Vanda orchid: be surprised by its beauty and see how to cultivate it

Vanda orchid: be surprised by its beauty and see how to cultivate it
Robert Rivera

Orchids are among nature's most beautiful flowers and present many shapes, colors, and sizes. Among them, the vanda orchid draws attention with the peculiar beauty of its roots. Its flowers are also beautiful and ooze gracefulness and delicacy in a diversity of colors. So much so that it is one of the most sought after species for cultivation.

The vanda orchid does not need a substrate to develop. Therefore, it can be cultivated suspended with its roots free and loose in the air. The freedom of cultivation and the easy handling guarantee a charming effect in the decoration or in the garden. Vilberto Guidi, from Vico Orquídeas, gives some tips and teaches how to cultivate this plant:

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How to plant the vanda orchid

According to Vilberto, the vandas orchids are not planted, "they are aerial rooted orchids, therefore, we cultivate the plants hanging, suspended", thus, they "need to have their roots always aerated, therefore they don't use substrate". To do this, suspend the orchid with string or nylon string.

How to make vanda orchid seedlings

In relation to the production of seedlings, Vilberto explains that the vandas are difficult to release seedlings or keikes: "They are different from the other orchids, which generally have a division of the mother plant with at least 3 bulbs".For this, "it needs to be at least 20 to 25cm high and have at least 3 roots to survive".

How to care and maintain

As they are plants of Asian origin and very frequent in Thailand, in hot and humid forests, Vilberto explains that "these are the ideal environmental conditions to be successful in the cultivation of this plant". And he adds that "because there is no substrate involving the roots and the plant has no water reserve, it needs a great humidity in the environment to be able to hydrate and maintain itself.So wet your roots a lot, until the water runs out, and then spray the leaves.

Regarding care, the professional indicates to avoid exposure to wind and cold places, because it may "lose all its leaves and not be able to bloom again. The professional also points out that the plant needs a lot of illumination, "but never direct sun, to avoid burning. For fertilization, Vilberto indicates NPK 20-20-20, specific for orchids, which will help the plant to havea healthy life and a beautiful blooming.

20 photos that show all the spectacle of the vanda orchid

Its main characteristics and trademarks are its aerial roots, which do not require substrate or pots, and its exuberant flowering. Whether in arrangements, room decorations, or in a corner of the balcony, marvel at all the spectacle of the vanda orchid:

1. vanda orchid in decoration

The vanda orchid becomes a classy decor item in any room. Hanging in the living room, it displays all its exuberance and the beauty of its roots, leaves, and flowers.

2. suspended cultivation

Since vanda orchids do not require the use of pots, growing space is not a problem. You can display them suspended from the ceiling of your living room, on a pergola, or under a tree in the garden.

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3. vanda orchid wood panel

Beautiful, vandas orchids can compose countless decorative arrangements. Fixed on a wooden panel on the balcony, they show off all their charm.

4. growing in pots

The vandas orchids also look lovely in vases and arrangements for home decoration. In this case, the roots should not be buried and the vase should only serve as a base, without substrate.

5. beauty on the balcony

Whether indoors or on the balcony, the vanda orchid adds a super charming touch and makes any environment much more beautiful with its vibrant flowers and colors.

6. arrangement for decoration

They are great cut flowers and make beautiful arrangements. The beautiful purple blooms are featured in the transparent vases in the living room decor.

7. vertical orchid garden

The wood paneling with coconut fiber creates a colorful vertical garden, which houses a variety of shades of vanda orchid flowers.

8. special corner for orchids

On the balcony, orchids can have a special place. They can be grown suspended, showing off their aerial roots and beautiful flowers.

9. intense colors

The beauty of the vanda orchid does not go unnoticed in gardens, with its intensely colorful and showy flowers.

10. orchid waterfall

A fabulous idea for decoration is to use the vandas orchids in cascade, composing a vertical garden: the effect is magnificent!

11. beautiful and durable blooming

Its blooming is quite durable and, if well taken care of, can last for more than a month. If it is not blooming, it is a sign that something is wrong: it can be lack of water, luminosity, or fertilization.

12. tropical climate plant

Vandas like tropical climates and cannot stand low temperatures, so if necessary, protect your orchid from the wind.

13. vanda orchid table decorations

They are spectacular flowers for decoration, and look lovely in vases for table arrangements. In vases, plant without substrate, only with tree bark or coconut fiber mixed with charcoal.

14. grow in lighted spaces

Indoors, the vanda orchid should remain near windows to receive the sunlight needed to bloom and grow vigorously. Remember to avoid direct sun.

15. vanda orchid garden

Another cultivation option for the vanda orchid is to tie it to another tree or pieces of wood, so it can compose a beautiful garden. Its flowers are beautiful and add value to any space.

16. great for renewing the decoration

Its unique appearance guarantees a different and modern arrangement for any space in the house. A simple way to renew the decoration of your home.

17. touches of color for the home

The vandas orchids complete the decoration with perfection and lightness. Their colorful flowers guarantee a touch of color to the environment.

18. wonderful colorful flowers

The vanda orchid blooms in many different colors, with markings or spots, mainly in magenta, purple, and a rare bluish hue. If well cared for, it can bloom several times a year.

19. highlight in the decoration

The flowers add a delicate touch to any environment. In decoration with neutral tones, the vibrant colors of the vanda orchid stand out and make the space more sophisticated.

20. beautiful compositions with vanda orchids

Its vibrant colored flowers create wonderful contrasts in the decoration. Hanging and with the roots exposed, they create a different and interesting composition in indoor environments.

The vanda orchid steals the scene in arrangements, indoor decoration or landscaping projects. Moreover, its beauty can be displayed in many ways: suspended in the air, hanging from trees or in pots. Anyway, to keep your orchid always beautiful and blooming, remember the necessary care. Grow and surprise yourself with the fabulous vanda orchid! Know also thekokedama, a technique of Japanese origin in which the plant is also suspended.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.