How to care for Ficus lyrata and 20 decoration ideas with the plant

How to care for Ficus lyrata and 20 decoration ideas with the plant
Robert Rivera

The Ficus lyrata, popularly known as the lyre fig, is a tree native to West Africa that has become very popular here. Its large, glossy leaves are very eye-catching in decoration. Although a medium-sized plant, the tree can also be grown in pots indoors and out. Here's how you can grow it and show off its charm:

How to care for Ficus lyrata

Like any other plant, the Ficus lyrata needs care in order to grow healthy. When planted in a pot, it is a slow growing tree, but if planted in the ground, it can reach a height of 12 meters. Overall, it is a low maintenance and easy to care for plant, which makes it a good alternative for indoor environments. See our tips:

  • Watering: Ficus lyrata likes moist soil, but not waterlogged, so it is best to put your finger in the soil (in the case of potted plants) before watering: if your finger comes up dirty, do not water. The topsoil needs to be very dry before watering is necessary.
  • Lighting: does not need direct sun and thrives very well in diffused light or half-shade. If it is in a pot, it should ideally be close to the window. If you are planting it in the backyard, the ideal is not to plant it as soon as you get home: start with an internal area, moving to half-shade and only then to full sun, in the interval of a few days.
  • Pests: The plant is usually quite resistant, but can still suffer from pests, the aphid being the most common. If you find them, prepare a solution of water with coconut soap and wipe the leaves, front and back, with a cloth. There is no need to use poisons or oils: this is enough to keep the insects away.
  • Fertilization: This is not a plant that requires much fertilization. Experts recommend using half the amount indicated on the fertilizer package. You can also do foliar fertilization, which is to spray the leaves with the indicated tonic once a month.
  • How to bottle: when moving your Ficus lyrata to a new pot, it is important to pay attention to the drainage: the pot must have some holes, to make sure the water doesn't accumulate and rot the plant's roots. the first layer should be expanded clay, followed by a drainage blanket and some substrate. place the plant with the root ball and cover with more substrate and organic material.
  • Pruning: Because it is a slow growing plant when potted, it may take a long time before you need to prune Ficus lyrata to maintain its size. To control its growth, it is best not to pot the plant too large and to prune its top.
  • Toxicity: Ficus lyrata is a toxic plant and should be kept out of the reach of small children and pets. Gloves must be worn when pruning the plant, as its sap can burn on contact with the skin.
  • Burned/yellowed leaves: Dry air can also harm the foliage of the Ficus lyrata, so it is not good to keep it in a constantly air-conditioned environment. Spraying water on the leaves every fortnight also helps.
  • Brown spots and fall: These are common problems when Ficus lyrata is suffering from low temperatures. The drop in temperature can also make the leaves duller and darker, so avoid leaving your pot in the serene or exposed to freezing winds.
  • Do you like the idea of having this amazing plant in your home, but aren't sure where to put it? Enjoy seeing an amazing list of pictures to inspire you!

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    20 pictures of environments decorated with Ficus lyrata to buy one right now

    Ficus lyrata is super versatile and looks great in decorating a variety of settings, including living room, dining room, bedroom, and even kitchen. Check it out:

    1. a little green in the bedroom always goes down well

    2. the Ficus lyrata makes any environment more stylish

    3. and it looks beautiful in a natural container

    4. or also in a concrete vase

    5. plant in the bathroom? yes

    6. the most important thing is to have natural light

    7. to keep your Ficus lyrata healthy

    8. and make the environment even more beautiful

    9. combining it with other plants is a great idea

    10. but it also looks great on its own

    11 - You can't help but fall in love, can you?

    12. look how it goes with elegant spaces

    13- Your decoration can only be improved with this plant

    14. it is a good option for balconies as well

    15. you just have to be careful

    16. so that the plant always looks beautiful

    17. and grow healthy

    18. plants go with any decoration style

    19. and Ficus lyrata is not an exception

    20. you can be sure that it is worth the care!

    Lack of knowledge and inspiration for decoration are no longer excuses! If you want to take advantage of this, see more ideas for apartment plants.

    See_also: 75 girly nursery ideas and tips for creative decorating

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.