How to fold a sock: the easiest, most uncomplicated and error-free method

How to fold a sock: the easiest, most uncomplicated and error-free method
Robert Rivera

Have you ever thought about how to fold stockings in your house? Well, then open your drawers and take a good look at the way you keep them around. Most people have the habit of just leaving them in the drawers, without folding them, or else, as the most used way, making a kind of ball. You must have already done or noticed this technique in the drawers of your house or of the people you know. Thisbecause this folding method seems to be the best option when it comes to optimizing space and storing the pairs together, to identify them and not lose them.

But you can diversify and choose the best type of folding for different types of socks, like the shorter ones, the medium ones, and the long ones, such as men's or sports socks. The famous little ball can be replaced by even more efficient techniques to fold your socks and store them with much love and care. The reason is simple, besides being able to see the socks, you don't harm the elastic,For this reason, Tua Casa has created a super tutorial to teach you how to fold stockings the right way, always observing the natural shape of the piece. Let's go?

How to fold short sock

Open your drawer and take out your shorter socks, also known as invisible socks or stockings. Now, follow us step by step to learn how to fold them the right way!

Step 1: Fold in half

The first step in folding your stocking is simple. Take your short stocking, put the pairs together so that they line up, and fold in half.

Step 2: Position

At this stage we are almost there! Check that the stockings, when folded in half, are straight and aligned. Then, separate the first edge to proceed to the next step.

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Step 3: Finish the fold

Finally, to finish the fold for the short stocking, just pull the edge that we have separated so that it "wraps" all the rest of the stocking. Turn it upside down and it forms a sort of "little house" for the stocking. And that's it! Arrange it and take it to your drawer.

Video: How to Fold Short Stocking

To make the tutorial easier, watch the video we have selected with a very visual and practical step by step. Notice that there is no secret to store your socks in a practical and space-optimizing way. Follow the video and see how your drawers will gain a space you have never seen before!

How to fold medium sock

For shorter socks, the process is practical and quick, right? But what about longer socks? In this case, the step-by-step is not difficult either, but pay attention to the steps so you don't make a mistake and leave them beautiful in your drawers.

Step 1: Position

To fold medium socks, arrange the pairs and put them together so that they are in line with each other. But pay attention: leave the heels up, also straight and in line.

Step 2: Make the first fold

Then fold the open part of the stocking toward you and leave one edge open.

Step 3: Fit and finish

To finish, bring the other part of the sock towards the small fold that was left open and fit the whole sock there. Notice that your socks are now in a little square format and quite easy to organize in your drawers. Tcharããããn!

Video: How to fold medium sock

Also to make your life easier, here is the video showing all the steps you can take to organize your socks in an amazing way. Who doesn't like an organized drawer?

How to fold long sock

Longer socks can be a bit of a dilemma, can't they? After all, the steps for shorter socks don't work so well for longer ones and, consequently, can ruin them and mess up your drawers. But all is not lost. Despite the longer steps, follow these steps to learn how to fold long socks the smart way!

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Step 1: Position crosswise

On a smooth surface, lay one foot on top of the other, forming a cross.

Step 2: Form a square

Then take each side of the sock and fold it inward, alternating sides, until it forms a square.

Step 3: Close the ends

Then, when you finish the square, notice that two sides are left with "left over" ends, which you will use to close your square by placing them inside the cuffs of the stocking. See that you have to turn the piece upside down to fit it in.

Step 4: More beautiful drawers!

Finally, just arrange your long socks and store them in your drawers. Notice the spaces and how the method makes it easier to identify the socks, with a nice organization.

Video: How to Fold Long Stocking

The steps for this type of stocking are more complex and require more concentration to fold, but it is not impossible.

See how simple it is to keep your sock drawer nice and organized? No more mess and lost socks!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.