Table decoration: 70 ideas to give the missing touch to your home

Table decoration: 70 ideas to give the missing touch to your home
Robert Rivera

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Have you ever heard that the difference is made in the small details? When we talk about decoration, we cannot leave the table out, and it is the perfect example of a carefully thought out decor.

From the most exquisite to those you make yourself, what matters is good taste when it comes to selecting the materials, colors, and shapes of your table decoration.

You don't have to limit yourself to flower pots as arrangements, you can use small sculptures, glass jars with stones, candle decorations, ceramic pots, silverware, and many other ideas.

In addition, you can also give special attention to the coffee table in the living room or your sideboard, the important thing is to have good sense so that the environment is more attractive, without having too much visual information together. Follow these beautiful options to upgrade the look of your home:

1. silver fruit bowl, remembering the time of the empire

Who hasn't been enchanted by the beautiful silverware of yesteryear? You can use a prominent piece with this inspiration as a fruit bowl on your table.

2. the practicality of glass jars with candles

You can choose the glass jar in the size you prefer and fit the candle to its height. Go further: look for scented candles! Your house will look beautiful and fragrant.

Surprise with spice-filled table decorations!

Fill a glass jar with coarse salt, bay leaves, garlic heads, and chili peppers. It looks beautiful and is said to ward off the evil eye!

4. a little piece of nature: ferns!

Bringing a little green indoors is refreshing! In the photo, the option was to place the fern in a beautiful metallic pot for a more refined look.

5. white tableware with a color detail

Here the composition is very clean: walls, table and chairs in black and white. The white tableware on the table with only one of the handles in pink, besides being curious, brought a simple touch of color to the environment! Different, isn't it?

6. flowers bring color

If your house also has neutral tones, then look for points of color with flowers in brighter colors! The good part is that every week you can give the room a different color, just vary the type of flower!

7. matching the color of the fruit

In this case, the choice was a transparent fruit bowl and the idea was to combine the colors of the fruit inside: only green and yellow options, in this case.

8. ornament and frame in harmony

If you have a more eye-catching painting near your table, try using an ornament in a similar tone for a uniform composition.

9. all white on black

White table ornament for the black table: a classic. The contrast brought even more sophistication to the composition.

10. succulents in a copper vase

[caption] Photo: Reproduction / Quitete e Faria

The choice of the copper vase brought elegance to the glass table with wooden base. You can exchange the succulents for another plant of your choice.

11. white roses: can you go wrong?

The neutrality of the white roses will not let you go wrong when assembling a vase. In the composition of the photo, the small vase in aged silver made the decoration even more delicate.

12. small sculptures, big impact

The sculptures on the coffee tables generate curiosity and give a more intellectual air to the composition.

13. tropical with fruit

In this example, the wooden table gained a more tropical look with the arrangement of the jar with various fruits in the center.

14. discreet vase

Note in this photo that the vase complements the environment and respects the beauty and charm of the light fixture above.

15. ceramic and wood

You can invest in a ceramic vase or fruit bowl in a light color if your table is made of darker wood. This contrast brings the eye to the beautiful table, so it doesn't go unnoticed.

16. high vases

If your table is large, you can use taller vases without them obstructing people's view as they talk under the table.

17. rosé gold fruit bowl: a luxury!

Rosé Gold has arrived and stayed! Now, even in your fruit bowl, the color can show off and make your table much more chic.

18. vase supported by books

This inspiration can show a little bit of your preferences to those visiting the house. Use some of your favorite books - including volumes about cooking - as a support for the vase on the table.

19. table runners and glass jar

If you have a longer table, bet on table runners and a beautiful colored glass jar to complement it.

20. vase matching the wall

To bring more uniformity to the environment, try combining the vase with the color of your walls!

21. total wood

In this case, the table ornament is very functional: a bread lid! But, the detail is in the wooden composition. You can choose a vase or pots in the same material.

22. candlesticks to illuminate

Choose candlesticks with a different design or details! The coolest thing is that at night the room can become even cozier with the candles lit.

23. conceptual design piece

In this composition, the object with a bold design left the clean environment with more personality.

24. combine the vases with each other

If you have more than one vase in the same room, pay attention that one doesn't "erase" the beauty of the other. The idea is that they can complement each other when decorating your room, as in the example in the photo.

25. fruits and plants on the table

Your table can also look nice with a simpler plant pot and a small fruit bowl beside it.

26. fruit and appliances in harmony

Here the fruit bowl is combining with the silver, stainless steel appliances, bringing a cleaner composition to the small environment.

27. minimalist fruit bowl

Note that the black fruit bowl in minimalist design emphasized the fruit inside, which is the main focus of color in the room. Change the face of your space by choosing different colored fruit every week!

28. decorate with artificial fruit

The secret is to choose pieces that are very similar to the real ones, or to run away from the obvious and bet on colors that are very different from the original ones.

29. pots of the same color and various shapes

In this example, all the decoration of the room is neutral, so the focus was on the table decorations. By varying only the shape of the objects, the composition remained uniform.

30. black with crystals

If you want to make the room more refined, invest in a beautiful black piece with crystals, like the one in the photo. In this case, the ornament is in balance with the beautiful chandelier in the same color.

31. all blue

In this neutral kitchen, the white and blue porcelain fruit bowl matches the table's tone, highlighting the piece of furniture in the room.

32. total white

Following the same idea of the previous photo, here the white vase and table leave a clean environment and enhance the red cobogós wall in the background.

33. ornament with a different shape

If you want to get away from the obvious, then look for an ornament with a totally innovative shape. You don't have to stick to the idea of using only a fruit bowl or vase to make your table look beautiful.

34. small pots

Very unconventional, in this inspiration the choice was for several small pots of the same color and height to decorate the table. Simple and different, isn't it?

Still haven't found the right inspiration? Here are 40 more beautiful table decoration ideas for your home

35. circular ornament on round table

36. painted wooden ornament

37. white straw braided fruit bowl

38. design reminiscent of tree branches

39. sturdy vase

40. salad bowl becomes a vase

41. pot with bulky plant

42. traditional straw braided fruit bowl

43. flowers and walls in the same color

44. colored ceramics

45. vase with orchid

46. pieces that go back to antiquity

47. exotic flowers

48. contrasting vessels

49. ornamented baskets

50. glass on glass

51. strong flowers in a neutral environment

52. dark wood fruit bowl

53. long table, long ornament

54. the plant as a focus of color for the environment

55. pots with balls

56 Wooden salad bowl: a rustic touch

57. glass ornament in contrast with the wooden table

58. simple ceramic plate

59. ceramics designed in neutral tones

60. contrast: metal's brightness and velvet's opacity

61. one vessel full, another empty

62: Two identical vases and a different one!

63. rustic wood piece

64: Simple fruit bowl in hollow wire

65 Dark table and floor covering

66. white flower vases neutralize yellow seats

67. design piece: elegance

68 Red ornament on wooden table

69. blue glass vase

70. charm with aged silver vase

4 videos for you to get inspired and make your own table decorations

Check out this selection of practical and inexpensive ideas that you can do yourself and make your home even more beautiful.

1. use glass or aluminum bottles

If you like to get your hands dirty, then reuse glass or aluminum bottles and make beautiful vases for your table. A very simple tip to execute and that you can customize the way you like!

See_also: 70 options of armchairs for balconies that unite coziness and style

2. transparent glass and artificial flowers

In this video you can see how simple and inexpensive it is to make a decoration using a transparent glass jar with artificial flowers, colored stones, and a candle.

Use balloons and string


The step-by-step of this video is a table ornament made with balloons and string. The making is so simple that even children can help during the process.

See_also: 80 gray nursery ideas that will win your heart

4. aromatic garnish!

Finally, a tip for a scented table ornament! That's right, one of the materials used to make this table arrangement is extremely fragrant: cinnamon sticks! Check out the video and see how simple it is to make.

With so many creative items to inspire you, it's hard to leave your table without a little decoration, isn't it? Take a look at these 51 crochet table runner ideas to make your table even more charming!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.