How to grow roses: step by step planting and care of the rose bush

How to grow roses: step by step planting and care of the rose bush
Robert Rivera

The rose is one of the most popular and classic flowers in garden decoration. Strongly associated with the celebration of love, it is found in many colors and varieties. It is a beautiful and fragrant flower that pleases everyone. It generally loves the sun, blooms all year round, and its planting and cultivation are relatively simple. For those who want a rose bush in their home, garden or pots, there are several waysCheck out how to plant roses using different techniques to have a roses always beautiful and with many flowers:

How to grow roses in potatoes

A very simple technique for planting roses is to use a potato. This practical trick helps the rose to take root naturally in the soil and provides the necessary moisture and nutrients for the rose to grow. Here's how:

Materials required

  • Rosa
  • Potato
  • Scissors
  • Screw
  • Fertilized soil
  • Pet bottle

Step by step

  1. Prepare the rose branch for planting by removing all its leaves and flowers;
  2. With scissors, make an inclined cut at the end of the branch, leaving the stems approximately 15 cm long;
  3. Take the potato and make a hole in it with a screw. The hole should be deep enough and just the right size to hold the stem steady, but not too tight. Plant one rose per potato;
  4. With the branch fixed to the potato, prepare a site to receive the seedling. This can be a space in the garden or a pot. Dig a hole in the soil to accommodate the potato. Cover it well with compost until about halfway up the stem;
  5. To facilitate the development of the rose, cut the bottom of a pet bottle and place it on top of the seedling. It will act as a greenhouse for the rose to sprout.

With potatoes and in a very simple way, you can easily grow roses and flower your garden. You can start growing right now!

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How to grow roses in vases

One of the most traditional ways to plant roses is by using pots, in which case the planting is done in a similar way to other plants:

Materials required

  • Rose Bud
  • Vase with holes
  • Gravel
  • Fertilized black earth
  • Coarse sand

Step by step

  1. To begin, prepare the chosen pot by placing some gravel on the bottom;
  2. Mix the sand with the compost, in a proportion of half soil and half sand;
  3. Pour the mixture into the pot, filling it to just over halfway, without compacting the soil;
  4. Make a hole in the soil and place the rose seedling in it. Finally, fill it up with the substrate, squeezing it lightly.

You can plant more than one rose bush in each pot, to get a beautiful look. You can also scatter the rose bushes around your balcony, terrace, or garden. The result is sure to be fantastic.

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How to plant roses by the branches

Another way to plant roses is through the branches. In this technique you can use the rose you got for a special occasion to plant.

Materials required

  • Rose branch
  • Scissors
  • Container with water
  • Earth and/or pot

Step by step

  1. Prepare the branch for planting. If the branch is flowering, cut the flower with scissors. Also make a small slanted cut at the other end;
  2. Leave the branch for a few days in a container of water. If you want, also add some fertilizer to the water, such as NPK 10-10-10;
  3. Transfer the branch to the place where you want to plant it, it can be a garden bed or a pot. Make a small hole in the soil and bury the tip, so that the branch is firmly in the soil and covers it.

This is another very simple way to plant roses. Just take good care and remember to water to enjoy all the beauty of this flower.

How to plant rose seedling (by cuttings)

The way of planting roses by cuttings is one of the oldest methods and is also quite common, learn it below:

Materials required

  • A rose stake
  • Pruning shears
  • Plastic vase or other container
  • Expanded clay
  • Earth
  • Humus
  • Sand
  • Plastic bag or pet bottle

Step by step

  1. With pruning shears, cut a stake from a rose bush at an intersection of branches. Choose a branch without flowers and that has at least a couple of leaves. The cut should be made in a diagonally inclined manner. The branch needs to be about 15 cm long and have at least two buds - which are the protrusions on the stem of new branches;
  2. With the stake cut, remove much of the leaves and leave only a few on top;
  3. Prepare the container for planting by drilling holes in the bottom and fill it initially with expanded clay. Make a substrate mixture with a little soil, humus, and sand to fill in the rest;
  4. Dig a planting hole 5 cm deep and place the stake. Cover it with the substrate, pressing it lightly. Then water the surrounding soil;
  5. Protect your stake from direct sunlight by placing a plastic bag or pet bottle over it to create a mini greenhouse.

This technique requires constant watering during the rooting period, which lasts about 15 days, so that the cutting does not dry out. After this period, you can transplant your plant to a permanent location and enjoy all its exuberant blooming.

How to grow roses by seeds

Another way to grow roses is to directly cultivate the seeds. However, the waiting time will be longer, since it will be necessary to germinate them. Check out how to do it:

Materials required

  • Rose Seeds
  • Water
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%.
  • Paper towel
  • Plastic cups
  • Earth and/or pot

Step by step

  1. To begin, purchase the rose seeds you want to plant. Then, put about 250 ml of water in a container and add one to two teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak the seeds in this solution for an hour;
  2. Then moisten two sheets of paper towel and wrap the seeds. Store in the refrigerator for a few weeks. Check from time to time and if necessary add a few more drops of water on the paper towel;
  3. When the seeds begin to sprout, about 12 weeks later, transfer each seed to a plastic cup with soil and a hole in the bottom;
  4. After a few weeks of care and with the leaves showing, the seedlings can now be transplanted to a larger bed or pot.

Although the waiting time is longer and requires a little more attention, planting the seeds is relatively simple and you can enjoy all the development of the rose bush. If you buy stratified seeds you can already skip to the planting part.

How to care for a rose bush

  • Watering: Water is essential for the roses' development. Water at least once a week, preferably in the midday sun, so the roots will take advantage of the water and the soil will dry out quickly. Avoid waterlogging or accumulated water.
  • Lighting: Roses should be grown in full sun. For roses in pots, place them in areas that receive plenty of sunlight during the day.
  • Fertilization: A well fertilized soil is primordial so that the rose bush will always be beautiful and healthy. Mix bone meal and ashes to the soil or fertilize with NPK 10-10-10 every two months.
  • Pruning: Periodically do some maintenance pruning to eliminate dry branches. Also cut off wilted flowers. Always remember to make diagonal cuts. The annual pruning of roses should be done between June and August to stimulate flowering.
  • Pests and fungi: To control some fungi, such as rust and black spot, more intense pruning is recommended to eliminate the infected parts. Collect everything and burn it. To avoid powdery mildew, water spacedly, avoiding humidity in the plant. Also spray with phytosanitary products such as sulfur. To combat pests such as aphids, spray with a soap and water solution. Fungicidesand insecticides can also be used for prevention.

There are many ways to grow roses, some are very simple and require little gardening skill. After learning all these techniques, choose the one you prefer and start growing it, and by following the care tips for your rose bush, you can enjoy all the beauty and scent of roses in your garden. Also, learn how to care for sunflowers.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.