70 inspirations to make your garage even more beautiful

70 inspirations to make your garage even more beautiful
Robert Rivera

Table of contents

With a little creativity and a touch of personality, it is possible to make it more beautiful and charming.

Despite its simple (but important) role, its decoration doesn't need to be dull. Besides housing the car, it can still gain new functions, such as storage for tools and even a place to relax when it is not occupied.

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The possibilities for decoration are infinite. It can be totally closed, with open sides, or completely uncovered, and it is worth using materials and coatings to make it look even more interesting.

With the possibility of following the same decoration applied to other areas of the residence, or even get an exclusive look just for it, just let your imagination run free and give special attention to this space full of functionality. Check out the following selection of beautifully decorated garages and get inspired:

How about mixing different materials?

Since this garage has an open front, it is better than adding some contrasts to make it look even more beautiful. Here the light cladding contrasts with the dark wood, causing a charming effect.

2. almost unnoticed

As its location is underground, the garage has little visibility. To keep it in harmony with the rest of the residence, both the access stairs and the floor receive the same finishing.

3. having a differentiated coverage

Although it has a beautiful floor with a burnt cement finish, and the highlight of this garage is the vibrant colored roof, present throughout the entire length of the residence.

4. it is worth investing in pergolas

This is a good option to guarantee coverage for the garage, but taking advantage of the clarity by using translucent materials to cover it. It can be made of cement, metal, or wood.

5. made of non-conventional materials

Producing a great visual impact on the viewer, this garage was clad with wooden beams in their rustic form. They make a beautiful contrast to the stones applied to the floor and wall in the background.

6. with a more than special function

Here, instead of having the function of housing the automobile, it houses another means of transportation. The boat has protection guaranteed by the metallic structure covered with glass plates.

7. using the same paint on the entire facade

As the garage has a front opening, there is nothing better than to ensure a uniform look by painting its interior walls with the same shade of paint applied to the entire facade of the residence.

8. corner reserved for the resident's hobby

As the space is ample, a corner of the garage got custom cabinets in crafted wood, ensuring space for its owner's hobby to be practiced in an organized way.

9. good lighting and use of side walls

As the garage is large, various light fixtures were added to ensure good lighting. Here the side walls are put to good use, either receiving planned cabinetry or providing space for bicycles.

10. with guaranteed space for the plant pot

With the space to accommodate two cars, a beautiful vase with green foliage was added to the wall at the back. Its entrance still gets an ecological sidewalk, integrating with the garden.

11. sharing the space with the gourmet area

With its industrial style and burnt cement finish, this garage is separated from the gourmet area only by a wall. The skylight provides good lighting.

12. sconces make the difference

Possessing an open design, this garage has a pair of sconces on the back wall, ensuring a beautiful design when lit. The space also has an access door to the back of the residence with a differentiated design.

13. simple and inspiring design

Despite not having many details in its decoration, this garage has a unique beauty, betting on straight forms and flooring with the same coating as the exterior of the house.

14. keeping everything organized

With considerable space, this garage gained beautiful shelves and niches in orange color, ensuring the ability to store items that are not used often and maintaining organization.

15. gaining a path of lights

This garage, with an open front, is highlighted by several light fixtures that show the way to the interior of the house.

16. shared with the leisure area

With only a roof, without walls delimiting its space, this garage blends in with the leisure area, which also has a comfortable chaise for moments of relaxation and tranquility.

17. with wall that separates from the inside of the house

Here, both the back and the side walls are clad with wood imitation cladding. The side paneling ensures privacy by reducing the view of the interior of the residence.

18. built as an annex to the house

Fixed to the side walls with the help of metal cables, this garage has only one roof. Its design follows the decoration of the outside of the house, blending in with the garden.

19. point of contrasts

Since the house's facade has a marked orange look through the finishes, nothing better than to bring softness with an all-white painted garage.

20. luxurious design accompanying the residence

The greatest differential of this garage is the shape of its roof, with sumptuous curves present in the entire facade of the residence.

21. large space and light tones

With a front opening, this garage was painted in light shades, helping to make the environment even larger.

22. skylights on both sides

With space reserved for two cars, this garage has skylights on both sides, ensuring greater incidence of sunlight and providing a well-lit environment.

23. with large wooden pergola and glass roof

24. with an internal garden for added charm

With a more sober look and dark colors, this garage has a beautiful indoor garden on its side wall. The effect caused by the green foliage provides more softness to the space.

25. with the look of a cube and dedicated lighting

Positioned at the front of the building with an unusual look, this cube-shaped garage gets ample lighting and the same coating, both inside and outside.

26. located in the basement with the ideal size

As the terrain has an unevenness, the garage was built underground, which gives it the ideal space to receive two cars without compromising the footage used for the construction.

27. all in light tones

Here, the residence has a facade in a mix of white, wood, and beige siding, where the garage follows the same decorative style, with white painted walls and cream-colored flooring.

28. with an all-enclosed design, following the pattern of the facade

This residence has a striking look, with a mix of burnt cement and the use of wooden beams throughout the facade. The garage could not be different: it has a door in the same type of wood used in the rest of the project.

29. with a partial view of its interior

As the garage is located in the front part of the building, it has unrestricted visibility due to the gate used. In shades of white and abundant lighting, it follows the same decorative style as the rest of the facade.

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30. standing out from the rest of the construction

In a building with a differentiated shape and a facade in a striking color, ideal for those who are not afraid to dare, this garage stands out from the rest of the property by having its ceiling painted white.

31. as a strategic cutout of the construction

Painted in the same tone as the rest of the facade, it gains extra charm by receiving a trio of spotlights.

32. too much space, not enough coverage

This model is a good option for those who do not need to store their cars during the day, since with a reduced size cover, they would be exposed to sunlight.

33: Present even on uneven terrain

As the street has a different height from the residence, the garage has a small ramp to facilitate access. With a more rustic look, the exposed coverings may please the industrial style lovers.

34. same finish on top and bottom

While the building is located on the upper floor, the garage occupies a good deal of space on the first floor. Seeking better integration of the two floors, the facade uses the same material above and below.

35. with an invisible look, blending into the facade

To ensure a striking facade, this building was given wood cladding and beams throughout the first floor, including the door to the garage, for a stylish effect.

See more garages with breathtaking decorations

Still haven't found a design you can identify with? Then check out some more options and choose which garage best fits your needs and style:

36. Cobogós for a more airy garage

37. small size, ideal for storing the motorcycle

38. separated from the residence with a metallic structure and wooden roof

39. clear design and lowered ceiling

40. using the mixture of white and burnt cement

41. with a white gate, ensuring a more minimalist façade

42. using two types of flooring, one on the access ramp and the other on the garage

43 - Investing in a lighting project can make the difference

44. instead of an access ramp, an extension of the garden

45. how about adding a sculpture or work of art to the garage wall?

46. all wood, no walls in front or back

47. metal structure roof and wood-paneled walls

48. blending into the facade, with a wooden beam gate

49. with the facade painted in the same color as the gate

50. highlight for the wall with canjiquinha cladding

51. using the same finishing throughout the facade ensures harmony in the visual

52. the black gate hides the entire facade, including the garage

53 How about a vibrantly colored door for a bolder look?

54. the wooden slatted gate ensures the necessary visibility

55. with a horizontally striped gate, harmonizing with the rest of the facade

56. having a wide access ramp in cement bricks

57. wood and light tones: infallible combination

58. with wood paneling, led strips and differentiated coating on the sidewalk

59 The glass wall makes it possible to see the cellar

60. like a perfect cutout in the simple construction

61. instead of parking in front, garage with lateral disposition

62. walkway with wooden deck and ecological sidewalk

63. with windows and gate for access to the back

64 - In white, with plaster casting and communication with the garden

65. highlight for the side garden with dedicated lights

66. with two independent gates, accommodating more than one car

67. the same coating is used from the floor to the walls of the facade

68 The white gate stands out on the colorful facade

69. following the same paint tones found on the rest of the facade

70. with dark covering, hiding the stored vehicle

71 With spotlights, throughout the facade, garage and garden

72. the same cladding, on the garage and facade, and beautiful sconces for a unique look

With countless decoration possibilities, materials and finishes to be used, the garage can be considered an extra space of the residence, with great functionality and that deserves special attention at the time of its planning. Change your concepts and guarantee a new look for this environment!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.