How to clean a mattress: tips and step-by-step instructions for removing stains and odors

How to clean a mattress: tips and step-by-step instructions for removing stains and odors
Robert Rivera

To have a pleasant night's sleep, it is necessary to pay attention to several factors such as temperature, light, silence, and body relaxation. Besides this, another influential point is the mattress you sleep on: not only choosing a good piece, but also knowing how to clean it.

The mattresses are responsible for accommodating the entire body and, for this reason, they must be chosen according to the particularity of each person. To ensure the quality of sleep, the piece must have some care with cleaning, because it is subject to fluids, dust, dust mites, which can cause skin allergies or respiratory diseases. Check out some valuable tips:

How to clean a mattress: tips and step by step

There are several techniques and materials that can be used to clean your mattress. Review the following list and choose the method that seems most effective for you.

With baking soda

  1. Sprinkle the bicarbonate over the mattress, concentrating the powder in places with more dirt
  2. Leave on for 30 minutes
  3. Scrub the entire mattress with a cleaning brush
  4. Let it act, again, for another 30 minutes
  5. Vacuum the dust
  6. Wait for it to dry

With hydrogen peroxide

  1. Mix a quantity of liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide and put it in a spray bottle
  2. Shake well and apply to the mattress
  3. Let it dry completely
  4. After drying, rub the mixture with a damp cloth
  5. Wait for it to dry

With white vinegar

  1. Moisten a sponge with white vinegar and rub all the stains
  2. Leave to act for approximately 1 hour
  3. Wipe them with a damp cloth
  4. Wait for drying
  5. If the vinegar smell persists, drip a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto the mattress

With alcohol

  1. Bathe a clean cloth with a glass of alcohol
  2. Rub vigorously over the entire mattress
  3. When you are done, expose it to the sun
  4. Allow to dry completely


  1. Vacuum the entire mattress to remove surface dirt
  2. Then moisten a soft, clean cloth with warm water and white vinegar
  3. Wipe the entire sofa to remove the stains
  4. Wait for drying

But, with the daily routine, some stains and odors can appear on your mattress. How about learning how to remove these odors too?

How to remove stains and odors

In some situations, stains and odors appear on mattresses and, in these cases, the use of appropriate products is unavoidable. Learn, below, how to deal with each type of stain and odor and which products to use:

Smell of urine

With children at home, the problem of urine on mattresses is frequent. As soon as you notice it, apply baking soda, as the product helps absorb the wet, yellow stains.

Let it act for 30 minutes and then, with a sponge, rub a solution of warm water and powder soap. Finally, wipe the mixture with a cloth. Let the mattress dry on the fan.

Smell of sweat

To deodorize, mix half a cup of warm water, half a cup of alcohol vinegar, and 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Then apply this solution on a flannel and rub the affected area. In case the mattress smells like vinegar, drip 20 drops of lavender essential oil or other preferred essence on a cloth and wipe it over the cleaned area.

Smell of cigarette

For smokers, it is essential that bed linen is washed on a regular basis. This helps not to accumulate the odor in the piece and prevents the smell from penetrating the mattress. But, if the smell still lingers in the mattress, there are two techniques available: the first is to apply apple cider vinegar on a cloth and wipe it over the mattress. The second is to spread bicarbonate on the bed and leave it for eight hours,before removing with a vacuum cleaner.

Musty Smell

A good tip is to leave the mattress in the sun for a few hours. In winter and in very humid times, mold and mildew are more likely to appear, so leaving it exposed is one way to eliminate the smell. Then clean the mattress with a sponge. Apply 5 drops of melaleuca oil (this oil has antibacterial properties) in a bucket of warm water and rub this mixtureWhen finished, let the mattress dry completely before using it.

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Blood is a very difficult stain to remove completely. A tip is to mix baking soda with cold water to help reduce it considerably. Apply the mixture to the stain and leave it for 30 minutes, then remove the excess baking soda with a wet cloth and press with a dry towel to remove the moisture.

Another option is to use 10 volume hydrogen peroxide, apply it to the stained area and let it bubble, then remove the excess with a clean cloth.

Using kitchen detergent is also a good option. Mix one tablespoon of the product in two cups of water and apply to the area, scrubbing with an unused toothbrush.

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Wine stain

Applying alcohol is fundamental in these situations, because it makes the stain disappear. Soak a damp cloth in alcohol and rub the stained area. Another solution is to mix half a cup of warm water with alcohol vinegar and apply it with a towel over the mattress. If the stain is very concentrated, avoid rubbing it so that it doesn't get bigger. In these cases, it is worth squeezing the towel over the stain.surface.

Unidentified Stains

In the case of stains that appear without knowing their origin, it is suggested to spray detergent or alcohol vinegar with cold water. Leave it for 10 minutes and then wait for it to dry.

Cleaning and sanitizing mattresses is very necessary and may seem like a difficult task, but, with these tips, it can be easily accomplished in your own home.

5 tips to keep your mattress clean

  1. Turn the mattress periodically: This allows both sides to be aired equally and prevents dust mites and mold from settling on the piece.
  2. Expose it to the sun: Allow your mattress to get sun at least once a week. When exposed to the sun, the fabric fibers dry out, losing moisture, which is the only way that dust mites and fungi can get water and stay on the mattress.
  3. Change the bedding weekly: While you sleep, your body is in direct contact with the sheets for many hours, during which time it is normal for dead skin cells and body fluids to be shed and deposited on the used bedding. Besides generating unpleasant smells if they remain there for too long, it represents a perfect habitat for dust mites and other parasites, which can cause allergic reactions or worsenconditions, such as asthma or rhinitis.
  4. Use mattress covers: Currently, there are many options on the market, including anti-allergy ones. They are great allies in fighting dust and dust mites, besides making cleaning easier. With the use of covers, the mattress is more protected and has greater durability.
  5. Do not get wet: do not soak your mattress when cleaning it or leave it too wet. If this happens, it facilitates the creation of fungus and skin allergies. Therefore, when you wet the piece, let it dry completely before using it again.

Pay attention to the quality of your sleep. Try to include in your routine these habits of cleaning and caring for your mattress, so you can have excellent nights of sleep! Take organization to your bedding as well, and learn once and for all how to fold elastic sheets.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.