Hood: 7 questions answered by experts and 120 inspirations

Hood: 7 questions answered by experts and 120 inspirations
Robert Rivera

Table of contents

Those who like to cook know how much fun it is to prepare and create tasty dishes for friends and family. However, grease and smoke make many people give up making a nice banquet at home. A good solution to avoid this problem is to have a hood in the kitchen.

This device sucks in the smoke from the stoves and is responsible for treating the gases and vapors resulting from cooking and frying. It is essential when preparing food, because it prevents the smell of food from spreading to other rooms, especially in cases of integrated kitchens. In addition, by renewing the air in the environment eliminating odors and smoke, the hood also collaborates with the conservation of the environment.of furniture and appliances, as it prevents the accumulation of fat on surfaces.

Currently, there are several options of hoods available in the market and they are increasingly sought after. However, it is very common to have doubts about their installation, since some cases require construction work. But don't think about giving up! To put an end to all the doubts related to the hood, the architects Daniele Cargnin explain everything to us!install one in your kitchen.

1. hood X purifier X extractor: how to differentiate them?

The table above summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the hood, the purifier, and the exhaust fan, but the architects Adriana Bijarra and Daniele Cargnin explain in more depth the specifications of each type of device:

Hood: According to Daniele, "a hood is the name given to any hat-shaped structure that serves to eliminate hot air, smoke or vapors through a chimney. But when we talk about an electric appliance hood, it will always have a system that pulls the air mechanically, so it doesn't necessarily need to have a hat shape", she explains.

Therefore, the function of the hood is to suck the hot air, remove the smoke and filter the smell and the grease from the environment, retaining it in replaceable filters, and the filtered air is expelled to the outside. As the hot air is sent out, the environment is less heated. The aluminum filters inside the hood serve to condense the grease that evaporates from the air. This mechanism has rails thatThis means a much more complicated installation and a much more remarkable volume in the room. Because of this, the hoods are not usually recommended for very small kitchens or apartments, where the installation of the duct may become unfeasible. Adriana says that the hood itself has the function of a purifier and exhaust fan and has greater power: "besides being modern, itIt is more effective in removing grease and odors from the environment and can be installed on an island or on the wall. Its investment can reach the double of the purifier".

Purifier: Daniele explains that the purifier is the equipment that takes in the air, filters and returns it purified to the environment. During this process, the air passes through an activated carbon filter. Thus, its mechanism is similar to that of the hood. The main difference is that the hood eliminates the greasy air through a duct, and the purifier only filters the air that it absorbs and returns it to the environment.Adriana reminds us that, because it doesn't need a chimney, the purifier is indicated for small kitchens, but it can only be installed on the wall: "In this case, the investment is much lower, but its power/efficiency is lower than the others", she says.

Exhaust: It is an older equipment, its main function is to expel the air from inside the environment where it is located. In other words, it takes the hot air from the kitchen and replaces it with cold air from outside the house. It is basically composed of the air intake structure and a motor with propeller, "it is a kind of fan that pulls the air from inside the environment and pushes it out", reinforces Daniele. Because it does not have anyIt can be installed in an island or wall, its value is lower than the hood, but it lacks power and efficiency", Adriana explains.

What are the types of hoods and how do they work?

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As we saw earlier, the hood is one of the household appliances responsible for absorbing gases and vapors resulting from food preparation. Its function is to keep not only the kitchen, but also other areas of the house, free of odors and fats. However, hoods can have two functions, which differ in the air treatment process: "it can work in two ways: exhaustor or depurator mode.In its 'exhaust' mode, the air captured by the hood is conducted out of the house through pipes, while in its 'purifier' mode, the air is captured, filtered and returned purified to the environment," explains Adriana.

The pendent hoods, or suspended models, are an example of a hood in the purifier mode, since they do not use piping, while the more traditional models such as the pyramidal and flat ones are installed with piping and generally work in the exhaust mode.pass more easily", exposes Daniele.

When it comes to the choice, each case must be evaluated individually. Factors such as physical space, availability for chimney installation, and price must always be taken into account. However, it is always good to remember that the hoods that work in exhaust mode are more efficient.

3. what is the ideal height and size?

The correct size of the hood depends on the size of the stove, and not on the size of the room - as is often mistakenly thought.Generally the smaller ones, with 60cm width, serve stoves with 4 burners, and the larger ones, with 90cm, serve stoves with up to 6 burners".

Daniele says that the ideal height for installation indicated by the manufacturers is between 65 and 80cm above the stove table. The architect also reminds us that it is necessary to pay attention to the height of the extension pipe if the kitchen ceiling is too high or too low. In other words, it all depends on the height between the floorAdriana also points out another important fact: "in case the distance in the instruction manual is different, always respect the indicated measure.

4. how to calculate the correct power for each kitchen?

Here is a formula: multiply the volume of the kitchen (length x width x height) by ten to get an idea of the minimum suction power the hood must have to treat all the air.

For example, for a kitchen 6m long by 4m wide with a height of 2.4m, the required suction will be calculated as follows: (6 x 4 x 2.4) x 10 = 576. Thus, any hood with a suction power equal to or greater than 576 cubic meters per hour will ensure that the treatment of all the air in this kitchen will be done at least 10 times per hour.

The suction power is the most important characteristic of the hood, since it is this that guarantees the good functioning of the appliance. But what determines this power? The size of the room and the intensity and type of use. If the use of the stove is intense and includes the constant preparation of fried food or if there is other cooking equipment in the kitchen, such as a barbecue grill, for example, you must consider theAnother factor to think about is that if the kitchen has many doors and windows or is of the American type, it will require greater suction power to clean the entire environment.

Adriana explains: "it is indispensable to calculate the necessary suction power, since the power of the hood is determined by the size of the room in which it will be installed. For the calculation, you must obtain the size of the kitchen (measured in cubic meters) and multiply it by 10. The result of the calculation will designate which power we must obtain to guarantee the good performance of the hood". In addition, Daniele reinforces:"by choosing a hood with this suction capacity or higher, the air in this room will be treated at least 10 times per hour. The most common values range from 400 to 1000m³/h." On average, a flow rate of 900 m³/h is enough.

It is also important to remember that the most beautiful hoods are not always the most useful, because the shape of the chimney also determines the absorption force of the device. Pyramidal hoods are more efficient than rectangular ones.unpleasant surprises, try to test the hood before buying.

The installation of the ducting also deserves attention. It is more effective to trace a straight path straight to the outside. If there are too many curves, the hood loses power, and requires a stronger model, which can end up being more expensive or noisy. Also, regardless of the model chosen, close the doors and windows before you start frying or any other type of cooking. The suctionof the hood is more efficient without the interference of air currents.

5. how should the installation be done?

If you choose to use the hood for its exhaust function, you must hire a professional so that he can make the correct installation of the air duct. If your use is depurator there is no need to hire a professional, just perform the installation following the instructions in the manual. In addition, it is necessary to havea centralized outlet at a maximum height of 2.3m from the floor", Adriana teaches.

Daniele says that to use the hood in extractor mode, you only need a power point and a surface that can support its weight.installation."

The installations must be done by qualified professionals, because they require a correct analysis of where and how the equipment will be fitted. When the property already has the system for the hood, the installer needs to be very precise when cutting the ceiling to fix the vertical duct support. In some cases, when the person chooses to disguise the hood, it is necessary to lower the ceiling with plasterto hide the duct.

Some manufacturers offer to install the product up to the slab of the kitchen ceiling. From there up to the window, the responsibility becomes the owner's. So, pay attention and ask for a complete budget with all the details of the service.

Now let's get to the different models of hoods and the installation specifications of each:

Wall-mounted hoods: It is the most common form found in the market. In this system, the hood is installed in a wall of the kitchen, over the stove. They tend to be more efficient, because the motor is responsible for sucking only 'three sides'. In addition, they suffer less influence from air currents, which displace the smoke produced outside the limits of capture. In this case, the wall where the equipment will be installedIf the hood acts as an exhaust fan, it is advisable that the ducts are preferably installed on the same wall. Another care is that it must be at least 50mm away from side walls or cabinets.

Island coifas: In this installation system, the hood is installed on the ceiling of the room. It is often used in larger spaces where the stove is not positioned next to the wall countertop, but in islands, those countertops that are in the middle of the kitchen. This model is more subject to drafts and are more visible. Many people choose to use this model of hood with glass. In these cases, redouble the attention toIn addition, because of their weight, they must be installed directly on the ceiling, never on the plaster or wood ceiling.

Suspended coifas: From a distance, this type of hood resembles a pendant light fixture, but despite the more modern design, it works in the same way as the other models and its installation does not require any special features. These hoods generally work only in the depurator mode.

Built-in hoods: In this model, the hoods are placed in a disguised way in the room and often do not even appear. Usually, the equipment is placed between furniture such as cabinets, shelves and niches. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt them to receive this type of hood, leaving an opening for the air to escape. There is also the possibility of embedding it in the plaster ceiling or countertop.suction efficiency, since the built-in hoods are at a much greater distance from the stove than the standard ones, they need special motorization, usually with double the suction of a standard hood. On the countertop, they are positioned behind the stove and are retractable, i.e., when activated, they rise from the countertop line to assume a height of approximately 30 cm, sucking the air down, whereThis type of product does not use ducts.

Angled hoods: This system is the least common installation system, and is used when the stove is installed in the corner of the kitchen.

6. maintenance: what care is needed?

The hood also needs to be cared for so that it has a good durability and to avoid clogging and poor performance. In addition, it is important that it is always clean so that it does not impregnate the kitchen and other rooms with the smell of fat and accumulated dirt.

"It is very important to always keep the hood clean, using a soft, damp cloth and neutral detergent. Always turn off the circuit breaker before cleaning and never use abrasive products. Keep your filters in good condition, changing them periodically according to the manufacturer's instructions", Adriana points out.

Daniele exposes other precautions that we must have in the day to day: "one must be careful to turn off the burners of the stove before taking the pan off, because the excessive heat can damage the appliance. Avoid flaming and take care that frying does not generate high flames. To keep the hood clean, just wash the metal filter at least once a week and change the carbon filter every6 months," he explains.

The maintenance of the hood is much simpler than that of a purifier, because the air is eliminated directly to the outside area and, therefore, there is no accumulation of fat and other residues. Another facilitator is that as they are made of materials such as stainless steel and aluminum, cleaning becomes much simpler. The hood also dispenses with the use of charcoal, which sometimes exists in the filtering system of the purifier, facilitatingeven more hygienic.

7. how to integrate the hood in the kitchen decoration?

Just as there are people who love to make the hood part of the decor, there are also people who don't want the equipment to appear in the kitchen. In any case, there are options for both cases.

For those who want to use it as a decorative object, Adriana suggests: "nowadays it is common for the hood to be part of the kitchen decoration, with several finishing options and a sophisticated design. Choose a hood that harmonizes with the stove or cooktop. In the market we can find countless models, all you have to do is choose the adequate hood for the style of your kitchen, either classic or contemporary".

If the kitchen project has an industrial aesthetic, even better, take the opportunity to invest in a beautiful pipe. But it is important to remember that the more design these pieces have, the more expensive they are.

Another decorative option are the hoods under the island. American style, this idea is becoming a trend in Brazil and the structure of the equipment allows you to create a modern look, taking total protagonism within the space.

"In addition to stainless steel hoods, with a more industrial look, we find colored hoods, black, white, and hoods that look more like a pendant lighting fixture. If the intention is to use the hood as a highlight of the kitchen, invest in a model with a more sculptural design or with a strong color, but that harmonizes with the ones used in the rest of the environment", recommends Daniele.

The suspended coifas mentioned by Daniele are ideal for people who love modern style, because they have a different design that does not resemble traditional coifas at all. Some of them even have remote-controlled lighting, which influences the ambient light and the decoration as a whole.

If the idea is to harmonize the hood with the rest of the kitchen, choose shapes and colors that are close to the other household appliances in the room", she indicates.It is the same with the purifier, which can also be hidden in the cabinet.

130 kitchen ideas with a hood for you to get inspired

After Adriana and Daniele's great explanations, you are surely ready to choose the best hood model for your home:

1. hoods are essential for integrated kitchens

In this case, the hood was placed on the wall, between a cabinet shelf, making a creative composition.

2. attention to height

As explained by the architects Adriana Bijarra and Daniele Cargnin, there is a standard height between the stove or the cooktop and the bottom of the hood. This measure must always be respected to ensure the proper functioning of the equipment. Be aware during installation!

3. modern and efficient

Besides the more traditional one, there are many other models of hoods. This is the square model, often used by those who want to give that modern touch to the kitchen. Furthermore, the hood matches perfectly with the cooktop countertop, making the room even more elegant.

4. receive visitors without fear

Here we can see another model of gourmet kitchen, that is, integrated with the living room, which makes the use of the hood indispensable.

5. innovate in the coatings

You can also choose to use coatings on the hood, so it is not so apparent. In this case, the coating used was wood, matching the rest of the kitchen decor. Isn't it beautiful?

6. the right power makes all the difference

According to the architects' recommendations, the power of the hood is one of the most important factors. In this kitchen, two hoods were used so that the absorption is complete. This round style is also modern and makes the room more elegant and charming.

7. proportional stove and hood

This is a very large stove, with many burners, so it requires a hood proportional to its size. About the decoration, the copper color of the hood matched very well with the kitchen countertop.

8. glass detail

Some hoods have this detail in the glass base. Besides being beautiful, this model is also very practical and makes cleaning much easier. In this kitchen, it went very well with the contrast of black and white, with the acrylic stools and the ultra shiny countertop.

9. beautiful clean kitchen

This type of hood, tubular, is indicated for those countertops and islands that are in the middle of the kitchen. Very popular in the United States, this idea is also becoming a trend in Brazil. The structure of the equipment allows you to create a modern look, becoming the great protagonist of the space.

10. discrete and functional

The design of this hood is also super modern, since it is built into the ceiling. It is made of stainless steel, with neon lighting and a high performance motor. Ideal for those who like more discreet appliances that do not draw too much attention. And the best thing is that it is still powerful.

11. beauty and sophistication

In this kitchen with super modern equipment, the hood is not left behind either. This flat, straight model is one of the most used and gives the kitchen a very sophisticated look.

12. how about a square model?

This square model is also very beautiful and efficient. In this kitchen, the hood was installed on the wall and also made a beautiful composition with the stove and the utensils hanging between them.

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13. a special touch

In this beautiful and delicate kitchen, the decoration was thought corner by corner and everything matches very harmoniously. The colors pink and purple predominate and make a beautiful set with the countertop and the wooden cabinet. The glass detail of the hood gave even more delicacy to the environment.

14. all white and clean

White kitchens need a hood more than any other. White is easier to reveal dirt and grease, and a hood can help to give that fresh and clean look to your cooking and entertaining area.

15. do your best to decorate

Isn't this hood beautiful on the tile wallpaper? Furthermore, the location of the hood between the two wall cabinets made the decoration more symmetrical and harmonious, making good use of the spaces. The lighting made the environment even more charming.

16. make the hood more charming

As mentioned before, some coifas come with hooks that can be used to hang kitchen utensils and make the room even more charming. Isn't it beautiful? Here the copper utensils have made the kitchen a much more special decor.

17. island with cooktop: the darling of the moment

Islands with cooktops are a pure success in contemporary kitchens. This duo makes the room more modern and easier to move around, and even allows more interaction with guests when cooking. For these cases, obviously, the island hood is the ideal model.

18. beautiful American kitchen

This kitchen is also integrated, but the table is not on the same counter as the stove. Even so, the use of the hood is indispensable so that the environment is not impregnated with fat. In this example, the hood is made of stainless steel with the detail of the glass base.

19. hoods can also be delicate

This kitchen is also super charming, in shades of white, blue and pink, and is even more beautiful with the design of the round hood, which is more delicate than the other models.

20. modern wall hood

This beautiful wall hood was placed on a wooden panel. The upper glass is not only beautiful, but also helps to reinforce the hood on the wall and leave it well attached.

21. a design that is pure modernity

This model of hood is pure elegance and sophistication. They are the suspended hoods, which look more like a set of lamps. They are also designed for kitchens integrated with other environments and have an advanced design and state-of-the-art technology.

22. a special corner

This beautiful, intimate and creative kitchen is integrated with a kind of living room. The television, the sofa and the vertical garden made the room cozier, not to mention the beautiful blue tone of the countertop, giving a special touch to the decor. But of course, for the corner to be even more comfortable, we could not miss the hood.

23. say good-bye to smoke

As Daniele explained, the hoods are used to prevent the odors released during the cooking of the food from spreading throughout the house. They suck in the fumes with odors and fats as soon as they come out of the pans. Thus, you and your house do not get the smell of frying.

24. beautiful and traditional

The pyramidal hood is one of the best known models and also one of the most efficient. It can be installed as a purifier or an exhaust fan, so you can prepare delicious dishes and recipes without worrying about fat and air quality in your kitchen.

25. calculate the dimensions of the hood

With no windows nearby, the kitchen called for a well-calculated hood for the size of the place and to correctly serve the five burners of the cooktop. In addition, it made a nice combination with the countertop and the refrigerator, leaving the kitchen beautiful and functional.

26. each hood in its place

In this kitchen we can see the presence of two different design hoods: the round one for the cooktop and the square one for the grill, also built into the countertop. This can be a good option if you have two cooking appliances in the same room.

27. the more powerful, the better

Joining the kitchen to the living room requires the installation of an even more powerful hood, especially for those who do not have good natural ventilation at home. This way, you will prevent the smell or smoke from spreading to other environments.

28. double absorption

This is a good solution for those who want to increase the suction power of the appliance without having to give up their preferred design. In this beautiful kitchen, the owner opted for round hoods.

29. the look is also important

This beautiful integrated kitchen is superbly decorated and stylish. Black and wood dominate the room, including the floor tones matching these colors.

30. the debugger also has a turn

The purifier is also an excellent option for keeping your kitchen environment clean by removing the unpleasant smell of grease from the environment.

31. watch out for the glass

Glass hood models are very beautiful, but tend to have a loss of up to 40% of the intake area. While a conventional hood for a six burner stove has three filters, a glass one has only two. So, if aesthetics prevails, the exhaust can be less powerful. Talk to a professional about it.

32. kitchen with island, hood and wine cellar

How about this beautiful kitchen with wooden furniture and a more eye-catching hood? The visual impact can be used to add value to the decoration, with the hood intentionally drawing attention.

33. hood for the beach and country house

Beach and country houses also need a good hood, especially if the place is very frequented and receives many people. Besides, this type of house has the advantage of allowing the pipe to be more apparent, because they are usually larger and have a more rustic style.

34. all blue

This kitchen is beautiful with these shades of turquoise blue. The silver hood matched perfectly with the environment. The integrated living room has a more classic style, with super delicate furniture.

35. colored hoods, why not?

How about this little red hood that matches the room's decoration? The hoods are very decorative and, today, we can find a multitude of materials to match the kitchen décor. The interesting thing is to always combine beauty with practicality, easy maintenance, and performance of the equipment.

36. island hood with mini bench

The countertop for quick meals and the island hood are the highlights of this room. The light tones look great with the wood and the hood matches the other appliances.

37. kitchen with yellow details and stainless steel hood

Stainless steel hoods are great options. Stainless steel has many advantages over other materials because it doesn't rust, doesn't corrode, is very easy to clean, has a more hygienic appearance, is more stable against extreme temperatures, has high durability, and is cost-effective.

38. take advantage of the space between the cabinets

In this example, the hood was placed between cabinets and made a great composition with the furniture. The square model is elegant and modern. However, be aware of the installation specifications for this case, so that it does not hinder the operation of the hood or damage the cabinets.

39. dual function

Many people prefer to use the hood only in the air purifier function, because these models usually have more beautiful and modern designs. The flat hood, used in this kitchen, can work in both functions: hood and purifier. It also has four lamps, making it more elegant.

40. the practicality of ceiling hoods

The activation of the hoods embedded in the ceiling is done by remote control, and its lighting helps compose the environment illumination, besides also providing a direct light on the food. In this case, it was specially made for the gas grill.

41. a little bit of green

Here, the hood was also used as a support for beautiful plants, which give more life to the kitchen. The mirrored design made the room even more beautiful, not to mention the incredible effect given by the cobogós wall.

42. mix of styles

This kitchen, in general, has a more rustic decor, resembling a cottage, but the electric hood with glass detailing gives a more modern touch to the environment and breaks up the country style.

43. modern, high tech decoration

A great example of good decoration with the hood is this beautiful kitchen design. The wide hood covers the cooktop well, taking advantage of the external material of the appliance to bring a good combination with the modern refrigerators in the room.

44. special corner for the cooktop

This cooktop was positioned in a different way than most projects. It was given a special corner and, from a distance, even looks like a stove. The hood complemented the functionality and decoration.

45. another option with a debugger

The purifiers are not as efficient as the hoods, but they work well for smaller kitchens. As explained by the architects, the difference between them and hoods with this function is that the hoods have an air outlet, while the purifiers do not.

46. round industrial hood

This round hood has a more industrial design and is a bit more aggressive and heavy, yet it made an interesting combination with the clean kitchen and the delicate cooktop.

47. a powerful hood

If the use of the stove is intense and includes the constant preparation of fried food, or if there is other cooking equipment in the room, such as a barbecue grill, for example, you should consider using a hood with greater power.

48. a more imposing design

This is another example where the hood has a more imposing design and is displayed as a design piece in the decoration. The illumination of the windows and the view from outside made the room even more charming.

49. everything matching

If your kitchen is open to the living room, it is better to choose a hood with an extractor fan, because they are much more powerful, otherwise the smell of food will spread around the room. In this case, the professional built the duct into the ceiling, making a beautiful combination with the material of the hood.

See more models of hoods to make your kitchen free of grease and smoke

Below are more options for hoods and their different ways of installing them in the kitchen.

50. this hood also served to break the colorfulness of the environment.

51. a more rustic style

52. suspended hoods give the kitchen more personality

53. square hoods are also widely used

54. the absorption area varies according to the hood model

55. hood in exhaust function

56. another pair of hoods

57. large and striking hood in the decoration

58. a hood that also works as a tempura holder

59. take advantage of the spaces between the cabinets

60. coupled to shelves

61. combine the tones

62. gourmet kitchen with island hood

63. charming yellow purifier

64 - The stainless steel flat hood made the kitchen even more modern

65. modern kitchen and hood

66. kitchen with metallized hood

67. beautiful combination of glass hood with marble counter

68 Integrated kitchen with young and modern decoration

69. beautiful gold tone

70. beautiful decoration with glass hood

71. delicate round hood

72 Aluminum and Glass Island Hood

73. cooktop proportional hood

74 - Another round island hood option

75. super functional inclined hood

76 - The hood attached to the cabinet is more discreet

77. large kitchen with glass table and electric hood

78. flat island hood with glass detail

79 Use the hood to complement the decor

80. kitchen with stove and hood with a more industrial design

81. beautiful composition of the hood with the suspended luminaries

82 - Built-in Round Hood

83. kitchen with aluminum hood

84. planned kitchen with aluminum hood

85. modern hood and faucet

86. combination of creative wallpapers, including for the hood

87 - Island Coifas: the buzzword of the moment

88. everything mirrored

89. another square model

90. clean and shining kitchen

91. round hoods are widely used for their beautiful and discreet design

92. hanging lamps make a great composition with coifas

93 - Lighted hoods are even more functional

94. all gray and silver

95 - The square model contrasts with more delicate kitchens

96. combining kettle and hood

97. wide and beautiful hood

98. remember to study the dimensions of the hood and stove

99. wood and cement

100. gourmet kitchen with round hood

101. planned kitchen with stainless steel hood

102 - Flat hoods are efficient and work both ways

103. island with cooktop and built-in hood

104. another imposing and super modern model

105 The hood gave the cabinet a more modern design

106 - Illuminated hoods look great

107. wall-mounted hoods are considered to be more efficient

108. the color of the hood harmonized with the rest of the kitchen

109 - Coif with a half coppery tone

110. round and stylish

111. optimize spaces

112. don't forget to keep an eye on the height at the time of installation

113. beautiful composition of cabinets and hood

114. this hood matched perfectly with the mirrored kitchen

115. hood and cooktop: the perfect combination

116. a kitchen full of personality

117. the hood was shining next to the light fixtures

118. kitchen with yellow finishes and stainless steel pyramidal hood

119 - Be aware of the right distance between the hood and the cabinets

After all, they are responsible for renewing the air in the room so that unpleasant odors and vapors are dissipated, not absorbed and do not circulate through the other rooms of the house. They also prevent stains on clothes and furniture. This system guarantees more than 90% efficiency, due to the duct system that takes the air to aSo, how about investing in this equipment to renew the air and get rid of that greasy smell that insists on remaining in the environment? And to transform your environment, see also planned kitchen ideas.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.