Windows for bedrooms: know the types and 60 pictures for you to get inspired

Windows for bedrooms: know the types and 60 pictures for you to get inspired
Robert Rivera

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Bedroom windows are responsible for allowing light and air currents to enter, and they also serve as part of the decoration and add to the personality of the house.

Check what your priorities are: if you want more privacy without the need for curtains, the venetian blinds are ideal. If the goal is to optimize space, there are options that take up little space when open. Whatever your needs are, know that it is possible to find a model that will look amazing in your home.

Types of bedroom windows

Of the available models, the ones that best fit this type of place are the ones that have a greater power to ventilate and let natural light in. We have the Venetian blinds, the double-leaf blinds, colonial blinds, accordion blinds, sliding blinds, among others. See more details of each one to make your choice easier:

Venetian blinds

This is one of the most common models for houses. It has about 4 to 6 sheets, and only the two inner ones are made of glass. They are able to control the natural lighting and the ventilation that enters the room even with the sheets closed. It is ideal for bedrooms and makes everything dark enough to sleep.

Two sheets

The two-leaf models are the most common ones. They have two leaves, i.e., the frames have a 50% opening each, from the opening to the side. To close them, one must touch the other in the center of the window. There are aluminum, wood, and glass versions.

Two sheets + Venetian blind

This is a brilliant idea to have lighting and ventilation in the right measure. The two types will complement each other forming a window that can be used in two ways. With only the shutter closed, there is the possibility of ventilation, while maintaining your privacy. With the two closed sashes, you seal the ventilation, but ensure maximum illumination.

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The colonials are exuberant and very elegant, and guarantee a classic look for the house's facade. To get the expected result, it is interesting that, both in the living room and in the bedrooms, the models are the same. Among their most striking characteristics is their top, which has a more rounded shape, increasing the degree of illumination of the environment. They are made of iron or wood.


This is another very common model. It is easy to open and does not take up space, since it slides horizontally, allowing a quick opening. The most common types are made of glass. The lighting, when choosing these materials, is guaranteed. But if you like to sleep in the dark, it is ideal to use curtains or blinds.


Glass windows are great for ambient lighting and allow the room owner a great view of the outside world. They are perfect for people who live in places with beautiful views, such as near the mountains, in the countryside, or at the beach. They help save on energy bills thanks to the natural light that floods the room during the day.

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With spaced grids

This type of window is very secure because it has fixed grids. Between the spaces, the composition is glass, so the room is bright and very clear. If you want a little privacy, you will need to install blinds or curtains.

Just choose your favorite and make your home even more beautiful!

60 bedroom window models that will delight you

Now that you know which types of windows are best suited for bedrooms, it is time to see how they look to inspire you to choose and how to decorate the rooms in your home:

1. a window that is also a door

2. a window for a small room that fulfills its role of illumination very well

3. for lovers of retro style

4. one next to the other so there is no lack of light in the room

5. the white frame matches the most varied wall colors

6. the perfect combination of glass and wood

7. a colonial window with a dash of modernity

8. a large room can fit larger windows

9. a wooden bedroom window adds a rustic touch to the room

10. glass windows call for a shutter to sleep late

11. window in dark tones is a trend for bedrooms

12. a room illuminated by the balcony and the window

13. it can be used to divide environments

14. in this model, the shutter opens upwards, very modern, right?

15. sliding versions are great for optimizing spaces

16. a large window that goes all the way to the ceiling is all good

17. small but synonym of coziness

18. in apartments, you cannot lack a screen on the bedroom windows

19. for those who love farmhouse-style rooms

20. all blue around here

21. the perfect amount of sunlight that can enter

22. there are many options for the most varied tastes

23. rooms need to be comfortable, including the light coming in from the window

24. curtains help regulate the passage of light and beautify the room

25. the view from outside a beautiful classic colonial window

26. glass bedroom window

27. the sliding model is very common and gives a modern touch to the room

28. the landscape outside looks like a painting, and one advantage of the glass window is that you can admire it

29. vertical windows are great for rooms with high ceilings

30. the rest of the room decoration can match the window

31. small rooms can also be well lit

32. the typical junction of a double-leaf window with Venetian blind

33. decorating the windows with curtains makes the room even more beautiful

34. this model is very common in apartments

35. privacy with glass windows and blinds

36. light tones call for a large window that lets in plenty of light

37. balcony exits can also receive models like those of the windows

38. wooden frames are phenomenal

39. this window opens inward and outward

40. a significant point of light in such a colorful room

41. another vertical window idea

42 It is so nice when the room holds more than one window

43 This support under the window is functional and can become a shelf

44. another idea with a small shelf

45 Spaced grids give a greater sense of protection

46. potted plants can take advantage of the light coming in through the window

47. a large and wonderful shutter

48. all the little squares in the window open to let in air

49. another room that holds two windows

50. let the natural light in: open the curtains even when you are not at home

51. very creative idea to install small windows behind the bed

52. a very large model is wonderful

53 A slightly older window that brings a sense of peace

54. this room has several small windows that come together to illuminate the whole room

55: How about this window that takes up an entire wall?

56. discreet but still the center of the room

57. checkered patterns are pure charm

58. well facing the bed for better ventilation

59. small but lovely

60. for children, fun and large windows

Windows are essential in every room of the house, especially in bedrooms. There are different models with different functions, each with its own particular beauty. Choose the type that best suits what you are looking for and combine it with the rest of the elements in the room to create a unique and pleasant environment.

If you value security, find out what are the options of grilles to put on your windows.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.