How to grow aloe: 5 ways to cultivate it in your home

How to grow aloe: 5 ways to cultivate it in your home
Robert Rivera

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The aloe vera is a very popular succulent plant that contains numerous properties indicated for aesthetic and medicinal treatment, in addition to relieving skin problems, such as acne and burns. There are more than 300 species, with Aloe Vera being the most popular. Learn how to grow aloe vera and see how simple it is to cultivate it at home.

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How to grow aloe with sprouts

  1. Remove the entire plant from the pot by hand, if you can, to find a sizable root bud;
  2. Find a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom that contains soil mixed with sand;
  3. Plant the sprout in the hole made in the middle of the pot, being careful not to damage roots or leaves;
  4. Finally, gently tamp down the soil around the newly planted seedling.

It is very simple to grow aloe and this video proves it with a very quick tutorial:

Now you will have no more excuses for not having more babosas in your home. Ensure the health of your new seedling by changing the pot to a larger one as it grows.

How to grow aloe from a leaf

  1. Choose an aloe leaf that is large enough (at least 8 cm long);
  2. Cut the leaf using a clean knife into several parts;
  3. Find a pot with holes and fill it with soil mixed with sand;
  4. Make several holes to plant the cut leaf pieces in the soil, without covering them;
  5. Finish by lightly pressing the soil around the leaves.

Want to know a technique to multiply aloe seedlings? See more details in the video below:

It's worth remembering that aloe leaves are very moist and the chances of them taking root with this technique are lower than with a bud. But it doesn't hurt to try, right?

How to plant aloe in a pot

  1. Select the bud from the pot that the mother plant is in and carefully remove it so that it retains its roots;
  2. Separate a pot that has plenty of room and drainage holes in the bottom, and put in compost, manure or worm humus, and sand;
  3. Dig a hole in the soil and transfer the aloe seedling into the container;
  4. Then water it and place it in a shady spot;
  5. Make sure not to move it for five days so that it can root in the pot.

Have you ever wondered how simple it is to plant and grow aloe in a pot? In the video below, you will find out why it is so uncomplicated:

For lovers of the aloe plant, it has never been easier to multiply its shoots. It's time for you to share these tips with your friends, too!

How to grow aloe in a simple way

  1. To start, choose an aloe seedling and remove the damaged leaves by hand;
  2. Make a hole for planting and place the seedling in the middle of the pot;
  3. Fill in the rest of the soil, but be careful not to fill in above the leaves;
  4. Finally, lightly tamp down the soil.

Here, planting is done through a very generous seedling and you learn how to remove the leaves without damaging the plant in a simple way. Take a look:

The best way to plant your aloe is in a pot with plenty of room, but don't forget to make a hole in the bottom of the pot for the water to drain well.

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How to grow aloe in the garden

  1. Prepare the soil by making a hole that will fit the aloe seedling;
  2. Gather the aloe leaves in your hand, so that when planting they won't break;
  3. Place the plant seedling in the soil and fill it with soil until it covers its base.

Have plenty of room in your garden and want to plant your aloe in the ground? Watch the video below and get a better look at the tutorial:

For those who like to get their hands in the dirt, there is nothing better than growing your favorite plant in the garden. You will see how many generous seedlings they will generate!

There are countless tips on how to plant and cultivate aloe.

Tips to care for and keep your babosa beautiful

It is important to keep your aloe healthy by following tips for maintaining and propagating the plant. Check out the steps below:

  • Watering: Because the aloe is a succulent, it does not like waterlogged soil, so water it once a week by spraying the water over the plant.
  • Luminosity: should be grown in full sun or half shade. If your aloe is indoors, choose a location that receives at least 8 hours of natural light per day.
  • Fertilization: the plant requires a well-drained soil, with little clay so that it drains the water well and there is no risk of the root rotting. a mixture of 50% medium sand and 50% composted organic soil or a mixture of soil for cacti and succulents that contains a lot of phosphorus is recommended.
  • Choice of vessel: The pot must be large, with enough room for the roots, which are extensive, to grow. To keep your plant always beautiful, prune the damaged leaves to avoid pests and diseases, and cut the excess leaves so that it continues to fit in the pot.
  • How to make seedlings: if you want to generate seedlings, keep your plant in a smaller pot, so to survive, the aloe vera will generate "pups" that you can take out and plant in a larger pot.

After these steps on how to plant and the main care of the aloe, it's time to put all the tips into practice! The plant is perfect for composing gardens with other succulents and cacti, with emphasis on its decorative leaves. Be an expert in gardening and also learn how to grow shade plants.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.