How to remove all kinds of stains from clothes

How to remove all kinds of stains from clothes
Robert Rivera

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Do you want to see a nightmare come true? Just spill some tomato sauce, wine, coffee or any other food that makes you run immediately to the nearest faucet! And when you are ready to go out and end up smearing your clothes with make-up, lipstick or - worse - nail polish? How do you get rid of these stains as quickly as they appear?

Sometimes it's not as simple as it seems. In some cases, you really need to get that stain out of your clothes and wash them quickly, before the stain gets into the fabric and causes even more headaches. But it's important to know that once the stain appears on your clothes, you should at least try to minimize it quickly. The sooner you try to get rid of the stain, even if it's just removing the excess water, the more you can get rid of it.product spilled, the greater are the chances that the piece will be washed more easily.

The personal organizer Rafaela Oliveira, from the blog Organize without Frescuras, has several tips to help. She says that most of the tips that are on her site were forwarded by her followers: "I get tips from followers, but I also do research and test all the tips before publishing them. I don't share the tips that don't work, I'm very careful about that", she explains.

Lucy Mizael, from the blog Dicas da Lucy, also resorts to the knowledge that each one's history offers: "I come from the interior of Minas Gerais, from a family of matriarchs who always took care of the home with caprice. Many recipes came from this time. When I started to share the knowledge, the memories came up. Sometimes I called my mother, aunt, neighbor, sister-in-law, and ended up rescuing sometips."

Want to know what these tips are and many more on how to remove stains from clothes? Come check them out!

What do I need to know before I start removing stains from clothes?

Before you simply start getting rid of stains, you need to know that they act differently on each type of fabric. They are:


It is a more resistant fabric, so various techniques are well accepted without damaging the fabric.


Synthetic clothing is generally quite durable, which allows you to rub the fabric firmly when removing stains. Detergents work great as a stain removing agent for this fabric, and keep it away from bleach. If you have a specific stain remover, see if it is specifically recommended for this fabric.


There are products that can damage the wool fibers. The ideal is to choose a detergent or powder soap for delicate clothes. And try to dry wool pieces horizontally, so that they keep their shape.


Silk is an extremely delicate fabric. Cleaning products for delicate clothes are the best option, as well as soaking the entire garment to prevent the stain from spreading elsewhere.

If you have doubts about the type of product to use in specific cases, or when the garment is delicate, look for a specialized dry cleaner. Now, take note of all the tips from the experts:

How to remove sweat stain from clothes?

This is a problem that many have experienced and sometimes it is even difficult to avoid. When it happens, remember not to put the sweaty t-shirt in the hamper for washing, because if it dries for too long it becomes harder to remove. With the shirt or t-shirt in hand, you can follow these tips:

Water with baking soda

Mix 1 liter of water with 5 tablespoons of baking soda, soak the garment for 30 minutes in this solution, and then wash as normal.

What if the stain is recent?

Place 1 liter of warm water and 3 tablespoons of white vinegar in a bucket and soak the garment in the mixture for 10 minutes before washing. If you wish, you can alternatively soak the stain in hydrogen peroxide, but test it on a piece of clothing first to make sure it doesn't fade.

Is the stain on the clothes old?

Mix baking soda with lemon to make a paste. Whenever you handle lemon, do it out of the sun because it can burn the skin. Apply this 'paste' with a brush and leave it on for 45 minutes. Then, soak the clothes in soapy water for 1? hours before washing as usual.

2 - I spilled coffee on my clothes, how do I get it out?

Who hasn't spilled coffee on their clothes, right? If this happens to you, don't worry: this is an easy stain to remove, especially if you 'rush' to get rid of it.

I just spilled coffee on my blouse!

Immediately wash the spot with hot, almost boiling water. This way you dissipate the coffee and don't let it penetrate the fabric. If the clothes are in a place that is difficult to get wet with water, rub 1 ice cube on the clothes until the stain is gone.

Is the stain already dry?

Soak the stain with warm water and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, let it absorb the coffee, and then wash as normal.

I spilled coffee with milk!

Because milk has fat, the procedure is a little different from pure coffee removal. Dab the stain with hydrogen peroxide or benzene and wash it off.

3. the wine stained my clothes! now what?

When this happens, the first thing you should not do is use hot water. The heat will help the wine to set even more on the clothes.

Paper towel

If the stain was in that instant, put a paper towel over it, without rubbing, so that it absorbs the wine. Then wash with soap and water.


The salt also helps to 'suck up' the wine. Place a portion on top of the stain and leave it for 5 minutes.

White vinegar

Use 3 measures of white vinegar to 1 measure of water and apply this mixture to the stain.

White wine

White wine can neutralize red wine. It doesn't remove the stain, but if you can't remove it on the spot, at least it will soften the color.

4. Is the laundry stained with rust?

If clothes have been stored for a long time, and are close to metal objects, the rust can pass through to the fabric. Buttons, zippers, and even brooches with metal can stain your clothes with rust.

Lemon with salt

On top of the stain, apply the lemon juice with the salt. Place this mixture in the sun and leave it in a bowl of water. Remove the piece before it dries out and rinse it well.

Old Rust

Use an industrialized remover.

5. i got my clothes dirty with pen

Almost every week you, without realizing it, stain your clothes with the ink from the pen. It is simple to remove, as long as you don't take too long.


Wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol until it comes out.

Fresh Spot

Quickly swab with a cotton swab and place a paper towel on top of it so that it absorbs the paint.


Put a paper towel under the fabric and pour some milk on top of the stain. Put another paper towel on top of the stain - like a sandwich - and do this as many times as you need until it comes out completely.

6. did the children stain their clothes with marker pens?

It is normal for this staining to happen during school activities, during vacation fun, or even if you use this pen in everyday life.

Hot milk

Place a paper towel under the stain, then pour hot milk over the stain and press down with another paper towel on top (same idea as the sandwich). Cream can also be used instead of hot milk.

Pen stain on leather

Wet a cotton pad with some warm water and ammonia, place this mixture on top of the stain and wipe with a dry cloth.

7. I got paint on my clothes, now what?

This is one of the stains that needs a lot of attention, even more so if the clothes are white.

Hair Spray

Wet the area with an alcohol-based product, such as hair spray. Press the spot with a paper towel until the ink is removed.

8) Can you remove oil paint stains from clothes?

All stains involving paint need special care. The golden tip is to first remove the excess paint, then one of the following:

Detergent with hot water

Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of detergent in a glass of warm water and apply it to the stain with a clean sponge. Then rinse with cold water.

Hot milk or lemon

For ink stains on dark fabrics, pour hot milk or lemon peel over the stain and then wash with soap and water.

9. I cut my finger and got blood on my clothes

Some accidents may happen and cause you to stain your clothes with blood. As with wine, don't use hot water. If you act quickly, no one will notice.

Soapy water

If it is at that instant, cold soapy water will take away all the stain.

Sparkling Water

Apply soda water to the stained part and let it soak for a few minutes.

Salt water

Using salt water also solves the problem.

Dry blood

Use 10 volume hydrogen peroxide on top of the stain and let it act, then wash it off naturally.


If you have some aspirin in your purse, crush the tablet and make a paste out of it by adding some water. Put it on top of the stain and let the mixture act.

10. how to remove grease stains from clothes?

This is for sure one of the most feared stains, either because of the color of the grease or because of the fear of never having your clothes back the way they were. If the grease that stained was too hot, you will hardly be able to remove it, because it has already burned the fiber of the fabric. If this was not the case, see these tips:


Put talcum powder on top of the stain and leave it overnight. The next day, wash the clothes as normal. Cornstarch or chalk also does the same thing!

Hot water with detergent

Mix warm water with detergent and pour it over the stain, rubbing it in.

Homemade Remover

To make it you need one cup of soap powder dissolved in liquid ammonia until it becomes a thick mixture. Add to this mixture 4 tablespoons of white vinegar, 4 tablespoons of rectified alcohol, and 1 tablespoon of salt.

Other removers

If you have ether, benzine, gasoline or kerosene at home, you can use them to remove grease from fabrics. Just apply a little bit on the fabric and rub the stain gently with a brush. In the case of benzine, it is suitable both for non-washable fabrics (like leather) and for very delicate ones. Only colored clothes cannot receive these removers. Wash them with soap andhot water or sprinkle some talcum powder or flour on the spot.

11. what about oil stain?

This is another spot that makes everyone's hair stand on end!


Just use a laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent and apply it directly on the stain. Scrub and then wash with hot water.

12. what about grease stains on clothes, can they be removed?

Since grease is a grease stain, you can get it out too! Don't forget to remove the excess grease first by pressing down with a paper towel - but without rubbing.

Talc 1

Cover the stain with talcum powder. If you don't have any, you can use cornstarch or salt. Then spread detergent over the stain. Wait about 20 minutes and wash the garment.

Talc 2

Put talcum powder (or cornstarch) on the stain and let the grease be absorbed. Brush carefully so as not to spread the stain and rinse with hot water, applying laundry detergent. Leave it for 10 minutes, scrub and rinse again with hot water.

Homemade recipe

If the stain is already dry, apply butter or margarine to the stain using a toothbrush. This fat will bind with the grease, making it moist, which will make it easier to remove. Then rinse with hot water and wash with laundry or dish detergent, soaking the item for 10 minutes.

13. how to remove tea stain?

The procedure is almost the same as with coffee and the result is the same. In other words, there is salvation!


Use an ice cube and wipe it over the stain, then wash it off.

Old stains

For old stains, use liquid glycerin. You can also use 20 volume hydrogen peroxide. If the stain is on a fabric with a non-firm color, apply a mixture of ethyl alcohol and soap, then wash with cold water.

14. Deodorant stain on black clothing... Is there a solution?

Yes, there is, and it is simpler than you think!

Moistened handkerchief

Just wipe the spot with a moistened tissue as soon as it is stained... and that's it!

15) How to remove the yellowish stain from clothes?

If your clothes have been stored for a long time, they can turn yellow. But there is a solution!

Bicarbonate with lemon

Mix baking soda with lemon juice and scrub the area with a toothbrush or toothbrush, wait 45 minutes, then soak for another 1? hours, then wash as usual.

Grandma's recipe

Scrub the clothes with coconut soap and soak them in the sun.

Very old yellowish

When the garment is very old, boil water with 45g of baking soda and 45g of salt. Then put the garment in the pot and leave it for 10 minutes.

16. Is there a solution for mold and mildew stains?

Every stain has a beginning, a middle, and a solution! Fabrics have enough vulnerability to serve as food for fungus, so it is important that you clean it with a cloth or cotton dipped in pH neutral soap to try to remove the fungus. You can also clean it with white vinegar and lemon juice, leaving it in the sun for a few hours and washing it separately afterwards.

Sanitary water with sugar

Put 1 cup of sugar in 1 liter of bleach and put the clothes in this mixture, let them soak, and then wash them.

Sanitary water with detergent

For white items, use 2 tablespoons of bleach with 2 tablespoons of detergent or 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a bucket of water. Soak and then wash as normal.


Codfish can be an ally at this time when the stain is very old. Put the piece in an aluminum bucket filled with water with a piece of raw codfish. Let the mixture boil until the stain disappears.

17. Can chocolate stain clothes?

Yes, that is why it is important to remove the excess chocolate before trying to remove the stain.


After removing the excess chocolate, place the garment in the freezer. After a few minutes, scrape off the hardened chocolate.

Hot water

Wet the back of the fabric on the part of the stain with hot water, so it will melt the chocolate.

Detergent with milk

Rub the stain with some neutral detergent and let it soak in milk for about 1 hour, then you can wash it.

Chocolate on wool clothing

Just remove it with a cotton pad soaked in glycerin.

18. sauce stain on clothes

You may be preparing a meal or eating, and you've got sauce all over your clothes. Check out these tips on how to get rid of them once and for all:

Detergent with warm water

Use 1 tablespoon of detergent dissolved in three tablespoons of warm water. Scrub with a soft bristle brush.

Detergent with white vinegar

If the sauce is ketchup or mustard, mix detergent with white vinegar and rub it into the stain until it disappears.

Detergent, lemon or alcohol

If it is a tomato sauce stain, use detergent with hot water. If that doesn't work, wet a cloth with lemon juice and alcohol and rub it in. Then use soap and soak the piece in coconut soap before rinsing.

19. tomato stain on clothes

If the clothes are light, it becomes desperate!


Use vinegar to get tomato stains out of colored clothes. Just apply 1 to 2 tablespoons of white vinegar on top of the stain and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse and rub mild detergent over the stain before washing with cold water.

20. red fruit stain, how to get rid of it?

All stains that involve reddish coloration, such as wine, blood, tomato, and others need to be treated quickly.


In the case of white clothes, wash the stain with neutral detergent and leave it in the sun for a while. Sunlight has a bleaching effect.

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For tough stains or colored clothes, rub lemon juice or place a slice of the fruit over the stain. Rinse and repeat the process if necessary.

How to remove strawberry and grape stains from clothes?

The procedure for removing fruit stains from clothes is basically the same, you just need to quickly remove the excess so that it doesn't penetrate the threads.

Water and soap

Put the stained clothes under running water and you will see that, little by little, the stain will come out. Put some soap on them and rub gently, then wash them.

22 - I got lipstick on my clothes, can I get it off?

In your rush you can end up getting lipstick all over your clothes, but you can solve this problem quickly:

Hot water with detergent

Mix warm water with detergent, apply to the stain and scrub.


If the garment is white, use acetone, if it is colored, apply an ice cube and then some dishwashing detergent.

I got my clothes dirty with my makeup!

Just like lipstick, makeup can be removed easily.

Blush stain

You can also put some liquid Vaseline or soak a cotton pad in ether and wipe the spot.

Base staining

If the garment is made of cotton, wet the stain with white vinegar. If it is silk, spray cold water with 20 volume hydrogen peroxide.

24: Did you stain your clothes with nail polish?

The nail polish was fresh and you stained your clothes. No neurosis, it's easy to remove!


If it is not synthetic fabric, use acetone without fear.

Banana oil

Apply it to the stain, then brush the spot gently.

25. the perfume stained the clothes!

There are perfumes that can end up staining your clothes, in which case...

Sodium Sulfate

Spread a mixture of 4g of sodium sulfate per 100ml of water on the stain. Just don't do it on synthetic fabrics.

26) How to remove a stain from another fabric?

It is extremely common to go to the laundry and suddenly find that your clothes are stained with the color of other clothes - especially if you don't have your mother around to give you some tips (or to do the laundry anyway...).

Water with potato

Take the stained part and place it in boiling water with a piece of potato, without peeling it.

Pepper in the machine

The idea is to put a tablespoon of black pepper in the washing machine along with the clothes to help prevent the colors from 'changing'.

Vinegar with water

As soon as you take the stained clothes out of the machine, rinse the stain under cold running water and apply alcohol vinegar. Rub until it comes out. If that doesn't work, you can heat up 2 cups of vinegar and pour it on the stain, then rub it in.

Laundry on the stove

If the stain is tough - and the garment is linen or cotton, put a pot of water and 2 tablespoons of washing powder or coconut soap to boil. Put the garment in and let it boil for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and wash the garment in cold water, rubbing it in.

With so many useful tips, it is now easier to get that infamous stain out of your favorite blouse or that piece of clothing in the back of the closet, abandoned because of a stain.

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Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.