Square crocheted rug: 45 exciting ideas and how to make your own

Square crocheted rug: 45 exciting ideas and how to make your own
Robert Rivera

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Is your corner in need of a little revamp? Lacking that comfort and well-being? Bet on a square crocheted rug! Besides providing all the coziness, the decorative piece is able to transform the environment and enhance the decor with that unique handmade charm!

Check out some step by step videos that will teach you some tricks and how to make a perfect square crocheted rug! And to inspire you even more, we have selected several models of this decorative item. Come see!

Square Crochet Rug: Step-by-Step

The following tutorials bring several practical and simple ways to make a square crocheted rug. Check them out and be amazed by this fantastic world of crochet!

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Square crocheted rug for beginners

Dedicated to those who do not have much knowledge in this craft, here is how to make a square crocheted rug. The making is simpler than it seems: just produce the squares, small crocheted squares, and join them together to form the rug.

Crochet square shell stitch rug

Learn how to make a delicate square crocheted rug in shell stitch. In the video you will also find some tips to achieve a perfect result and add a lot of charm to your decoration.

Square Crocheted Bathroom Mat

The video explains each step in making a square crocheted rug to complement your bathroom decor. Explore different thread colors and compositions to produce your piece.

Square Crocheted Door Mat

The video clearly explains how to make this decorative item. You will need 24 strands of twine and a 7mm crochet needle.

Square crocheted rug with flower

Here is how to make a square crocheted rug with flowers to decorate your bathroom, doorway, kitchen, or living room. You can sew the crocheted flowers directly onto the rug with thread that matches the piece and, for best attachment, finish with hot glue.

Square Crochet Kitchen Mat

Bet on a beautiful square crocheted rug to complement the composition of your kitchen with comfort, color, and charm.

Square Crocheted Living Room Rug

Check out how to produce, from start to finish, a square crocheted living room rug. To make this large rug, you will need to produce four 50 cm squares, but you can work in other formats by joining more or less squares. Although it may seem laborious, the result will be worth all the effort!

Crocheted bead for square crocheted rug

To finish it off nicely, watch this tutorial on how to make a crochet beak for your square rug. Thread, a crochet needle, scissors, and a tapestry needle are the only materials required to produce the finish.

It's not even that complicated, is it? Now just separate your threads and needles and start crocheting!

45 square crocheted rug pictures that are beautiful

Now that you have learned how to do it, see dozens of square crocheted rug designs to inspire you further!

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1. the square crocheted rug will add comfort to the space

2. you can work with color compositions

3. or neutral

4. you can use it to decorate the bathroom

5. or to increase the decoration of the room

6. your rug will also look great in the kitchen

7. just like the front door of your house

8. a handmade piece brings a lot of charm to the decoration

9. and that unique touch!

10. how about presenting a friend with a square crocheted rug?

11. the piece can be used in indoor areas

12. but it also looks great outdoors

13. square crocheted entrance door mat idea

14. flowers compose the model with grace and charm

15. a colorful crocheted rug brings joy to the space

16. for this reason, bet on many colors to compose your

17. always keeping harmony with the rest of the decoration

18. pay attention to every detail

19. they are what will make your piece more beautiful

20. and authentic

21. How about this interactive rug for the children's room?

22 What about a different crocheted living room rug?

23: Bet on neutral tones for spaces with colorful decoration

24. in this way, the rug will marry perfectly with the space

25. the opposite also applies and the rug can be the color point of the environment

26. this way you will bring vivacity to the decoration

27. a beautiful square crocheted flower mat

28. add pom-poms to the composition!

29. choose a color that matches the decoration of your environment

30. or several colors!

31. bicolor lines are also a good choice

32. this square crocheted living room rug is cute

Even beginners can venture into crochet

34. the more experienced can dare in the finishings

35. a squares rug is pure charm

36. there are no limits when it comes to texture

37. warm tones add color to the piece

38. and this model is perfect for the kitchen

39. although making it looks laborious

40. the result will be worth all the effort

41 - The crocheted rug is suitable for both private areas

42. how much in the living areas

43 - Bet on a square crocheted rug

44: Explore your creativity...

45. and create a decoration full of personality!

Now that you have watched the tutorials and got inspired by different models, select the one you like the most and put your hands to practice this beautiful craft technique!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.