Petunia: How to grow this plant and beautify your home

Petunia: How to grow this plant and beautify your home
Robert Rivera

Known for its beautiful flowers of different colors and sizes, the petunia is a plant worth having at home. Besides beautifying the entrance or the interior of your home, it can grow well with little care.

Petunia: origin and meaning

The petunia (Petunia juss) is a plant from the Solanaceae family, just like the potato, the tomato, and even tobacco. It is also the source of one of the the theories behind the name petunia. Since this plant is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of South America, it is easily found in southern Brazil.

Tobacco is also native to America. Both tobacco and petunia were used by the Guarani Indians to make smoke. "Petum" was how they referred to tobacco. However, a Frenchman heard the term and created the derived word to refer to the plant that today embellishes many homes.

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The other version of the origin of the word petunia states that it comes from the Tupi language, which means "red flower. Regardless of the origin of the name, it is true to say that for it to grow strong and give flowers, the petunia needs to be in a climate with mild or warm temperatures.

Besides this, it is an annual, that is, it grows, blooms, and dies within a year. After this period, the best thing to do is to replant the flower, which can be done with cuttings or seeds.

Types of petunia

There are two well known types of petunia, the difference between the two is in the petals. Petunia x hybrida and the Petunia axillaris See what the characteristics of each are:

Petunia x hybrida

In this variation of the plant, the petals have a triangular shape in the center and rounded at the tips. Within this group of petunias, there can also be more differences between one specimen and another, such as the size or color of the flower.

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Petunia axillaris

The great differential of the Petunia axillaris is that the petal tips of this type of petunia converge at a single angle. Petunia x hybrida The colors and sizes of the flowers in this group can also vary.

After checking out these two types of petunia we can say with certainty that they both give lovely flowers, so no matter which one you choose, your home will look more beautiful with this plant.

How to grow petunias?

The petunia requires little care in its cultivation, so it is essential that you know how to take care of it. With this in mind, we have separated 3 videos that teach how to grow this plant at home. Check them out!

Complete Guide to Petunias

Watch this video to learn the main characteristics of the petunia and care tips for this plant. It is a complete guide to this beautiful flower.

How to prune and make petunia seedlings

Pruning the petunia and knowing how to make seedlings is essential for those who want to take good care of the plant. That is why we have put together this video that teaches you step by step how to prune petunias and how to make petunia seedlings, so you will be able to easily reproduce these activities!

How the petunia germinates

In this video, you will learn how to plant the petunia from its seeds and what care needs to be taken to ensure that they germinate well, so that you can grow them in your home.

After checking these videos, it will be easier to take care of your petunias, won't it? If you forget a detail, just come back to our post!

How to care for petunias

  • Soil: A good mixture is one based on soil and sand with organic matter, such as bone meal, eggshells, and fruit.
  • Lighting: The plant likes full sunlight a lot, so it must receive light to grow and to bloom. However, in very hot places, be careful not to leave it exposed to too much light. If you live in a very hot region, the ideal is to put it in half shade.
  • Watering: should be done 2 to 3 times a week and daily in the summer, because the plant likes a moist substrate. However, remember to water only the substrate and not the leaves and flowers.
  • Fertilization: can be made with chemical or organic fertilizer rich in phosphorus so that the plant will give many flowers.
  • Pruning: has to be done whenever the branches are too big for the pot, wilted, or in poor condition. It is necessary to cut them and remove the wilted leaves and flowers so that the plant is healthy. Remember that it is necessary to leave at least 5 centimeters of the pruned branches for it to grow again.
  • Seedlings: Remove all leaves and flowers before planting them, and remember again to leave them at least 5 centimeters.

By following these precautions your petunia will grow strong and beautiful! All of them are important, but pay attention, especially, to where you are going to leave it. Make sure it gets sunlight, otherwise it will wilt quickly.

25 photos of petunias for you to get inspired and beautify your home

The petunia flowers enchant environments and make people fall in love with them, which is why this plant is widely found in homes and even in public gardens. Here are ideas for growing it at home:

1. the petunia is a beautiful plant

2. that offers many flower options

3. you can choose one with pink flowers

4. white

5. or yellow

6. the purple petunia is also beautiful

7. look how different this one is

8. how about a bicolor petunia?

9. she is very attractive and stands out in the environment

10. it is also possible to plant different petunias together

11. at home, it is interesting to place the plant in a medium pot

12. so that it can grow

13. petunias also look great high up

14. since they can reach up to 30 cm

15. the charm lies in its hanging branches and flowers

16. if you have a little more space

17. How about making a garden with petunias?

18. it can be in front of your house

19. or even in a penthouse

20. if you don't have that much space

21. you can make a vertical garden

22. or adapt the idea to your environment

23 Regardless of which type and location you choose,

24. petunia will beautify your space

25. and bring more life to it!

Growing the petunia is a simple task that is very worthwhile because of the beautiful flowers the plant produces! If even after discovering its characteristics you are still not sure whether you should put it in your home, see other tropical flower options that can beautify your surroundings.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.