Bring the exotic beauty of the cymbidium orchid into your home

Bring the exotic beauty of the cymbidium orchid into your home
Robert Rivera

If you like orchids, you have certainly heard of the cymbidium, a beautiful plant that is perfect for decorating any environment and produces simply wonderful flowers. Want to know more about this very special orchid? Then check out the most common types of cymbidium, the care required and some pictures to inspire you!

Types of cymbidium to grow at home

There is a huge variety of cymbidium, but the most famous and found in Brazil are floribundum, spp, minuet and insigne.

Cymbidium floribundum

Originally from China, this type of cymbidium prefers cooler environments and smaller pots. It blooms during spring and produces an average of six to ten flowers. Also known as yellow margin orchid or golden border orchid, it has a pink or reddish internal coloration!

Cymbidium spp

To facilitate commercialization in Brazil, the cymbidium spp is a plant cloned from hybrid versions of the orchid. The advantage of this scientific advance is that this type of cymbidium can be found in several colors and has a much more accessible final cost.

See_also: Petunia: How to grow this plant and beautify your home

Cymbidium Minuet

Another hybrid plant, Cymbidium Minuet is the result of crossing Cymbidium floribundum with Cymbidium insigne. Its colors vary a lot, as well as its care, since it is a hybrid plant, it needs substrate for rupicolous or epiphytic, depending on the environment it is in.

Cymbidium insigne

Large in size, cymbidium insigne is perfect for those who like bigger plants that produce a lot of flowers! To grow this version of orchid, the tip is to leave it in a shady environment, but with good luminosity, good ventilation, and a well humid substrate.

No matter what type of cymbidium, they are all beautiful and have their own particularities. Remember to check your home environment to see if it will get used to producing beautiful flowers, ok?

How to care for cymbidium

Now that you know the main types of cymbidium, how about learning the basic care of this orchid? Below you will find tips such as cultivation, watering, seedling, fertilization, ideal lighting, and other incredible care techniques!

  • Cultivation: quite resistant, the cymbidium does not adapt very well to higher temperatures, i.e., it prefers cooler or milder environments. It also likes direct light, good ventilation, and controlled humidity.
  • Watering: like all orchids, the cymbidium needs moderate watering. the ideal is that the water should be at room temperature - if you can, use rainwater too. in the warmer months, don't forget to water more frequently, ok?
  • Fertilization: Just like irrigation, the secret of good fertilizing is moderation. A very important tip is to pay attention to the substrate, which cannot be dry at the moment of fertilizing. So, always do this procedure during watering!
  • Lighting: Here it is worth pointing out that temperature and illumination are not the same thing, that is, although it likes cooler environments, the cymbidium likes illuminated places.
  • Ventilation: Another important point in the cultivation of cymbidium are the air currents, which should have a moderate temperature.
  • Change: A simple seedling can give rise to a beautiful plant, can't it? For this, the ideal is to plant your cymbidium seedling in a small, tight, tall pot that has good drainage and water runoff.

With this care, your cymbidium will grow beautifully and with a great quality of life. Remember to always keep an eye on the leaves and flowers to see if it needs anything, be it watering, fertilizing, or a change of environment!

Learn more about cymbidium care

After all, gardening is a constant learning process. Check out the following videos to learn more about growing cymbidium:

How to choose and care for cymbidium

If you have never had a cymbidium at home, the tip is to start with the basic care - and that includes the choice of plant. In this super-explanatory video, Carol Costa teaches you the basics about this beautiful and special flower!

How to plant cymbidium and make it bloom

Those who love orchids in general know how complicated it can be to make the plant bloom. To solve this problem, be sure to check out this complete video that teaches you step by step how to plant the cymbidium and guarantee beautiful flowers!

How to replant cymbidium

Did you get that beautiful cymbidium seedling and need to repot it in another pot, but don't know how? No problem, in this video, dear Teresinha Kunz teaches you all the process to leave the orchid well placed, without hurting the roots and leaves.

Substrate, Potting and Fertilization Tips

A well planted cymbidium grows beautifully, grows strong, and produces beautiful flowers. And to learn how to compost and fertilize your seedling in a proper pot, and also learn tips for a great substrate, be sure to check out this complete tutorial!

With the right techniques, potting and fertilizing, you can make your cymbidium look beautiful with colorful, showy flowers. Now, how about setting up a place for your plant? Check out the following ideas for decorating with cymbidium!

See_also: 45 ideas for a beautiful and functional sibling room

10 pictures of cymbidium decoration for those who are in love with orchids

Now that you know all the basic care for growing this plant, how about getting inspired by beautiful pictures of different cymbidium? Below you will find some great ideas on how to decorate your home with a cymbidium!

1. beautiful, cymbidium is perfect for orchid lovers

2. with varied colors, they enchant the environment

3. and make any corner more beautiful and cheerful

4. of Chinese origin, it demands special care

5. like lower temperatures and plenty of light

6. its flowers usually appear in spring

7. and make beautiful vases

8. you can still make arrangements with other plants

9. or give it to someone you love

After all, you can't resist her beauty, can you?

It is impossible not to surrender to the charms of the cymbidium, isn't it? And for those who are beginning in this branch of flowers, the tip is to check this article on how to take care of orchids!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.