How to paint MDF: step by step to have an impeccable piece

How to paint MDF: step by step to have an impeccable piece
Robert Rivera

A handmade item has the power to enchant because it is unique and has the touch of the person who made it, so knowing how to paint MDF is a way to personalize some pieces and offer unique gifts to friends.

Besides these benefits, crafting is also a way to relax the mind and encourage the imagination, so check out how to have an amazing and perfectly painted piece:

Materials for painting MDF

It is possible to do various types of MDF painting. You can use a brush, paint roller or a spray, so the materials may vary according to your choice. In general, the items needed are:

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  • White paint to make up the base;
  • Spray paint or acrylic;
  • Brush or paint roller;
  • Sandpaper to remove imperfections;
  • Dry cloth to remove dust;
  • Old newspapers to line the floor;
  • Pot of water to clean the brush;
  • Acrylic varnish for finishing.

With these materials it is possible to do the painting process in an organized way and with a minimum of mess.

If the piece is hollow, the ideal is to use spray paint; if it is small, use a smaller brush; if it is large, painting with a roller may be more comfortable.

Paints for painting MDF

Before you go out and buy your crafting materials, you need to know more about the options. Knowing what the final effect of each paint is, you can choose which type is best for your work, check it out!

  • PVA Latex Paint: It has a matte finish and can be applied with a brush or roller. Ideal for beginners because of its practicality and durability;
  • Acrylic Paint: has a glossy finish that is more resistant to water, so the piece can be cleaned with a damp cloth, for example;
  • Spray or automotive paint: It is ideal for pieces with details that are difficult to reach with a brush. It is faster to apply, but requires dexterity.

To have a glossy finish, even on matte paint, simply apply acrylic varnish. This material helps to avoid scratches on the paint, and also protects from humidity with its sealing function.

Step by step to paint MDF

With all the tools in hand, it is time for practice. Follow the steps in detail on how to paint MDF and have a perfect job:

  1. Check the piece for unfinished parts and sand these areas; this step will not be necessary for all MDF materials;
  2. Paint with the white paint to make the base and have a longer lasting paint job;
  3. Apply the colored paint with at least two coats;
  4. Wait for the piece to dry;
  5. Seal it with the acrylic varnish.

You see how simple it is to paint MDF? This material is very versatile and can be used for smaller pieces or even furniture to decorate your home.

Other ways to paint MDF

Besides the traditional way of painting, some doubts may arise such as "what is the best way to paint a hollow piece of furniture?" or "what are the best techniques to paint with spray paint?" So, check out these answers in the videos:

How to refurbish wooden furniture in MDF

The video shows how you can paint a piece of MDF furniture with a more resistant coating, so that your furniture can have a new look without much investment or work!

How to paint MDF closets without sanding

Even though it is recommended to always sand the parts before applying the paint, this tutorial shows an alternative not to use sandpaper.

How to paint on MDF without leaving brush marks

See how to paint your piece and leave it with an incredible finish, without getting marks from the common brush.

How to paint MDF with hollow details

See how to paint a Provençal table with hollow details using white paint and an ordinary roller.

How to paint MDF with spray paint

Learn more details about MDF and see very important tips for making a spray paint job without error.

How to paint MDF letters

This tutorial shows how to make a simple painting of letters on MDF. For a better finish, remember to use white base and a rolling pin to avoid marks.

As you have seen, there are many ways to paint MDF and several models to decorate your living room or bedroom.

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Extra tips for painting MDF

You are already on the verge of mastering MDF painting, all that's left is to add a few key tips to make your life and artwork easier. Take a look!

  1. The base can be made with colorless shellac: To keep the piece from absorbing so much paint, you can apply shellac in place of white paint before painting;
  2. Old parts need to be sanded: if you are going to paint an MDF that has already been painted, you need to use wood sandpaper such as number 300 to remove the previous texture;
  3. Use the roller to remove brush marks: if you don't want the MDF to have brush lines, just pass the roller with the paint still wet right after painting;
  4. Remove all the dust: It is common for furniture or boxes to come with some dust from cutting, so clean it all with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth so that the paint stays on the piece and not in the dust;
  5. Wait for the drying time to elapse before applying a second coat: the recommended waiting time is 2 to 3 hours, but you can also observe if the piece has already absorbed the first coat before this time.
  6. Never use shellac with spray paint: The shellac does not leave a good base for spray paint application, which can damage your MDF.

Take note of these essential tips so you don't make a mistake while doing your work in MDF. With some care, your item will last much longer while retaining its beauty.

Now you know how to paint MDF and can put everything you've learned into practice, your home will look even more stylish with a decoration you made yourself!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.