Lotus flower: valuable tips for growing this beautiful water plant

Lotus flower: valuable tips for growing this beautiful water plant
Robert Rivera

The lotus flower is an aquatic plant that will certainly bring inspiration to your decoration. Common in oriental culture, it can be used to decorate vases, aquariums, and ponds, thus guaranteeing a beautiful effect in the environment. The plant is also marked by symbolism and represents elegance and purity.

What is the Lotus flower: origin and meaning

The lotus flower, or Nelumbo nucifera According to gardener Flávia Kremer, the flower is a symbol of purity, wisdom, and peace. In addition, it is very appreciated in the cultures of countries such as India and China, where it is commonly associated with Buddha. It is used for ornamental, meditative, and culinary purposes.

The meaning of the lotus flower is marked by different histories and cultures. In Egypt, for example, the flower symbolizes rebirth and progress, and it is very common to find it inside buildings such as the pyramids.

In Asian cultures, the plant has always been cultivated to represent endurance, fertility and conquest. In these traditions, the lotus flower is believed to signify purity of body and mind, as well as rebirth, since, even when blooming over mud, it remains resistant and beautiful.For the Christian religion, it is associated with purity and virginity.

5 Lotus flower benefits that show its perfection

In addition to being a flower endowed with beauty, the lotus flower is known for its health benefits. Below, check out lotus flower benefits:

  1. Due to some medicinal functions, the lotus flower is widely used for this purpose. According to gardener Flavia Kremer, it is widely used to relieve symptoms of digestive tract problems, such as diarrhea;
  2. The flower has properties that treat some skin diseases, such as acne, because it reduces inflammation;
  3. The plant has some nutrients that help to reduce flu symptoms, such as coughing. This medicinal property is in its roots;
  4. According to Flavia, the plant also stabilizes blood pressure. In cultures in Asian countries, for example, the plant's roots are cooked and then eaten to regulate pressure;
  5. The plant also has aromatic properties, as its flowers emanate a light sweet and pleasant fragrance.

Although it is a beautiful plant with many benefits, it is important to remember that the medicinal properties of the lotus flower are still in the research phase, so before consuming it for any healing purpose, it is necessary to seek medical advice.

How to care for the lotus flower

The lotus flower is an aquatic plant, so it requires some special care to grow beautifully and healthily.

1. planting

According to Flavia, the plant can be grown in environments similar to those of its natural origin, such as small streams and swamps. Thus, in landscaping, the flower can be planted in ponds, tanks, and aquariums. For planting in pots, it is important to use quality water, organic matter, and soil, to ensure the ideal conditions for the plant.

2. luminosity

"The lotus flower is a plant that appreciates direct sunlight," Flavia advises. In a sunny environment the plant finds more conditions to flourish and grow even healthier.


Fertilization must be carried out using water-soluble fertilizers. In the market, it is also possible to find fertilizers suitable for aquatic plants.

4. flowering

According to the expert, the lotus flower blooms between spring and summer. The plant develops best in the winter months while waiting for the warmer months to arrive.

5. watering

The lotus flower is an aquatic plant, so there is no need to water it, as its roots are submerged in water. However, the plant is a very delicate kind of flower, so you always need to keep an eye on the water quality in your environment.

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6. seedlings

Flávia points out that the lotus flower is propagated by rhizomes, that is, through its submerged stem that gives rise to new shoots: "The plant can also be cultivated through seeds.

With these valuable tips from Flavia, you will surely succeed in growing this beautiful aquatic plant. It is important to remember that the flower is very delicate, so it is necessary to keep an eye on the environment in which it will be grown, as well as the quality of the water and the substrate. By following these guidelines, you will have a beautiful lotus flower for a long time.

Lotus flower video tips

When it's time to grow a new plant at home, it's always good to be aware of extra tips. Besides, when cultivating aquatic species, it's necessary to take some basic care since the plant is very sensitive and delicate. With this in mind, check out, below, more information and curiosities about growing lotus flower:

A little more about the history and meaning of the flower

Learn a little more about the history of the lotus flower, which is full of symbolism. The video gives details about the meanings and characteristics of the plant, which show all its beauty.

The beauty of the lotus flower in ponds

In this video you will see how beautiful the lotus flower is when grown in ponds. This type of environment ensures the best development of the flower, as well as giving a beautiful effect on the decoration of gardens and outdoor areas. Here, you will learn some very useful planting tips for this type of cultivation.

Surefire tips for germinating the plant's seeds

The most common way to grow the lotus flower is from its seeds, so it is very important to know how to grow it from this natural process. In this video, you will learn the step-by-step process of how to germinate the seeds in water and thus succeed in growing new seedlings.

Homemade Fertilizer for Aquatic Plants

Aquatic plants also need to be fertilized frequently to grow healthy and produce beautiful flowers. Here you will learn a practical and affordable way to fertilize your lotus flower with a simple ingredient: eggshell. The component is rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, i.e., essential nutrients for every little plant. It is definitely worthwhilecheck the tip!

With these guidelines added to a lot of care and affection, you will have beautiful lotus flower seedlings at home. Are you already thinking about how to ornament it in your decoration? Then, go to the next topic that brings many possibilities for you to use it in your garden!

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10 beautiful lotus flower pictures to inspire your decoration

Finally, check out 10 beautiful images that portray all the beauty and charm of the lotus flower. Surely, you will fall in love with the delicacy of the flower that can be the darling of your decor. Check it out:

The lotus flower is an aquatic plant that is very easy to fall in love with!

2. surrounded by symbolism, it represents strength, resistance, and prosperity

3. and it is sure to bring joy and color to your home!

4. this beautiful plant can be grown in pots

5. and looks beautiful in lakes and ponds, i.e. its natural environment

6. in Brazil, you can still find two more common varieties of the flower

7. in the color white, which represents perfection

8. and the color pink, which represents purity

9. without a doubt, the lotus flower is a plant of many meanings and striking presence!

10. you will surely love the energy of this beautiful aquatic flower in your home!

Did you like the tips for growing lotus flowers? This aquatic plant is really beautiful, delicate, and has many decorative possibilities. A good suggestion for incorporating it into your home is to create a zen garden!

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.