How to fold napkins and decorate the table with style

How to fold napkins and decorate the table with style
Robert Rivera

If you like to arrange your table with beautiful and creative details, learn with the tips and tutorials below how to fold napkins. You will be amazed at the effect and finish that it gives to your table!

1. single fold with loop

  1. Fold the napkin in half to form a triangle;
  2. Bring the bottom left and right ends to the top end forming a square;
  3. Take a ring or napkin clip;
  4. Pass the bottom edge of the fold through the ring or fastener;
  5. Finish by adjusting the folds so that they are wide open;

The following video is simple, practical and fast. With three folds and a napkin clip you will elaborate a beautiful and creative fold!

2. elegant folding for dining table

  1. Fold the napkin in half to form a rectangle;
  2. Fold it in half again to form a square;
  3. Join the first layer from the top end to the bottom end;
  4. Take the next top edge and pass it through the opening formed by the previous fold;
  5. Leave a border of about two fingers;
  6. Pass the next top end through the inside of the next opening formed ;
  7. Leave a border of about one finger;
  8. Turn the folding part to the surface where the fold is being made;
  9. Join the right and left ends in the middle;
  10. Turn the previous folding part up again;

Although fast, the video has many details that are essential to the final effect.

3. how to fold paper napkins

  1. The paper napkin should be folded in four to form a square;
  2. On each quarter of the napkin fold a triangle by joining the ends in the middle;
  3. Then repeat the previous step with the four ends that have formed;
  4. Turn the folding part to the surface where the fold is being made;
  5. Take each of the four ends to the middle of the napkin again;
  6. From the inside of the bottom of each triangle, carefully pull the formed end upwards;
  7. When pulling the ends, hold the front part with your fingers so that the paper is firm;
  8. Adjust the ends and base so that a flower is formed;

This tutorial is amazing and will amaze you with the power of a fold! Because it is paper, take extra care when folding, and especially when pulling the edges, so as not to tear or crumple the paper.

4. romantic heart-shaped fold

  1. Fold the napkin in two to form two rectangles that are joined in the middle;
  2. Fold one part over the other forming a single rectangle;
  3. Attach one of your fingers to the top, marking the middle of the napkin;
  4. Take the left part of the fold down and do the same with the other side next;
  5. Turn the napkin so that the formed end faces you;
  6. Trim the ends of the folds so that they form the top of the heart;

This tutorial is perfect for those who want to make their table not only beautiful, but also super romantic.

5. delicate flower-shaped napkin

  1. Join two ends of the napkin into a triangle;
  2. Roll it up to the top leaving a small triangle in the top space;
  3. Roll up from one end to the other leaving a small part free;
  4. Attach the spare end to one of the folds that have formed;
  5. Support the flower part to the surface where the fold is being made;
  6. Take the two ends that have formed and open so that they wrap around the rose;

This folding has a very realistic visual effect, but impresses with the ease of the technique. Bet on cheerful colors to form beautiful flowers and decorate your table in a very delicate way.

6. how to fold napkin into triangle

  1. Join two ends of the napkin into a triangle;
  2. Repeat the previous process to form a smaller triangle;

This is by far the easiest folding technique. With only two folds you can make the traditional triangle fold, often used on plates.

See_also: How to assemble and decorate a modern kitchen

7. tutorial for folding cloth napkins with cutlery

  1. Fold it in half to form a rectangle that is a little more than half the size of the napkin;
  2. Then make a new rectangle with the bottom part about two fingers wide;
  3. Adjust the creases by running your hands over the folds;
  4. Turn the folding part to the surface where the fold is being made;
  5. Rotate the napkin so that the smaller part of the rectangle is toward you;
  6. Make three folds, one over the other, in the opposite direction;
  7. Place the cutlery inside the opening formed;

Learn how to make a napkin fold that will serve as a cutlery holder using precise, well-made folds. Always adjust the creases so as to keep the fold just right and without wrinkles.

8. paper napkin fold for cutlery

  1. The paper napkin should be folded in four to form a square;
  2. Pull the first top end up to the bottom end and fold it over just before the two meet;
  3. Repeat this process with the next two upper ends, always leaving a space between the lower ends;
  4. Turn the folding part to the surface where the fold is being made;
  5. Fold the left and right ends to the center, forming a point at the bottom;
  6. Turn the previous fold up again by adjusting the creases with your fingers;
  7. Place the cutlery inside the opening formed;

This is the paper version of the fold, for those who don't have or don't like the fabric models. The big advantage is that since it is paper, the fold is firmer and easier to make!

9. napkin fold in the bowl

  1. Join two ends of the napkin into a triangle;
  2. Attach one of your fingers to the bottom, marking the middle of the napkin;
  3. Take the tip of one part of the triangle to the other side, with the mark made in the middle;
  4. Make one more fold in the same direction, forming three overlapping triangles;
  5. Bring the bottom edge to the middle of the fold;
  6. Carefully tuck the folded napkin into a bowl and tuck in the ends;

Have you ever thought of using the napkin inside a bowl for a more exquisite dinner? Learn how in the following tutorial!

See_also: Festa boteco: 70 ideas and tutorials for a fun party

10. paper napkin fold into a bow

  1. The paper napkin should be folded in four to form a square;
  2. Fold the napkin into thin rectangles alternately, front and back;
  3. The napkin should form a single small rectangle with the folded ends;
  4. Secure the middle of the napkin with a ribbon or fastener;
  5. After securing the middle well, open the sides with your fingers to form a loop;

Check out how to make a very practical bow on a paper napkin, paying attention to the shape and size of the folds so that the result is very beautiful.

The tips above are perfect for those who want to transform a utensil that is already part of the table setting into a decorative item, such as the cloth napkin.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.