Blue Wall: 85 amazing models to inspire you

Blue Wall: 85 amazing models to inspire you
Robert Rivera

Table of contents

Blue is in fashion in decoration, and its classic tone was even elected by Pantone as the color of the year 2020. To use it, you can buy furniture and objects in this tone or have a blue wall in your space. Below, we show you beautiful blue wall ideas for you to get inspired!

1. blue is a color that transmits peace

2. and tranquility

For this reason, it is widely used in decoration projects.

4. the color can be used in various environments

5. as in a room


7. corridor

8. and even in a professional environment

9. as a home office

10. in bedrooms, it is also widely used

11. since it transmits calmness

12. and beautifies the environment

13. another option is a blue exterior wall

14. that can enhance the entrance of your home

15. besides choosing in which environment will be your blue wall

16. you still have to think about the color tone

17. what you want to have at home

18. petroleum blue is on the rise

19. because it brings elegance

20. and sophistication to the environments

21. another option is royal blue

22. that gives liveliness

23. and joy to his house

24. what about a baby blue wall?

25. it is usually used in children's rooms

26. for transmitting calmness

27. and delicacy

28 But this tone can also be used in other environments

29. how it was done in this apartment

30. or in this space

31. if you want to increase your wall

32. you can place frames

33. or even a wallpaper over the paint

34 - Even if you don't want to paint the wall blue

35. using wallpaper is a great option

36. it can be totally blue

37. in gradient

38. striped

39. blue with similar colors

40. or even with more eye-catching colors

41. since the blue wall combines with various colors

42. a classic is the combination with white

43. that can be used on the same wall

44. at the door

45. and in the furniture

46 Another color that goes well with blue is pink

47. look at this wall, how interesting

48. the contrast that is obtained between both colors

49. and its various shades

50. creates a great harmony in the environment

51. how it happened in that room

52. if you like less flashy colors

53 - You can combine blue with gray

54. since these colors look great together

55. and give sophistication to the environment

56. look at this example, how beautiful

57. burnt cement

58. and wood also look great with a blue wall

59. wood texture can be in the details

60. furniture

61. floors

62. and other walls

63. the wood can still be of various shades

64. the ideal is to observe the blue tone of your wall

65. and see what wood tones go well with it

66. if you like blue a lot

67. you don't have to use it only on the wall

68. color can be present in the decoration

69. to create a peaceful environment

70. or very alive

71. put green plants in the blue wall space

72 It is an idea that was once considered inappropriate

73 But today, it is already known that it can create beautiful environments

74 So, if you like plants

75. How about setting up a space like this?

76. the combination can be used outdoors

77. and internals

78 You can still mix these ideas

79. how to use white and wood

80. or plants, white and wood

81. here, these elements create an elegant environment

82. regardless of the combinations

83 The fact is that the blue wall

84. makes any environment beautiful

85. and transforms the mood of space!

The blue wall can positively modify the spaces in your home by bringing peace, tranquility, and delicacy to them. After seeing these examples, do you already know what kind of blue wall you want to have? In case you don't want to use the color on the wall, see blue sofa models to use in your decoration!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.