Navy blue: 75 decorations with this sober and sophisticated color

Navy blue: 75 decorations with this sober and sophisticated color
Robert Rivera

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The color navy blue in interior decoration brings good energies, tranquility, class, and a pleasant feeling of peace. It differs from other shades of blue by being more sober and yet still able to attract attention. The use of this palette is a trend in several spaces, from walls, objects, and furniture inside our homes, to projects in commercial establishments. Get inspired below:

1. navy blue decoration can be in the details

2. as in pillows

3. or furniture, objects and wallpapers

4. navy blue on wood is cozy

5. even in the furniture

6. and why not combine walls and carpets with the color?

7. usually appearing in more sober tones

8. navy blue stands out and makes the environment elegant

9. it marries with various styles and prints

10. and looks very modern in rooms

11. it can contrast with the brown of the leather sofa

12. or paint the whole environment with your sophistication

13. white brings a more classic look when combined with navy blue

14. bringing elegance to the kitchen

15. how about a coffee table in navy blue velvet?

16. blankets and pillows in color are also striking

17. and another idea is to combine it with other shades of blue

18. look how the colors end up harmonizing

19. the difference of the navy blue tone

20. he is usually more serious

21. but still impactful

22. another color that goes well with navy blue

23. it is beige, or some other more neutral tone

24. color takes the monotony out of the living room combined with the kitchen

25. and, in wall paintings

26. makes the room more comfortable

27 For the bedrooms, the ideas with the tone are different

28. they range from details on the bed blanket

29. even the pillows and comics

30. can bring monochromatic proposals

31. that also charm and bring sobriety

32. others like strong colors such as navy blue

33 And even the baby's room can benefit from the color

34. after all, it brings a sense of tranquility

35. because it is associated with the color of the water

36. and the practices of meditation and interiorization

37. giving the rooms, the sacred environments of the house

38. a little more sense of calm and privacy

39 - Even in details, such as trunk lids

40. the bedroom brings peace with the help of navy blue

41. already in the bathrooms

42. the styles are different

43. blinds and counters can benefit from the tone

44. and, again, harmonizing with wood is a great idea

45 - Here, it's also worth betting on the contrast with white

46. or invest in bold prints

47 - In the kitchen, color brings personality

48. making the space more cool

49. breaking the monotony of black and white

50. and pleasing the eyes of the dweller

51. besides bringing a pinch of romance

52. it can also be the most modern proposal in the house

53. and give the charm the environment needs

54. on the outside, the tone is also beautiful

55. and can have variations, being in pillars of sunlight

56. a navy blue rug also goes well next to the garden

57 And why not bet on this color in events?

58: See how chic the colored towel looks!

59. color is also a trend in commercial projects

60. making the meal more welcoming

61. going back to the inside of the houses

62 The tone also appears in decorative objects

63: Look at this cute composition with the navy blue!

64 What about a colorful door?

65. although paintings and other objects are secondary

66. they can stand out among the other colors

67 Because, although they are sober

68. they can still demonstrate vivacity

69. and bring perfect harmony

70. between joy and calm

71. Besides carrying a positive energy with the color

72. leaving a sense of peace of mind

73. and, at the same time, a lot of refinement

74 - Make your combinations with navy blue

And bring even more convenience to your home!

And if you love coloring, how about taking a look at our article about blue tones in decoration?

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.