Learn how to build a terrarium and get inspired by 30 breathtaking ideas

Learn how to build a terrarium and get inspired by 30 breathtaking ideas
Robert Rivera

Some people say they prefer not to have plants at home because they lack the time to take care of them, or because they lack the proper space to make any species thrive.

Terrariums, also known as mini gardens, were one of those adaptations that brought more practicality to gardening lovers, which is nothing more than a few species grown in open or closed containers, with the help of some natural items, which collaborate to the growth and development of the plant without making much effort. The goal is to create an ecosystemYou can have a beautiful object to accommodate in a prominent place, whether indoors, in a backyard, or even in the office.

Below you will learn how to assemble a terrarium and several incredible models that meet the most diverse decorative proposals and personal tastes:

How to make a terrarium

Learn how to make your own terrarium, in a practical way and without high costs:

Materials required

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Step by step

- Step 1: Add to the bottom of the container a layer of gravel stone, followed by a similar layer of sand;

- Step 2: Add about 1 centimeter of charcoal (if your container is tiny, you can add a smaller amount, and if it is large, you can increase it to 2 centimeters);

- Step 3: Put in a significant amount of soil, to the point that the root of your plant can be completely enveloped by it;

- Step 4: Place your plants in the arrangement you desire. Don't forget to hold them steady so they don't topple over;

- Step 5: If the idea is to decorate the container, add aquarium sand or colored stones on the surface, taking care not to cover the plants;

- Optional step: you can cover your terrarium to observe how its cycle works. To do this, you must gently water the planted species before adding the cover.

30 terrarium inspirations to copy now!

Below, check out 30 beautiful and bold terrarium ideas to have at home:

1. a beautiful gift for a lover of good reading

In this project, the book was used as a cache to perfectly hide the common vase in which the various species of succulents were planted. A perfect decorative adornment for those who are addicted to a good read.

2. made in round glass aquarium

One of the most popular terrarium models is this one, in which the species have been properly planted in a glass aquarium. They can be made in several different sizes and are super easy to maintain.

3. little plants for a prism

Geometric figures are super trendy, right? How about including a charismatic little plant inside a glass prism to brighten up the environment? The stones included in the surface give a touch of rusticity to the artifact.

4. the delicacy of a thematic terrarium

The glass bowl received some plants as delicate as its decoration, which also included some various stones and a miniature bear.

5. ensuring the protection of the house

Speaking of personalizing the decoration, see how beautiful this terrarium made of colored sand looks not only with its three variations of succulents, but also with the saint included on the surface, to leave the house and its residents super protected.

6. the elegance of the copper terrarium

Along with the Nordic and industrial trend came the coppery objects, which add a sophisticated touch to the decor. In this image, the white rack was given a notable highlight with the low terrarium made in the copper container.

7. aren't miniature succulents cute?

The succulents and their variety of species are perfect for any terrarium, be it large or small. For compact containers such as this one, the ideal is to invest in nice seedlings, to ensure a very delicate piece.

8. even the ice cream cups joined the dance

And the more elaborate they were, the better! Notice how the rich details of its base gave an extra charm to the composition, which also had white stones in the background, just below the earth used for planting.

9. what about when the terrarium is made by... other terrariums?

This piece besides being an outstanding terrarium, for having a super Chinese bamboo in its center, also serves as a shelter for another miniterrarium included inside, next to other species planted directly on its main base. Beautiful isn't it?

10. a perfect structure for tall plants

If you want to keep your tall plant well protected, invest in containers that are just as tall, and you can be sure that your piece will look great in any corner of the house.

11. in the beer glass

The little Kalanchoe seedling even got a layer of moss to make the decoration of this different terrarium even more elaborate.

12. beware of the thorns!

If your chosen species are thorny, don't forget to set up your terrarium with your hands properly protected by wearing rubber gloves, so you don't have to spend the whole day with your skin prickling!

13. a rudimentary delicacy

This type of container is usually installed somewhere high up in the house, like a hook attached to the ceiling, to give an even more enchanting effect to the space.

14. making parzinho in the living room

If you are not satisfied with just one terrarium, why not have two? Choose the same or matching containers to create a very nice pair for your corner, be it a centerpiece or an ornament to enrich the side table in the living room.

15. a succulent cocktail

Still on glasses, see how your terrarium can be adapted to the most diverse glass models and for the most varied purposes. This is a perfect option for those who wish to decorate a party table with succulents, for example.

16. a mini square, with a well and everything!

You can't help but love the care and delicacy of this piece, all themed and rich in details! The species used in the planting were succulents and a ball cactus, included among the stools and tiles of the mini square.

17. a family-size double

Large terrariums are perfect for being the center of attention in a room's decoration. They can be placed on a buffet, on the side table, or even on the rack next to the TV.

18. once upon a time, a jug of juice...

For the decoration, besides the little plants and thematic objects, colored aquarium stones and sand were used, distributed in layers throughout the container.

19. giving a new home to the nice bonsai

And for this, a container was used to match the importance of the plant: a beautiful low glass box, lined with tree chips inside. The whimsy allowed the terrarium to be arranged right in the center of the room, on the glass table.

20. watching the natural cycle of the terrarium

Have you seen some options for covered terrariums? This proposal aims to create an independent cycle for the plants, to the point that they need to be watered only once in their assembly. With the bottle closed, the water evaporates and creates a new natural watering for the species, and so on.

It's so miniature you're afraid to lose it!

This is the work of a true artist, don't you think? The care taken to include all the little items in the tiny jar requires a lot of attention, creativity, and finesse to keep everything in its place.

22. ostentatious succulents

While some are so tiny, others really like grandeur! Think how spectacular your garden would look with this huge ceramic terrarium? It was even more refined with the addition of other smaller pots, making a real mini garden.

23. provide a non-slip backing for your glass terrarium

If the surface where it will rest is slippery, it is worth investing in something that keeps it fixed in place, right? And if you use and abuse your creativity, there will be thousands of cool ideas to adopt, like this super charming wooden base, for example.

24. all the gracefulness of a mini hanging garden

This is the ideal option for those who have pets at home: protecting your pet from toxic plants or plants that contain thorns is paramount to their well-being (and your heart as well). Besides, some love to drop things on a night walk, don't they? It's worth the care!

25: It's hard to be satisfied with one!

Some people love a plant so much that they become addicted to having them at home! If this is your case, and you can't see a different species that you immediately buy them all, don't hesitate to create several terrariums to spread them all over your house.

26. peace corner

For those who want to include a special corner at home, how about thinking about assembling a terrarium with elements of peace inside? Use not only images that refer to the feeling, but also little plants that deeply represent this positivity.

27. one big, one medium and one small

As we have already seen, geometric figures are so in fashion that it is difficult to choose just one shape. There are so many possibilities of models and sizes, that it is suddenly much more worthwhile to assemble a harmonious set, like this one, organized in order of size.

28. respect the needs of each species

When assembling your terrarium, it is important to choose the type of plant that easily adapts to the environment in which you want to place it. Don't put species that need half shade in direct contact with the sun and rain, and vice versa, eh?

29. the important thing is to choose a model that has the face of your corner

This does not mean that it is necessary to have a terrarium that matches exactly everything, but that it adds a harmonious personality to the space.

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30. and the most important: take good care of your plants

Study how often you need to water your species, always keep an eye out for fungus or other problems that might hinder its development, and, of course, always give them lots of attention and care, because they only add joy and life to our home.

See how easy it is to produce a beautiful terrarium? The idea is to give great prominence to the plant species you like so much, and introduce it into the decoration of the room with great care and style, just the way it deserves.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.