10 simple and super cheap ways to make your house fragrant

10 simple and super cheap ways to make your house fragrant
Robert Rivera

There is no better feeling than to arrive home after a tiring day at work and feel a pleasant aroma, capable of leaving us relaxed, calm, and feeling good with life, and that, in addition, helps to restore our energy and even balance our body, mind, and spirit.

However, even if you keep your house clean on a daily basis and always open the windows to ventilate the rooms, the delicious smell of the cleaning products is gone in a short time, especially if you have pets, many residents and have frequent visitors, besides humid places, smoking people or open kitchens, that leave the whole house with the smell of the cleaning products.foods, especially in the case of fried foods.

To avoid the problem, there are some simple and wonderful tricks that help to keep your home scented for much longer and even neutralize several unpleasant smells. Check out our tips below and make all the environments in your home much more cozy and fragrant!

1. dried flowers and leaves

Super cheap and found in markets specializing in flavoring, dried flowers and leaves are great options to leave a very light and pleasant scent in any environment of your home. All you have to do is put the little bags in a glass jar and, every two days, drip a few drops of essence with the scent you prefer.

2. smell of coffee

Is there anyone who is not in love with the smell that fills the entire house when coffee is brewed? Well, you should know that it is possible to make this aroma linger in the environment for much longer. To do this, all you have to do is buy the beans, distribute them in little pots, and enhance the perfume by lighting a candle in the middle of the beans: the smell will become stronger and tastier, just like roasted coffee.

3. pot of carnations

Take a jar of your choice and put inside several cloves, which you can easily find in any supermarket. They by themselves exude a very striking scent and leave the environment extremely scented, however, you can enhance the aroma and drip a few drops of essence daily. In addition, you can also prepare a clove tea and sprinkle in the jar and in differentenvironments.

4. cinnamon arrangements

Besides being a super charming decoration, the cinnamon sticks perfume the whole house with a very pleasant aroma. Tie the sticks in a very pretty way to leave on a table, or put the cinnamon sticks inside a glass vase. To make the ribbon, you can use a ribbon or raffia, for a more rustic touch.

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5. various incenses

When lit, incense sticks release a delicious perfume into your home's atmosphere. Moreover, it is possible to find many different scents, from the sweetest to the most neutral, to please all tastes. To prevent the aroma from becoming too strong, use a maximum of three sticks at a time.

6. scented wooden stick scenters

How about using the traditional wooden sticks inside containers with scented liquids? As long as there is liquid (it lasts about a month), the sticks will leave the environment with a super pleasant and relaxing aroma, perfect for you to leave in bathrooms, washbasins, hallways, or even in the hallway.

7. flavoring sprays

As the scent of flavoring sprays comes off more quickly, the ideal is to spray them in the air throughout the house on a daily basis. Here, the tip to prolong the scent is to apply them directly to fabrics and curtains.

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8. electric diffusers

Electric diffusers can be placed in any room of the house, and will perfume non-stop until the liquid runs out. If your house is quite spacious, you can bet on more than one, and spread at least three diffusers in the main rooms.

Citrus fruit peel

Besides being refreshing and super stimulating, citrus aromas are delicious. In this tip, to use the fruit peels, besides being simple, it is also a cheap solution that leaves the house with a perfect aroma. All you have to do is take orange or lemon peels, boil them with a little water (don't forget to cover the pot), strain them, and spray the perfumed liquid wherever you wish.

10. fabric softener

A good alternative to remove the bad smell from your house, especially after frying, is to use fabric softener, which is very fragrant and leaves everything scented! Write down the recipe: mix 30ml of fabric softener, 20ml of alcohol, and 1 liter of water, and use the liquid both to spray in the air and to wipe the house.

Aromatizer Sticks

In this video, you can learn how to make your own homemade air freshener in a fast and practical way.

You will need 700ml of grain alcohol (which has a softer smell), 200ml of essence (macadamia nut, princess perfume, rose macena and blackberry scents), 100ml of mineral water, liquid cosmetic coloring in the colors red and pink, wooden sticks and a glass container.

Scented sachet for closets and drawers

How about making your clothes closets and drawers super fragrant? In this video, you learn the simple step by step process of how to make sachets with essences and sago.

This craft is very inexpensive and requires the following materials: a bowl of your choice, 500g of sago, essence, fixative (which prolongs the perfume of the essence for longer), small bags made of tulle or organza (which you can easily find in fabric or gift stores), and a plastic bag.

Pot pourri: homemade flavoring with peels

Learn how to make a homemade flavoring spray without spending a lot of money using fruit peels and spices, a perfect idea to flavor your home and give to loved ones on special dates.

To prepare this fragrant orange pot pourri, have on hand orange peels, 3 cinnamon sticks halved to release the fragrance, cloves, and 2 teaspoons of grated nutmeg.

There are simple, different ways for all tastes and pockets, which, without a doubt, will make your day-to-day life much better, with irresistible smells! Which one will you bet on? Tell us!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.