil always moist.

9. chili pepper

Strong and vibrant, the chili repels negative energies, bad thoughts, and bad fluids. It acts as a shield against envy and evil eye, and because it is an aphrodisiac, it attracts good energies for love. It must be grown in full sun, with daily watering and well-drained soil.

10. guinea

Native to Brazil, it is known for its great power in the spiritual and medicinal field. In an environment, this plant sucks up negative energies and transforms them into positive vibrations and, furthermore, attracts luck and happiness.

11. jasmine

With a beauty surrounded by legends and magic, the jasmine is considered the plant of couples for its power of attraction and strengthening of relationships. It is also seen as an amulet of protection and, with its sweet perfume, stimulates optimism, love, and vitality.

12. sage

Salvia is a plant that attracts good luck and purifies the environment, eliminating toxins and negative energies. It is also known for its spiritual healing powers. It prefers milder temperatures, but should receive direct sunlight at least some of the time during the day.

13. ivy

Ivy also acts to purify the home, absorbing toxins from the air and filtering all negativity from the space. Because it is a pendant foliage, it looks great grown as a hanging plant or on shelves and tall bookshelves. Leave it in a well-lit place and water it frequently, but only if the soil is dry.

14. thyme

It is a herb related to vigor, strength, and courage. It is believed that its power fights negative energies, bringing optimism and helping to fulfill wishes. It also protects the house and all its residents. Keep the plant in a sunny and cool place and water it frequently.

15. lucky bamboo

As the name implies, this is a plant known for bringing luck and flooding the house with good energy. Full of beauty and meaning, depending on the number of stems, the lucky bamboo can be grown both in water and in soil in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. Water twice a week or change its water weekly.

16. cash-in-penny

This small green-leafed plant is reputed to attract money and luck to the house, and to ensure abundance and plenty, it should ideally be grown in places of semi-shade and watered frequently, especially in warmer months, to keep the soil always moist.

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17. clover

This famous symbol of luck can also be easily grown indoors to ward off all bad luck. Small in size, it looks elegant in pots or as a liner in the garden. It appreciates sunlight, always moist soil, and can be grown indoors as long as it is near a well-lit window.

18. avenca

With small and delicate leaves, the avenca is a plant that is sensitive not only to its appearance, but also to the energies of the environment. It also inspires tranquility and helps to relax. From the fern family, it lives very well indoors, does not require direct sunlight, and appreciates a lot of humidity.

19. mint

Very present in cooking, mint is also linked to attracting prosperity, health, love, and protection to the home. Its delicious aroma promotes calm, and its freshness helps to constantly renew the energies of the space. It can be easily grown in pots and planters, in sunny places or with partial shade. Keep its soil always moist.

20. fortune flower

The kalanchoe or fortune flower is considered a plant that brings joy and prosperity. It has varied colors and a small, very ornamental bloom. It is resistant and can be planted in pots indoors or in flowerbeds in the garden. It can be grown in half-shade, but must receive a few hours of sun each day, preferably in the morning or late afternoon.

21. zamioculca

The zamioculca is one of Feng Shui's favorite plants to filter negative energies from an environment and attract good luck, prosperity and protection to the home. It is famous for attracting success and money, and for this reason, it is a plant indicated for offices and work spaces. It is easy to grow in apartments and places with little light. Water about twice a week and decrease the frequency in thewinter.

22. aphelandra

It is a plant known for attracting good energies for love and strengthening love and family relationships. It is a very suitable option for gifts, as it symbolizes joy. Its yellow flowers are very attractive to hummingbirds and can be grown in pots indoors or in the garden, in places of half shade. Water regularly, fertilize frequently, and avoid places with a lot of wind.

Believe it or not, growing these plants can bring many benefits to your home. Besides promoting well-being in the house, they will beautify the spaces, purify the air, perfume environments, and even enhance recipes. And to align the good vibrations in the decoration and create a peaceful corner, check out ideas for making a Zen garden at home.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.