All the charm of rustic kitchens, in the country or in the city

All the charm of rustic kitchens, in the country or in the city
Robert Rivera

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The word "rustic" means countryside, relative to the countryside. Here in Brazil, it can also be called "caipira". Therefore, a rustic kitchen must present characteristics that remind us of country life in all its simplicity. In general, the materials used are acquired from nature, such as clay, stone and wood, besides other elements that remind us of the farm environment, such asapparent bricks, rustic floors, colorful fabrics, and, especially, the furniture that must match the expected expectations for the environment.

If you like the rustic style, and live in the city, there is still no obstacle to adapt your taste. With the right tips and materials, you can have a fantastic environment, even if it is not in the country. Some decorative objects can help create a more country-like atmosphere. The right colors and everyday products can also help create the perfect setting for your rustic kitchen.dreams.

Tips for those who want to assemble a rustic kitchen

The market presents a range of industrialized products that imitate rustic materials, so it is not necessary to have a country house to give a kitchen a rustic look. The most important thing is to keep in mind that traditional farm buildings used the materials available in nature.

Therefore, it is interesting to abuse the use of wood - such as, for example, demolition wood, apparent bricks and adobe. Check below, some tips from architects José Carlos Guerra and Lucianna Carla Pezzolante Gerghi:

1. a lot of wood and iron is required

Because wood is an organic material, it needs special attention, since it will be in direct contact with a wet environment, in this case, the kitchen.

According to José Carlos, today there are specific products to treat wood, "most of which are fungicides associated with water repellents. These products are also pigments to give color to the wood", explains the architect. Iron also has the same problem as wood, that is, in contact with water it can rust and corrode.

Therefore, "it must also receive a specific treatment, but the market today presents some materials with qualities of resistance to these problems, such as patinable steel," says José Carlos. And, the most interesting thing is that the combination between the two materials is extremely pleasing to the eye.

2. look for wooden furniture with little treatment

Furniture with raw wood, patina, or demolition wood look incredible in rustic rooms, and there are countless companies in the market that specialize in this type of furniture. But, attention to the advice given by the architect Lucianna: "it is worth pointing out that wood is an absorbent material, and must be waterproofed to be used in kitchens".

This type of material is perfect for the composition of cabinets, countertops, and tables. However, its use is not recommended on the cooking counter, precisely because it is a porous material.

3. turn modern furniture into rustic

Your dream is to have a rustic piece of furniture, but you have just bought furniture with a very modern face? Roll up your sleeves and get to work, because it is possible to give it another face. Of course, it all depends on the finish used in the new furniture, but it is possible.

"The furniture must be sanded well, so that it becomes more porous and ready to receive a painting or varnish. The painting can be lacquer, latex paint, or PVA. To give it a worn patina look, a light sandpaper must be used on all the furniture after painting, taking care to always sand in the same direction", advises Lucianna.

There are countless ways to perform this type of work. If you are afraid you won't like the final result, trust the job to professionals who are specialized in these transformations.

4. use shelves

Unlike the cabinets without doors, there are shelves, impossible to be more practical, but they need to be even more organized than the cabinets without doors because, with them, absolutely everything is visible.

There is no standard height for shelves, the ideal is to fix them at a height accessible to the person who will handle the utensils", explains the professional.

5. a wood-fired oven is a good choice

A wood-fired oven is charming, and the food that is cooked in it has, without a doubt, a special flavor. If you want to invest in one of these, pay attention to the space. Besides the oven itself, it is also important to reserve a space, next to or very close to it, for the storage of firewood: "It is also necessary to have exhaust ducts", explains"

6. wood and marble go well together

The combination of wood and marble is also worth it, but with attention to the use: "Marble can be used in a countertop for cooking or as a countertop for support, although it is not the most used material when we want to give the environment a rustic look", explains José Carlos.

Because it is porous, you should avoid using abrasive products when cleaning marble. The environment gets a rustic-chic appearance, since marble is, by nature, a thinner and more delicate material.

7. wooden doors with glass

The kitchen entrance door and the cabinet doors can gain a powerful ally to make the environment more beautiful: glass. The combination of wood and glass always looks interesting. Just pay attention to the type of wood used. Depending on the material, you can have a kitchen with a very rustic or very modern look.

8. use burnt cement in moderation

Who doesn't remember those old red burnt cement floors, the famous "vermelhão", often used in schools and rustic houses of yesteryear? These floors are very charming and durable. With the use of white cement one can obtain various shades of colors, creating endless decoration possibilities. Therefore, burnt cement can be used, as long as it isvery well executed.

"The "heavy" aspect of the floor can be compensated with the use of materials with heavier colors, such as epoxy, which are more resistant to abrasion and can cause cracks.clear, generating very interesting results and combinations.

9. exposed brick is all about rustic cooking

The apparent brick is reminiscent of the old farms, which is why it blends in well with rustic environments. But it needs some care: "As it has the joints for laying in low relief, it causes an accumulation of dust and grease", explains Lucianna.

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There are several products on the market for treating apparent bricks, and each one has a specific use and application for each use, such as: external areas, kitchens, and others. If you choose to use the apparent bricks, look for a quality product to apply and keep your kitchen dust-free.

10. colors are welcome

Rustic environments do not necessarily have to have only wood tones. You can vary and insert small touches of colors such as beige, brown, ocher, white. If you are not afraid to innovate, it is worth investing in yellow, red and blue, which are primary colors.others," explains Lucianna.

"But what is most expected are colors in pastel shades, since on the farms, the paintings were made with lime-based paint, and it was not possible to achieve very strong and vivid colors with this material. Since the maintenance of the buildings was done in more spaced periods and the materials used had less durability, the finishes and paintings had a worn look, thus creating avery specific aesthetic characteristic," says José Carlos.

60 rustic kitchens to inspire you to build your own

With tips in hand, take a look at these rustic kitchen ideas, adaptable for your country home or your city dwelling.

1. everything by hand

Hang hooks and shelves, and organize the utensils according to their use. If they are used the most, they should be within easy reach; if they are used the least, they can be on the highest shelves.

2. white for a very feminine kitchen

A rustic environment does not necessarily need to have earthy tones. Here it is possible to see that the combination of white, which predominates the environment, with some touches of natural wood left the environment very clean and feminine.

3. earthy tones, an extra charm

The combination with wood is a sure thing, and there is no doubt that you will get it right. Balance it out with decorative objects in more neutral tones, such as black and white.

4. colors to balance

Even in a rustic environment, it is possible to innovate with color.

5. rustic and clean

The environment doesn't have to be stark, heavy, and dark. With the right items, you can build a clean kitchen. If possible, use large sliding glass doors, or large windows, which allow natural light to enter.

6. straight lines to modernize

Although the idea of a rustic kitchen is reminiscent of old farmhouses, this is not the reason why it cannot have modern touches in yours. Invest in newer materials, such as stainless steel for some utensils, and opt for furniture with straight lines.

7. wood and iron

With thrift, it is possible to use several of the architects' tips in your kitchen. Here, the option of cabinets without doors, shelves, and with a neutral touch. Notice that the green of the plant pot already gives a new face to the kitchen.

8. iron and wood

Iron and wood will always surprise, regardless of the tone of each. Invest in materials that match each other. For example: older, or natural wood color with copper or purposefully stained iron.

9. rustic and modern

The rustic look can also have a modern feel and be done in a townhouse. A touch of color can also be added to complement the decor.

10. table for the big family

In the cities, houses are getting smaller and smaller, but the idea does not apply when the house in question is in the country. If you have space, invest in a large table, with plenty of places to receive your friends and family. The tiles that decorate the edge of the hood and serve as a skirting board are a charm apart.

11. floor to ceiling wood

An amazing and very basic combination: white and wood. As you can see in this picture, the use of wood is not heavy, even though it appears from the floor to the ceiling. The use of elements in light tones makes the environment visually pleasing.

12. almost all white

Were you afraid to invest in color? Total white is also a sure bet to create a rustic environment. Combine it with objects made of natural wood or copper. If you have space, invest in a small mobile vegetable garden. The green will be the highlight of the kitchen.

13. stainless steel to give it a boost!

Just because it is rustic doesn't mean that the kitchen can't accommodate modern items and practical materials for cleaning. Use appliances in different shades, such as black, or stainless steel.

14. farmhouse charm

Try to decorate the environment being faithful to the idea of a farmhouse, for example, with furniture that recalls the previous century, either by its design or painting, which can be a patina, or reused wood.

15. rustic city cooking

A perfect example of a rustic kitchen in the city that is integrated with other rooms with a more modern decor, such as the dining or living room.

16. open environments

If you are lucky enough to have a kitchen that is open to the balcony, you are already at an advantage. This is because natural light is a great ally to the decor, allowing greater use of wood or other dark materials - including in the ceiling.

17. wood, what do I want you for?

An original farmhouse kitchen has almost all the furniture made of wood. You can adapt the idea and make your room in a more traditional style, using touches of iron and white color to balance it out.

18. small kitchen

If space is your main problem, take it easy. With a few adaptations, it is possible to have a charming environment. If possible, invest in a wooden table that is extendable (here, the table's base is fixed, and made of bricks). Use decorative objects and fabrics that refer to the countryside environment as well.

19. detail house matters

Bet on small details to make the environment richer, such as the burnt cement floor, with a floor cutout that imitates a carpet, with the set of dining chairs on it, besides the several wood colors, the ceiling with the exposed wood beams, and tiles on the sink wall.

20. a love called tacho

It is possible to find pots and pans in various materials, such as copper, iron, and clay. Regardless of which you prefer, it is worth buying them to use or simply to add to the decor. Small colorful items collaborate with the décor, such as the red faucet.

21. drips of color

Don't want to give up the safety of white when it comes to decorating? Choose to use small touches of color in your kitchen. Try using red, for example: a color that looks great in the kitchen and brings joy to the basic look.

22. it's the old pot that makes good food

If you can have a wood-burning oven.... Have it! Do it for yourself and for your guests. Food cooked in a pot and on a wood-burning stove is priceless. The smell of freshly cooked beans on that stove makes the kitchen look even more beautiful!

23. stone on stone

Stone buildings and decorations are reminiscent of ancient times, not only of farms, but of medieval stories as well! Be careful when choosing colors and other objects, so as not to weigh down the final result.

24. everything combines

If you have a wood oven, invest in a nice set of iron or clay pots, even if you are not going to use them, but just decorate them.

25. fifty shades of wood

Wood can be found in several shades and textures: smoother, thicker, more rustic, with natural veins showing through. Use your creativity to compose an environment that mixes several types of wood.

26. a kitchen worthy of a soap opera

A charming kitchen, that manages to balance the modern and the rustic. The marble and wood island draws attention to the room, which also has a stove and a double stainless steel refrigerator. The special touch is the copper pans hanging over the counter.

27. any piece of wood counts!

If inspiration - or money - is tight, you can take a chance on making your own furniture. Try reusing wood. One idea is pallets, which are easy to find and inexpensive. If you have small pieces, don't throw them away! They can be used to create details in the decoration.

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28. wood and gray

It is not difficult to find furniture in this color, and it is also possible to reproduce this shade at home.

29. wood and stone

A stone wall is a unique charm. To make the room even more rustic, invest in wooden furniture, iron ornaments, and charming decoration items. Even a simple basket, to go to the orchard to pick fruit, helps in the decoration.

30. wood for all tastes

White wood for the cabinet and table legs, natural wood on the wall and doors, a darker color for the chairs, and varnished wood for the ceiling beams and window frames.

31. light colors for a clean environment

A rustic kitchen can get out of the common and use light colors, and in several tones. For example: a door in a light green, almost mint, white or grayish furniture, a floor mixed in the cream tone and decorative objects that give a bucolic air to the environment.

32. the kitchen is outside

Some houses have the kitchen in the backyard, on the border of the backyard. This allows the installation of barbecues and allows an open environment, privileged with the entry of natural light. In rooms like this, invest in small touches of color.

33. blood-red on the wall

If innovation is your last name, choose a very strong color and apply it to one wall. For balance, use furniture in light and opaque tones, and appliances in classic colors such as white or stainless steel. The cabinet under the sink is open, perfect for having everything at hand.

34. dollhouse

A house with charm and everything in place is always classified as a "dollhouse".

35. color here and there

You can't give up wood, but you love colorful items? No problem! Decoration stores have more and more options of products in a wide range of colors that go beyond the basic black and white. Colorful tiles are also a great way to renew the look of a room without making too much mess.

36. open kitchen

This environment is so beautiful, cozy and versatile, that it can be adapted very well for country, city or even beach houses! The use of bamboo creates a cozy atmosphere, and even the pottery-filled fruit bowl looks beautiful!

37. high ceiling height

A kitchen with high ceilings is already beautiful by itself. In a rustic version, it is possible to choose the wood for the ceiling - even using the famous "wood scissors" - and use windows at different heights, as if they were two stories high.

38. small touches of rusticity

If you don't want to give up a modern kitchen, but love the rustic style, you can incorporate small details into the decor, such as the use of bricks on an isolated wall or a wooden countertop.

39. brick and stools

This kitchen shows that the structure of the room can be divided and adjusted according to the resident's taste, with modern appliances, the retro mix of the exposed brick wall and the iron and wood stools, the painted cabinets, and the natural wood floor.

40. dream cottage

This super cozy cottage can be perfect for any situation: a family vacation, a vacation with friends, a romantic weekend, or even that getaway from the city just to relax. The combination of wood and stone is almost an invitation to relax. A haven equipped with everything you need, just grab a glass of wine and enjoy the moment!

41. enchanted refuge

The bench idea makes the room seem more inviting, and is perfect for rooms that don't have a lot of space. Called "German corner", these benches are found in several versions and sizes, and some of them even have the plus of being a trunk! Complete the decoration with a small bar anddishes on the wall.

42. pizza oven in the rustic space

The rustic kitchen is more beautiful with a wood oven for everyday meals, but, if possible, add a pizza oven to the project as well - and preferably a brick one, to give it all that charm. Besides the round ones, the oven can also bake delicious bread, which will perfume the whole environment.

43. field gray

But there is also the "country gray," which is a light, somewhat pale gray, often used in country houses. In cities, architects often explore the stronger color, a dark gray, bordering on industrial. The lighter version creates a mild, bucolic atmosphere, perfect for rustic settings.

44. touch of Midas

According to Greek mythology, Midas turned everything he touched into gold. Gold is beautiful and enchants in decoration, but for a more rustic décor, the metallic tone that suits best is copper. Invest in small coppery details in the room, and give the Midas touch your way.

45. use the space to your advantage

It's not because a room is rustic that it needs to be dark and small, or with so many things that make it seem smaller. Use light wood to compose the kitchen. On the floor, to give a greater feeling of amplitude, invest in slats or sheets of wood in only one direction.

46. dark wood and marble

Dark wood cabinets are imposing, and look best when used in rooms with plenty of space. In the same room, use marble and stainless steel pieces, the combination makes the kitchen look refined.

47. capuccino, the color of the moment

Cappucino has become a color that decorators desire, and looks charming both inside and outside the house. Use one color as a base, and variations of it in the details. For example: the color applied to the wall, and shades in the same scale (or palette) in the furniture and decorative objects.

48. what about leather?

If you are one of those people who has several preferences and can't decide to use only one of them when decorating, this is a great idea to set up a rustic space: invest in wood and leather (here, in the stools, around the table). If the environment allows, use coating that imitates wood or brick.

49. use white as a base

There is no need to cross the street to avoid going into an antique store! Go in and buy everything you like! To avoid making a mistake when putting everything together, opt for using white walls and wooden objects or furniture. This way, you can mix a few touches of color and one thing or another of a different style, without creating visual confusion.

50. subway tile

The famous subway tiles also have their place in rustic environments. To make the environment visually larger, the grout can be white, to create the feeling of spaciousness along with the wonderful u-shaped countertop.

51. beams and columns as allies

Some buildings don't allow you to camouflage or remove beams and columns, and as the saying goes, "if you can't handle them, join them. The idea, then, is to use the problem as part of the decoration. The wooden beams look great combined with the white ceiling, the table and the hood.

52. blackboard on the door

The barn door may be charming on its own, but it becomes even more charming when it gains another function. Use specific paint and create a blackboard on the door, perfect for writing down notes to the family, shopping lists, and even the week's menu.

53. much love for the plate racks

Wooden cabinets are available in many versions: modern, antique, vintage style... But nothing beats the charm of wooden plate-holders! This kitchen also has other charming points, such as the sink with differentiated tub, the embroidered curtain under the sink, and iron cabinet knobs and shelf hands.

54. a kitchen on the veranda

Some houses have two kitchens, one inside and one outside, as if it were in the backyard, balcony, or even a "continuation" of the house, outside. If this is your case, opt for a more modern kitchen inside the house, and let your imagination run wild outside.

55. the charm of stainless steel

Wood on the floor, cabinets, wall, window, and ceiling! Each choice was made with great attention, so that the woods were different and didn't clash with each other. The use of stainless steel appliances and inserts gives a touch of modernity.

56. MDF will do, too!

There is no comparison for the practicality of planned furniture! Even if they are not made of solid wood - with that beautiful robustness! - (usually MDF or MDP) they can be used to create environments with a rustic style. Choose carefully the color of the finish of the furniture and, if possible, use one that has some kind of texture.

57. when the kitchen is the heart of the house

Homes with spacious living rooms and kitchens are perfect for large families. Imagine your friends and family around this huge island, or around the wooden table. The kitchen is cozy, and perfect for cooking while having a nice chat.

58. barn doors

Barn doors are charming and eye-catching in any setting! In a rustic space, it can go very well with wooden island, old brick floor and hanging utensils!

59. take advantage of the project phase

If you are building a house, take advantage of the design stage to put down on paper everything you have always imagined for your rustic corner. Ideas will take shape and creativity will be even more in evidence!

60. appliance tower

Today's most modern kitchens always have a tower of appliances, with an electric oven, microwave oven, among other options. Here the idea is the same, only with small substitutions (or adaptations) for the rustic style, with a wood oven and a style to make any lover of kitchens drool!

There is no 100% right or wrong in decorating, what matters is that the combination looks beautiful in the final result. So, if the idea of a rustic kitchen appeals to you, but your house is not like a traditional farmhouse, no problem. It is even possible to create a rustic kitchen integrated with other rooms with a modern look, such as the living or dining room.

If you choose an integrated rustic kitchen, the other rooms should have a lighter decoration, with furniture with straighter lines and more neutral colors. The meeting of environments and clashes of styles can generate very pleasant and beautiful solutions, but it is always good to plan very carefully so as not to obtain unexpected results.home with style!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.