Homemade Disinfectant: 8 Easy and Economical Ways to Make It

Homemade Disinfectant: 8 Easy and Economical Ways to Make It
Robert Rivera

Who doesn't like to be in a clean and smelling environment? Nowadays the market is full of products that help us take care of and protect our home from bacteria and mold, besides making the environment more pleasant.easy and economical. Check it out!

Homemade Natural Disinfectant

  1. In a container, which can be a PET bottle, combine 1 glass of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and the whole package of cloves;
  2. Let it rest for a few hours, until the liquid has a reddish color and all the cloves are in the bottom of the container.

If you are a fan of natural products, this is the right tutorial for you.

Ecologically correct, this multi-purpose disinfectant does not leave stains and even prevents mosquitoes, ants and mold!

Homemade scented disinfectant

  1. In a bottle with 2 liters of water, add 30 ml of white vinegar, 30 ml of 10V oxygenated water, 10 ml of detergent, and 20 drops of your preferred essence;
  2. Finish by adding the coloring of your choice.

This tutorial is ideal for anyone who likes to keep their home scented and clean.

This disinfectant, besides being super easy to make, is bactericidal, super economical and versatile. You can even decide what smell it will leave in your home!

Homemade disinfectant with softener

  1. In a large bucket, add 20L of cold water, 1 whole glass of detergent, and stir;
  2. Then add 4 tablespoons of baking soda and continue stirring;
  3. Then, pour into the mixture 500 ml of alcohol vinegar, 200 ml of alcohol, 1 cap of concentrated softener, and 2L of disinfectant of your choice;
  4. Finally, mix everything for 2 minutes and distribute the liquid in smaller containers, which will make it easier to use the disinfectant on a daily basis.

Follow this tutorial, which is ideal for you who want to make your homemade disinfectant stand out.

This easy and practical disinfectant combines the bactericide function of the product with the super-pleasant scent of softeners at a very economical cost!

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Eucalyptus natural disinfectant

  1. You will need approximately 30 eucalyptus leaves, either natural or purchased in the market;
  2. Add these leaves to a container, along with 300 ml of 70% alcohol and keep it for 4 days, stirring the mixture once a day;
  3. After this period, you will just need to strain the mixture to remove the leaves and add it to a container with 1L of water and 200 ml of detergent, mixing these components well to finish.

Easy, this step by step will help you produce an economical and natural disinfectant

Smelly and refreshing, this disinfectant is indicated for spraying on curtains, carpets, and rugs, eliminating bad odors and bacteria.

Homemade lavender disinfectant

  1. For this recipe, you will pour in a large container 500 ml of detergent, 750 ml of alcohol vinegar, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 10 L of water, and finally 120 ml of lavender essence;
  2. Stir everything together until all ingredients are diluted and you are ready to use.

This tutorial is for those who like disinfectants that yield a lot and are super-smelly.

The recipe yields more than 11L of disinfectant, and will leave your home smelling clean and tidy, while spending very little.

Homemade lemon disinfectant

  1. For this disinfectant you will reuse the shells of 15 lemons (whatever kind you have);
  2. Add 1.5 L of water to a container with the peels and let it rest for 24h;
  3. After this time, add the reserved content to the blender until it becomes a paste;
  4. Then strain the mixture through a voal strainer, separating all the liquid;
  5. Then reserve this liquid for 24 hours, to ferment;
  6. Finish by adding ½ cup of 46° ethyl alcohol and shake.

If you are a fan of reusing things, this step by step is ideal!

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Besides bringing that delicious citrus scent into your home, this disinfectant is ideal for people with pets, because it does not affect them.

Homemade Soap Disinfectant

  1. For this type of disinfectant, you will first grate the soap into a container, then add 1L of boiling water, stirring the contents until all the soap is dissolved;
  2. Then dilute 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a little water add it to the container with the soap;
  3. Then add 50 ml of detergent, 100 ml of lemon vinegar, and 100 ml of alcohol, stirring constantly.
  4. Let it rest for 40 minutes;
  5. To finish, add 4 L of natural water and stir to incorporate.

To clean and polish the house, this is the right step to take.

This disinfectant is very handy if used in a small bottle, and besides cleaning well, it is spotless and super-smelly.

Homemade orange disinfectant

  1. First you need to boil the peel of 4 oranges in 700 ml water;
  2. As soon as it cools down, beat everything in a blender;
  3. Pass this mixture through a sieve, so that you can use only the juice;
  4. In another container, add 5 L of water and 2 spoons of baking soda, and in this mixture, add 500 ml of the orange juice, previously strained;
  5. Then add 100 ml vinegar;
  6. Add 200 ml of fabric softener and 250 ml of pine sun or essence;
  7. Finish with 100 ml of alcohol, to help preserve the mixture, since it was made with the peel of the fruit.

If you want a powerful disinfectant that reuses leftovers, this is the right tutorial:

Who doesn't like the refreshing smell of orange, right? This recipe, besides being fragrant, yields 6L of disinfectant that keeps well for 1.5 months.

Now that you know how easy it is, how about making your own disinfectant at a low cost? Choose the aroma you like the most, the recipe that has the ingredients you have at home, and get to work!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.