Manacá-da-serra: tips for planting and cultivating this exuberant tree

Manacá-da-serra: tips for planting and cultivating this exuberant tree
Robert Rivera

Originally from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, the manacá-da-serra is one of the largest domestic plants, reaching up to 12 meters in height. It is widely used in residential and urban landscaping projects for not having aggressive roots, and can be perfect for your garden in pots or planted directly in the ground. Want to grow it the right way? Check out the tips below!

Origin of the manacá-da-serra and its varieties

The beauty of the manacá-da-serra comes directly from the Atlantic Forest, and it can be appreciated, originally, on the coasts of São Paulo, Santa Catarina and Rio de Janeiro. Its characteristic coloring stands out amidst the dark green density of the forest and its three characteristic colors appear with the passage of time. The flowers blossom white, in their adult phase they present shades of pink and nearWither they finish the cycle with a deep lilac.

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The manacá-da-serra can also offer its beauty in different varieties, see which ones:

Dwarf Manacá

The manacá-da-serra can also offer its beauty to home gardens and those with little space, with its dwarf variety, which grows to a maximum of three meters and is perfect for growing in pots in gardens.


Another residential option for its lovers, this variety blooms in spring and summer, with a very particular coloring that starts in purplish-blue and, with time, reaches white. It needs constant sun and can reach up to three meters in height.

Now that you know the varieties of the manacá-da-serra, learn how to plant it and tips for growing your own, so that it grows strong and healthy!

How to plant the manacá-da-serra

The manacá-da-serra can be planted in a large garden or in small spaces, such as pots, but the way to grow them changes depending on the chosen location, see:

Manacá in the vase

For those who prefer their specimen in a beautiful vase, it is necessary to pay attention to details.

  1. Choose a container that is large enough not to impede the growth of the tree;
  2. Place pebbles on the bottom and cover with a drainage blanket;
  3. Prepare the substrate by mixing one part ordinary soil and two parts sand;
  4. Then make a small hole in the soil and position the seedling centrally;
  5. Complete with soil and position the pot in the desired location.

Even in a well-lit location, the dwarf saw palmetto can't receive direct sunlight for a week, then you are free to leave it in an airy, sunny spot.

Manacá on the ground

If you choose to plant directly into the ground, it is important to set aside a spot that will accommodate all its exuberance and receive direct sunlight.

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  1. Dig a large trench;
  2. Enrich it with an organic fertilizer mix, such as worm humus, for example;
  3. Add a portion of sand as well, to ensure good aeration;
  4. Place the seedling centrally and fill the hole with soil.

It is important to place your tree in a large location that does not impede its growth, even though its roots have little expansion, they still need a space to grow stronger!

Learn how to take care of your manacá-da-serra

The manacá-da-serra is imposing and megacolorful, and even with its Brazilian origins, it needs special care to flourish for many years, so we have separated tips to facilitate the cultivation of the manacá. Let's check them out!

Keep your manacá-da-serra blooming all year long!

The flowers of the manacá are a delight to the eye, and to keep them coloring your garden all year round, learn the recipe for a fertilizer that will make your tree stronger during all seasons.

How to take care of the manacá-de-cheiro

Do you know the manacá-de-cheiro? It is a branch of the dwarf manacá, and can also be planted in pots or small gardens. Learn how to care for this tree that promises to keep environments fragrant and colorful.

Your manacá has dried up? you can still recover it!

Many times, when we acquire the manacá in greenhouses, they can present a very big aesthetic difference when replanted at home. If your manacá is dry, don't give up on it, know the best techniques to recover it for next spring.

How to plant the dwarf saw palmetto?

Have you already found the perfect pot for your manacá, but still don't know how to replant it in your new home? Watch out and follow all the steps for a strong and healthy tree.

Use the seeds for new seedlings of manacá-da-serra

If your manacá is already producing seeds with its flowers, you can use them to expand your garden! Understand how to identify the right moment and the necessary steps to increase your manacás.

Whether in a home environment, or coloring a vast garden, the manacá-da-serra adds unique adaptation characteristics and, when well cultivated, can be a long-lasting companion for those who are passionate about the colorfulness of nature.

15 photos of the manacá-da-serra to inspire you

After all these tips are you still wondering if the manacá-da-serra is a good idea for your garden? Check out these fifteen inspirations that will help you plan the perfect spot for this wonderful tree!

On the sidewalk, the manacá-da-serra colors the street in a special way

2. and brings a unique look to your facade

3. how about planting several trees together?

4. intense pink illuminates the landscape

5. its composition inspires rustic ornaments

6. watch the seeds to know the right time to replant them

7. a color palette with the flowers of the manacá-da-serra

8. together with other trees, it will beautify your yard

9. a garden with many manac trees: is it a dream?

10. the sprouts also have their own particular charm

11. the dwarf manacá-da-serra is perfect for a small garden

12. its majesty can be seen from afar

13. and it looks beautiful all flowered

14. and even to hide walls

15. the grandeur of the manacá-da-serra would not be so special without its delicate flowers

Whether in the countryside, on the sidewalks of your street, or in that strategic corner of your garden, the manacá-da-serra was made to color and brighten up any space. Bet on this magnificent tree and bring the Brazilian vegetation closer to you! Take advantage and see landscaping tips to make the garden of your dreams.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.