LED Strip: which one to choose, how to install, and photos to inspire

LED Strip: which one to choose, how to install, and photos to inspire
Robert Rivera

The decoration gains a more special touch with LED ribbon. You can bet on this item for the bedroom or for the living room, it doesn't matter, just use your creativity. We will help you choose the ideal ribbon for your corner, come check it out!

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LED strip light: which one is best for the environment?

Before choosing the ideal lighting for your environment, it is important to know more about the main LED strips and where to use each one.

  • RGB LED strips: also called RGB strip is a very versatile item, since it contemplates several colors. The tip is to use LED in TV panels, because you can keep changing the colors.
  • LED strip with control: The ribbon with control option is very useful and practical. After all, to change the colors, all you have to do is press a button.
  • Warm White LED Strip: Ideal for crown molding, kitchen and balcony, it is a ribbon with an incredible illumination.
  • Neon LED strips: Neon tape is a great idea to be applied in closets or in more intimate environments, with black light.

Remember: it is important to check the metreage and cut at the right place. In 60 LED strips per meter, the cutting line is every 3 items. The LED profile is another versatile and super-modern option that brings sophistication to the strip.

Where to buy

Now that you know the types of led tape and even how to cut, check out where to buy this item that will make your home simply beautiful!

  1. Leroy Merlin;
  2. American;
  3. Magazine Luiza;
  4. Amazon.

LED Strip X LED Hose

But what are the differences between LED ribbon and LED hose? Simple. The first difference is the format, the ribbons are narrow, with a minimum thickness. The hose, on the other hand, is cylindrical.

In addition, the ribbon is much more economical than the hose, consuming much less. Another difference is that the LED hose dries out faster, turning a different color than the original.

How to install LED ribbon: step by step

Although it may seem difficult, the installation of the tape is simple and can be done by yourself. It is important to follow the tutorials and pay close attention for a perfect installation.

How to install LED ribbon

The step-by-step above will teach you how to install this tape without too many problems and how to control the colors. It is very easy and simple.

Installing Neon LED Strip

Are you thinking about putting your LED in your bedroom? How about a tutorial explaining step by step how to do it? The video brings ideas and tips for the installation to be done in a perfect way and for you to take advantage of the spaces by installing the LED strip in the molding.

Home office: How to install LED on the desk

If your home office needs a little extra charm, ribbon is a great option.

See how easy it is to install the ribbon? With a few tools, you can give your decoration a light touch.

15 inspiring photos of LED ribbon in decoration.

Now it's time to get inspired! We have selected 15 pictures of LED strip decoration for you to fall in love and adopt this lighting right now.

See_also: Wood Floor: 80 environments with this classic and noble covering

1. to start with, how about LED inspiration in the kitchen?

2. the LED in the kitchen countertop is a detail that makes the difference

3. combined with a ceramic tile, the ribbon gives a modern look to the kitchen

4. they can illuminate the bookshelves

5. or illuminate the bathroom mirror

6. a great option is to use TV paneling tape

7. for the headboard, the LED strip is perfect

8. very versatile, the LED strip light goes well in various environments

9. and you can opt for a colored LED

10. the LED strip is perfect in the living room's crown moldings

11. there are several colors and ways to install

12. versatile, it matches all decoration styles

13 - The ribbon gives a new look to any environment

14. however it is installed

15. a LED strip is just what you need to make your house look amazing

Finally, the LED strip is an item that will make your decoration more modern and versatile. By choosing the right color, you will bring an extra charm to the environment.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.