Bamboo orchid: types of flowers and how to grow this beautiful species

Bamboo orchid: types of flowers and how to grow this beautiful species
Robert Rivera

The bamboo orchid ( Arundina graminifolia or Arundina bambusifolia ) is a terrestrial plant that is widely used in landscaping and is found in gardens, pots and borders. Although certain species of orchids are known to be toxic, there is no evidence that the bamboo orchid is toxic, so it is great to grow at home. Below, find out more about this beautiful plant!

Bamboo Orchid Colors

  • Purple: is the most common of all. Its flowers are formed by petals, a disk, and a lip in the center. The petals have shades between lilac and purple, while the lip is always purple. It is widely used in landscaping projects.
  • White: This variety is known as arundina alba. With completely white flowers, it has slower growth than the others, which is why it is usually smaller than the other bamboo orchids.
  • White and purple: This is the arundina semialba, which also has white flowers. However, their lip is purple, just like the most common variety of the plant.
  • Yellow: The yellow bamboo orchid is harder to find, but it is as beautiful as the others. Its petals are yellow and so is the lip, but it has purple traces.

Regardless of the color, the bamboo orchid's flowers are thin and have an average length of 10 centimeters. They appear heavily in spring and summer, but if the plant is well cared for, it can bloom all year round! In addition, the flowers are fragrant, so it is common for them to attract critters, such as butterflies and bees.

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How to care for a bamboo orchid

Native from Southwest Asia, this plant grows well in tropical and equatorial climates. The bamboo orchid received its name because of its appearance, since its long and thin stems resemble a bamboo. Since it can reach up to 2 meters, it is recommended to plant it in gardens or pots that are at least 30 centimeters high:

  • Soil: It must be permeable, well drained, fertile, and rich in organic matter. A good mixture is that of vegetable soil, construction sand, and organic compost.
  • How to water: In hot months, it is recommended to water the plant 3 times a week; in wetter and colder months, twice a week. The soil must be moist, but care must be taken not to get it soaked, as this can kill the plant.
  • Sun exposure: Therefore, the plant must stay in full sun for at least 4 hours a day.
  • Fertilization: The fertilizer used should preferably be organic or animal.
  • Pruning: It is necessary to do this after flowering. Simply remove the old, dry, yellowish, or diseased stems. If there are stems or leaves like this in another season, you must also remove them.
  • Seedlings: These are also known as keikis, which appear at the tip or in the middle of the stems of the flowering plant. To make the seedling, just detach the bud from the branch when it is dry and plump.
  • Pests: the bamboo orchid is resistant, but, even so, pests can appear. fungi that leave the plant with black or brown stains are the most common. bugs, such as slugs or parasites can also appear. to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to observe well what the problem is in your plant and use the appropriate products for each case.

As the bamboo orchid prefers warm climates, it does not grow as well in cold places and is not tolerant of frost. If you live in a place with a harsh winter or where it is very windy, remember to put it indoors during this season (if it is in a pot) or plant it together with other plants so that they will protect it.

Learn more about the bamboo orchid

The bamboo orchid is a rustic plant, however, it is necessary to take care in its cultivation so that it can develop and give beautiful flowers. For this reason, we have separated videos that bring more information about this species and how to cultivate it.

How to grow the bamboo orchid so that it blooms

This video explains the main characteristics of the bamboo orchid and how to cultivate the plant so that it grows well and blooms a lot. You will also see tips on where to plant the orchid so that it grows, looks beautiful and beautifies your environment!

How to repot your bamboo orchid

If you want to repot your bamboo orchids, this video is for you! Here you will see a step by step guide on how to make seedlings and also how to repot them, so you can keep growing your bamboo orchid for a long time.

How to treat bamboo orchid disease

In this video, you will learn about the main diseases in orchids and the causes of the spots on their leaves, as well as see tips on how to treat them.

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The bamboo orchid is a hardy plant that gives beautiful flowers of various colors, so it can greatly embellish a garden, for example, or even the entrance to your home. If you do not have so much free space and prefer a plant that can be grown in smaller pots or in a suspended form, see more about the vanda orchid.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.