Tips to grow the gloxinia and have it composing the decoration

Tips to grow the gloxinia and have it composing the decoration
Robert Rivera

The gloxinia is a plant with beautiful and delicate flowers, found in orange, pink, red and purple colors. It blooms during springtime and draws charming glances. It means love at first sight, so it is great as a gift for the loved one, besides looking beautiful in the decoration. Learn about it and how to grow it!

How to care for gloxinia

To keep the gloxinia healthy and showy during its life span - all springtime - some care is needed. Check them out!

  • Watering: should happen about twice a week or whenever you notice that the soil is not moist enough. Never let the soil dry out completely.
  • Lighting: the gloxinia needs plenty of light to develop well. it should not be exposed directly to the sun, half shade is perfect for it.
  • Soil: The ideal soil for this plant is porous and rich in organic matter. It should preferably retain moisture, since gloxinia likes water a lot.
  • Fertilization: It is recommended that it be fertilized once a month. Use a good amount of animal manure mixed with worm humus.
  • Pruning: In this species the process is very simple, just remove leaves and branches that are dry and yellowish.
  • Change: Multiplication can be done by rooting. To do this, simply use a leaf of the plant, placing the part that attaches to the stem in water until it takes root.

By following these precautions it will be possible to grow a beautiful and healthy plant. Don't waste time and put the tips into practice!

Learn more about how to grow gloxinia

Having a beautiful and well-grown gloxinia is not a difficult task, but you can never be too careful with your plant. Check out videos that will help you grow it!

Plants of gloxinia

The process of making seedlings is quite simple. In this video you will learn how to multiply the plant through the use of leaves. It is shown how the cutting should be done and the whole process until rooting. Very interesting!

Cultivation tips and curiosities

To cultivate the plant in the right way it is important to know a little about it. Maria Amelia gives tips on how to cultivate this beautiful flower and explains a little about the species, how to know if it is healthy, what it likes and much more.

See_also: Echeveria: types, how to care for it, and 50 ways to use it in your decoration

How to do pruning cleaning

In this tutorial Rose Amaral explains why pruning should be done and the correct way to remove the leaves so that the air can circulate. Check it out!

Substrate for gloxinia

To have a successful cultivation and a good flowering of the plant, you need a good substrate. With this video from the learning with Jojo channel you will see how to prepare a very simple and quick fertilizer so that your little plant grows very healthy.

Certainly with these tips you will have success in planting and a beautiful flowering plant. With these right cares the gloxinia will be full of life!

See_also: Drywall: agility and practicality for your work

7 pictures of decoration with the beauty of gloxinia

With the beautiful and delicate flowers of the gloxinia it is possible to decorate using nature. It can be grown in pots and hanging gardens, surprising everyone with its beauty. See inspirations!

1. gloxinia is a great plant for decoration

2. with their beautiful flowers, they fill the environment with color

3. it can be found in different shades and petal shapes

4. a good option for gardens

5. its cultivation can be done in several containers

6. it is very delicate and easy to care for

7. they attract attention and charm everyone with their beauty

With so many care tips and inspirations, it is now very easy to grow gloxinia and enjoy its beauty in your decoration.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.