How to Clean Suede Shoes: 10 Tutorials and Helpful Hints

How to Clean Suede Shoes: 10 Tutorials and Helpful Hints
Robert Rivera

If you love suede shoes, you know how difficult it is to keep them clean and well-maintained. Because suede is treated leather, it requires care when it comes to cleaning, and to make your life easier, here are different tips on how you can keep your suede shoes clean and leave them looking like new.

Watch the tutorials below and identify the best way to clean your shoes with very simple tips and products you are sure to have available at home!

1. how to clean suede

  1. In a container, add two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of conditioner;
  2. Get a toothbrush that is unused, but in good condition and clean;
  3. Dip the toothbrush in the solution and brush the entire shoe, always in the same direction;
  4. Leave it to dry in a ventilated environment for ten minutes;
  5. Lightly moisten a clean cloth with water and wipe the entire fabric;
  6. Then wipe the dry part of the cloth over the entire shoe;
  7. Finish the process by leaving the shoe in a ventilated place until it dries completely.

If you need to give your suede a good cleaning, this is the video for you.

The conditioner helps not only to clean, but also to moisturize the suede. Since it is a homemade item and simple to apply, it is a perfect choice. Test it and check the result!

How to clean synthetic suede

  1. Moisten a clean cloth with liquid soap and wipe over the entire shoe;
  2. Then, using a cloth dampened only with water, remove the excess soap and dirt;
  3. With a paper towel, soak up the excess water and soap residue from the shoes;
  4. Finish the process by leaving the shoe in a ventilated place, but without direct contact with the sun.

To clean synthetic suede, some procedures need to be different from those used to clean regular suede. Check them out:

The use of a paper towel is ideal to finish cleaning synthetic suede, because it is a more sensitive fabric than the original. Remember to let the shoe dry well, but do not leave it exposed to the sun to avoid stains.

3. how to clean nubuk shoes with sandpaper

  1. With a nail file, sand down the places that are dirty;
  2. After finishing cleaning, wipe the entire shoe with a damp cloth to remove any residue;
  3. Put the shoe in a ventilated place until it dries completely.

This tutorial is ideal for shoes that are dirty in certain places. This method is very simple and requires only a nail file!

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It is very simple and solves the problem of dirt and leaves the shoe looking as good as new, but if your shoe is very dirty all over, follow the next tutorial.

4. how to clean suede shoes with a steel sponge

  1. With a new, clean steel sponge, brush the entire suede always in the same direction;
  2. To finish the cleaning, use a normal sponge, clean and dry, and with the smoothest part, brush the entire shoe to remove the residue and give it a finish.

This tutorial is very practical and requires only a kitchen sponge and a steel sponge. Check it out!

This cleaning is very simple, but to make it even more practical, try to use a steel sponge similar in size to the one in the video so that when it comes time to brush the fabric, the reach is greater.

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5. how to clean suede sneakers

  1. With a soft brush, carefully brush the suede to remove excess dirt and dust;
  2. Then, with a nylon brush, brush the shoe for a better range in removing the dirt;
  3. Moisten a clean cloth in a solution of two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of conditioner and wipe over the entire shoe;
  4. Let it dry for ten minutes in a ventilated environment;
  5. Finish by brushing the shoes again with a soft brush.

If you need a deeper clean, watch the following video and follow the recommendations.

This cleaning requires more care but guarantees an amazing end result of a brand new looking shoe. It is worth spending a little more time.

6. how to clean moldy suede shoes

  1. Moisten the bristles of a soft brush with white vinegar and carefully brush the entire shoe;
  2. Then, wipe it with a clean cloth dampened with water to remove any traces of dirt;
  3. Apply a small amount of conditioner to the entire fabric with your fingers;
  4. Still using a clean cloth dampened with water, wipe the shoes to remove the excess conditioner;
  5. Leave it in a ventilated area until it dries completely.

If that shoe that was stored in the back of the closet has turned up moldy, keep calm and watch the following video to recover the fabric and make it beautiful again.

This is a great tip to fix that shoe that seemed to be lost. With very simple and quick guidelines, your suede will be as good as new by the end of the cleaning.

7. how to clean nbuk with rubber

  1. Start by wiping the dirtiest areas of the shoe with a simple eraser, making motions as if you were erasing them;
  2. Then use a soft brush to remove the rubber residue and comb out the shoe fibers;
  3. After brushing, check if it is necessary to repeat the rubber cleaning process if the shoes are not completely clean;
  4. Next, moisten a clean cloth in a solution of one tablespoon of conditioner and two tablespoons of water, and wipe the entire shoe;
  5. Let it dry in a ventilated environment without direct sunlight.

This is also a great way to sanitize shoes that need a deeper clean.

The use of rubber for cleaning dirt is a tip, because it is a less abrasive item, and consequently, less aggressive to the fabric.

8. how to clean suede with vinegar

  1. Moisten a clean, dry cloth in vinegar and carefully apply it to the entire area of the shoe;
  2. Then wipe the entire fabric with a cloth lightly dampened with water for a better finish;
  3. Let it dry in a ventilated environment, remembering not to leave the fabric exposed directly to the sun.

For a more superficial cleaning of shoes that are not so deeply soiled, this video shows in a very simple way how to clean suede.

This is a good option for shoes that are not so dirty and just need a little care to improve their appearance. For heavier dirt or mold, look for the other tutorials and tips.

9. how to clean nubuk and suede with hair conditioner

  1. Start the cleaning using a steel sponge, brushing the entire shoe always in the same direction;
  2. Then apply the conditioner all over the fabric using a clean toothbrush, always moving in the same direction;
  3. Spray water on the fabric and then wipe the entire shoe with a clean cloth to remove all the dirt;
  4. Leave it in a ventilated area until it dries completely.

The following tutorial can be used to clean suede as well as nubuck, and is not only practical, it doesn't make any mess.

The tip that stands out in this video is the use of the sprayer, which avoids excess water and leaves an even finish.

10. how to clean nobuk using vinegar

  1. Make a solution using a glass of water and a tablespoon of vinegar;
  2. Dip a soft bristle brush into the solution and clean the entire fabric of the shoes;
  3. With a cloth dampened with water, wipe off the excess solution all over the shoe;
  4. Let it dry in a ventilated environment without direct sunlight.

This is another simple and quick way to clean your shoes, this time using white vinegar:

Vinegar is a great ally for cleaning shoes, but it is important to remember to remove the excess product at the end of the cleaning, to avoid stains and a strong smell.

Now that you know how, all you have to do is gather the products you are going to use to sanitize your shoes and clean them properly. Remember not to use too many products, and always use water as a component of the solutions. There are products on the market that are specific for this type of cleaning, but they are much more expensive than the homemade ones. Find the best solution for your shoe.You can also see how to clean white sneakers and make them look as good as new!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.