Gardener shares tips on how to cultivate the lady's slipper

Gardener shares tips on how to cultivate the lady's slipper
Robert Rivera

The slipper-of-judia is a plant native to India that will conquer your heart. With exuberant flowers that do not go unnoticed, the species is perfect to compose outdoor areas and gardens, ensuring a cheerful and full of life decoration. Below, learn how to grow it at home!

What is the Jewish Shoe

The slipper, or Thunbergia mysorensis According to gardener Flávia Kremer, "the species is easy to grow and has great ornamental value. In nature, it is possible to find it with a mix of colors, between yellow, orange, and brown.

The flower looks beautiful on walls, hedges, and pergolas, and growing in pots also brings an air of delicacy to the environment.

Why the name 'Jewish slipper'?

The dark green shade of the leaves also contributes to the visual effect.

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Is Spearfoot a poisonous plant?

Despite bringing color and a lot of joy to the environments, the species is considered toxic, so it is necessary to take some care during cultivation. According to the specialist, "the plant should not be kept near children and pets.

Toadstool x jade creeper

The slipper and the climbing jade are very similar in the appearance of their flowers, however, they are different species. While the slipper belongs to the family Acanthaceae and native to India, jade is from the family Fabaceae and originated in the Philippines.

How to take care of the lady's slipper

The marigold is a medium-sized, fast-growing climbing vine that can reach up to 6 m in height. However, it is necessary to pay attention to cultivation in order to be successful. Below are some valuable tips from the gardener:

1. irrigation

According to the specialist, the watering must be moderate, "done only when the substrate is dry. Therefore, the tip is to always observe the plant". The species also does not like very humid soil.

2. fertilization

Fertilizer is an essential component for the plant, as it ensures the proper nutrients for long-lasting and vigorous flowering. Kremer recommends using the industrialized fertilizer NPK 4.14.8, specific for flowering species.

3. luminosity

Like most climbing plants, the slipper-of-judia appreciates places with good luminosity and full sun. According to the specialist, it can also be grown in half shade. For this type of environment, the plant must receive at least 4 to 6 hours of sun per day.

4. ideal soil

"The climber appreciates a fertile soil and rich in organic matter," he begins. For this, Kremer indicates a well-drained substrate, because the plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the roots. For pot cultivation, the tip is to use bidim blanket, shredded tiles, or pebbles.

5. pruning

This plant does not need pruning, but many people do it to encourage its growth. According to manta bidim, "pruning can be done once a year, right after flowering. The gardener points out that clean and sterilized equipment must be used, to avoid the presence of diseases and pests.

6. seedlings

The species multiplies by cutting, i.e., a technique that uses the branches of the plant. To be successful in this type of cultivation, the branches need to be planted in a draining substrate rich in organic matter.

7. flowering

According to Kremer, the flowering happens in the spring and summer seasons, and can extend into the fall. It is in this period that the plant has greener leaves, rapid growth, and showy flowers. In addition, the species attracts insects and birds at this time, such as hummingbirds.

8. plant growth

To ensure that your climber develops healthily and has beautiful flowers, Kremer points out that "the flower needs to be grown in good light, be in nutrient-rich soil, and receive quality fertilizer at least 4 times a year.

Finally, the slipper appreciates warmer locations, so be a little patient with the plant if you live in a colder region. In these cases, the tip is to ensure good lighting and fertilization throughout the year.

Learn more about the slipper

In addition to all the above tips, you can also find more information about the lady's slipper in the videos below. The selection includes practical tips on cultivation and seedling production, as well as some interesting facts:

More hints on growing the marshmallow frog

In this video, gardener Flávia Kremer brings other guidelines to succeed in cultivating the plant. Here, you will learn a little more about the species' life cycle, curiosities, and tips on fertilization and irrigation. The expert also teaches how to make seedlings to ensure the propagation of the flower in a practical way.

Step by step to make creeper seedlings

Cuttings are the most practical way to make seedlings and in this video you learn the step by step of this technique. The video teaches how to choose the branches and also shares ideal planting tips, showing which is the perfect substrate to generate new seedlings. This video is interesting, especially if you want to make your garden even more blooming.

More curiosities about the species

Did you know that the plant can produce bunches of flowers more than 1 m long? Here, you will find this and other curiosities that make this vine so interesting and ornamental. The content also brings tips for using the plant in decoration in a cheerful and sophisticated way.

Now it's easy to grow the lady's slipper, isn't it? Now follow the next topic and get inspired by decoration ideas that use all the charm of the plant to beautify the space.

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10 photos that took advantage of the charm of the slipper in the decoration

Finally, to prove the potency of the lady's slipper, check out inspirations for using the flower in decoration. It looks beautiful on pergolas, hedges, and planters:

1. the shape of the flowers of the lady's slipper is enchanting

2 - The climber has bright and intense colors that bring charm to the environments

3. the plant is perfect for outdoor areas

4. and with its great ornamental value

5. it's easy to create a cheerful and relaxed corner at home

6 - In decoration, the flower guarantees a modern and delicate arrangement

7- It steals the scene if cultivated on pergolas

8. because it is a pendant, it also gives a beautiful effect on walls and windows

9. if you prefer, you can also grow it in pots

10. no doubt your house will be much more cheerful with the presence of this beautiful vine

To make your room even more colorful, choose to grow geraniums, after all, the species blooms all year round!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.