115 wine cellar models that will convince you to build one at home

115 wine cellar models that will convince you to build one at home
Robert Rivera

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Whoever likes to drink a good wine and receive guests at home, certainly has already thought of including or has already added a beautiful wine cellar in his home decor. And those who believe that this is an exclusive item for large environments, are wrong: today it is already possible to create a perfect space to store your drinks, according to your possibilities, either a cellar under the stairs, in an exclusive roomOr just adding a compact, climate-controlled option near the bar.

For a perfect cellar, the products that will be added will bring the so desired quality. According to the sommelier Charles Campos, from Casa Europa, sparkling wines, port wines and sauternes are excellent to serve in any occasion: "Many times we worry only about the great wines, but it is necessary to have some good wines of more accessible prices to open without guilt and at anymoment", clarifies the professional.

Before putting any project into practice, it is important to first think about where the cellar will be installed, what size and model is ideal for the space in question, and what care is needed to maintain the good conservation of the beverages.

Wine Cellar Models

Storing a good wine and maintaining its durability requires some basic care, such as leaving the bottles in a place where the temperature and lighting are adequate. For this, it is important to invest in the construction of a special environment: "Currently there is a wide range of companies that perform the project of custom climate-controlled cellars. Usually, these projects are developedfor restaurants and bars that have many bottles, but I see more and more projects of this type being executed in apartments and single-family homes," explains architect Flávia Prata.

For more compact spaces or smaller environments, there are also options that look like refrigerators, and are available in several sizes: "The climate-controlled cellars found in the market can start with a small version with 8 to 16 bottles, the medium ones with 24, 30, and 60 bottles, and the larger ones with 90, 120, 160, and 190 bottles," adds Charles.

And what is the difference between a compact cellar and a mini-fridge? Many! "There are from the simplest cellars to the most elaborate ones. In this case, some work as external temperature regulators, i.e., they work by decreasing the external temperature to X degrees (they are simpler cellars). We have those that work with a motor similar to that of refrigerators, with a more precise regulation of a more faithful thermostat.Finally, we have cellars that do the temperature and humidity control, which is very important for the so-called Guard wines, so that the cork is kept in conditions to maintain the perfect liquid throughout the years," explains João Marcos, founding partner of House of Wine.

Which model is the most suitable for my house?

The ideal wine cellar may vary according to the size of the space in which it will be installed, as well as the proposal you want to follow: "I believe that this piece is part of the decoration of a house. Choose one that harmonizes with the chosen environment and furniture. That corner where people like to store things, such as under a staircase, can be a beautiful wine cellar, with a lot of charm", she suggests.Charles.

For those who don't have problems with the size, but will make this decision due to the number of bottles, João gives a clear hint: "A cellar like this 'refrigerator', for up to 60 bottles, meets very well the oenophile who already has a desire to have wines for ageing! For daily wines, a cellar of 12 to 24 bottles meets very well".

Where to place your cellar

Technically speaking, the best place to store wines is away from direct sunlight, which not only would harm the quality of the drinks in relation to lighting, but also the heat: "A room without windows, such as a pantry or basement, for example, are ideal places to add a wine cellar", says the architect. Embedding the equipment next to the joinery of the kitchen or some social environment is anothersuggestion made by Flavia.

Optimum temperature and maintenance

For João Marcos, the ideal temperature for white wines is 8 to 12 degrees, while for red wines, 15 to 18 degrees are enough to maintain the quality of the drinks.

As for maintenance, Charles explains that it is fundamental to choose well the products to be used: "It is important to remember that the cleaning, repair and maintenance of a winery cannot be done with products that leave odors, such as paints, glues and disinfectants, because the corks absorb the odors of the environment and, over time, end up passing them on to the wine.

115 wine cellars for you to fall in love with

Given the proper tips and information, now it is time to check out a complete list of wine cellars of many different structures, sizes, styles, and environments:

1. cellars with rudimentary decoration are the most commonly found

And you can even include bottles and test tubes on the shelves to store the corks from the bottles that have already been opened. If you also ask each guest to sign a cork of wine they have tasted, the tactic becomes even more special.

2. but they can also be very modern

"Generous wines, such as port and sauternes, are excellent to finish meals and rock conversations with a good cigar. A good quality cognac is also a good choice," Charles suggests.

3. quite a use for the kitchen gap

For the design of this cabinetry, some non-linear shelves were included in the outline of the large wine cellar, ideal for storing other bottles and even other types of beverages.

4. a collection like this needs a special place in the house

The huge shelf has glass doors so that the bottle collection is on display, and also a ladder on rails to make it easier to reach the drinks up high. The shelves in the middle make the glasses more accessible.

5. counter with climatized cellars

For larger environments, Flávia suggests a brilliant idea: "I believe it would be interesting to create a dedicated bar-type space, for wine as well as for other drinks. This space can have an exclusive cabinetry next to the dining area, with some decoration and accent lighting, for example.

6. using the bottles as decorative items

If the room temperature allows, it is possible to store the wines in open places, away from the sun. The exposure of the bottles still makes the decoration more fun and cool, especially if they have those plug-in pins, like the ones in the photo.

7. snapped into place

For the architect, a complete environment needs to meet the user's needs not only to store the drinks, but also to taste them: "Regardless of the size of the chosen cellar, the ideal is always to have a support surface for wine tasting and experimentation.

8. masterfully stacking bottles

In this environment, the niches at the top of the wall house dishes, books, decorative ornaments, and also a pile of precious bottles, forming not only a simple wine cellar, but also a work of art.

9. add other drinks to complete the house bar

"Temperature control facilitates the storage of wine, so it is essential that there is this temperature setting in the case of an acclimatized cellar, or else the environment where the drinks will be stored must be the most 'stable' and coolest in the house," adds Flavia.

10. complementing the gourmet area

As it is a closed room, the gourmet terrace could receive the house's stock of wines without the slightest problem, since the natural light was still inhibited by the blackout. The niches were included in the cabinetry of the planned cabinet.

11. include stylized lighting

... and that, at the same time, is not aggressive to the beverage: "Wine is a living and evolving beverage, being sensitive, therefore, great variations in light and temperature are not welcome", says João Marcos.

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12. the more practical, the better

The house bar has not only niches on the wall for storing distilled spirits, but also a counter with stools, ideal for serving quick meals and snacks while the resident and his guests enjoy a good wine.

13. the decoration indicates that this is the special corner for drinks

Do you know that area built to serve as the property's storage room? It can also have another, more interesting purpose: to be transformed into a drinks corner, with an acclimatized wine cellar and some shelves.

14. dark cellars help preserve wine better

Wine bottles tend to be dark and not for nothing, and the environment in which they should be stored should not be much different, as mentioned earlier. If the space has a window, consider including dark cabinetry. This way the lighting is not bounced back and is naturally controlled.

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15. the best way to store your bottle is horizontally

"It is essential that any wine cellar-whether climate-controlled or a cabinetry niche-allow the bottles to be stored horizontally to prevent the cork from drying out," assures the architect.

16. keep an eye on the temperature

Don't forget that each type of wine calls for a different temperature, such as white wines ranging from 8 to 12 degrees and red wines from 15 to 18 degrees. But there is a middle temperature for cellars that have these titles mixed, which is 12 degrees.

17. and also the humidity of the environment

"These models with several compartments are ideal for oenophiles and enthusiasts who have different types of bottles inside, since each type of wine asks for a specific temperature", guarantees Flavia.

18. prefer to build your cellar where the bottles can be kept very still

The less they move, the better.

19. glasses and accompaniments are welcome

And to complement the stock, some water bottles and accessories to serve some drinks, coffee and snacks. Of course, among all this there is that personal touch needed to include the identity of the resident in the space.

20: Never has a gap under the stairs been so useful!

With creativity, it is possible to find practical solutions for every corner of the house, without having to break your head.

21. built into the wall to optimize space

"A wine cellar can be part of a gourmet kitchen, part of the decor of a theme room, and even embedded in a way that no one knows what it is, causing a surprise when friends find out what it is," comments Charles.

22. a very well stocked station

The wine cellar with attached bookcase allows the bottles to be stored not only in the climate-controlled area, but also in the niches and shelves. The drawers are also essential to store accessories and other items that compose the environment.

23. covering with corks

"It is possible to order with some specialized companies custom-made wine cellars for your space or even room cellars, where you can enter - and make it the attraction of the house," Charles comments.

24. hollow shelf made of glass columns

This is how the architect designed the room division between the entrance hall and the dining room. The drinks, along with the vertically installed glass shelves, added a modern touch to the contemporary decor.

25. next to the most comfortable room in the house

The bar in this cozy living room was fitted with a mirror-covered cabinet to further enhance the decoration. In it, the climate-controlled wine cellar was perfectly fitted right in the middle of the buffet, which was made even more complete with the drinks tray on top.

26. a space to store the precious stock

If you intend to set up your complete bar in the gourmet area, make sure this room of the house is not located to the west, as this is precisely the position where the sun beats down for a much longer period of the day. If this is precisely the position of your balcony, install your wine cellar in the living room, to ensure the durability of your drinks.

27. home office / relics safe

Working in the middle of the good stuff must be tempting, right? This home office, in addition to the custom cabinetry in the work area, also got a super bar with cabinets planned in another tone, precisely to serve as demarcation of environments.

28. it is easier to choose with the labels on display

It is a very simple way to use product packaging to your advantage.

29. individual drawers on the countertop

For passionate winemakers, Flávia bets on a larger production to accommodate the collection: "convert an unused room, such as a utility room, and create a custom-made climate-controlled wine cellar.

30. a cozy and intimate environment

A wine cellar doesn't necessarily have to be a cool environment to get in and out quickly. If the space allows, it is interesting to create a living area, so that you and your guests can taste the beverage in great comfort and chat away.

31. minimized version for the dining room

As the corner used to set up the bar was close to the window, a blackout was added to control the entry of natural light into the room, thus ensuring the necessary protection.

32. compartment to receive the stoppers

Another ingenious idea for cork storage: glass compartments installed in the same panel where the drinks are exposed. Once again, the bottles were also used as the main decorative object of the room.

33. your wine cellar can also become a very nice piece of furniture in the dining room

The more it is integrated among the furniture in the space, the better, especially if the room is small. Maintaining the harmony of the decoration is fundamental and pleasing to the eye.

34. striking colors always make any environment more cheerful

"If the house can accommodate it, the owner could create a wine cellar in the basement level, since they usually have cooler and more stable temperatures, in addition to zero incidence of sunlight and glare," guarantees Flavia. In other words, the ideal environment!

35. discreet and essential

And for those who prefer to maintain the neutrality of the composition, it is possible to add the wine cellar in a more reserved and discreet place. In this project, the solution was to install it attached to the bookcase in the living room.

36. that specially designed room

For projects that turn an entire room into a cellar, the possibilities are greater: it is possible not only to acclimate the room, but also to add several "refrigerators" with different temperatures, thus being able to store different types of wines, respecting the ideal temperatures for each one.

37. the cellars can be adapted to any corner you wish

As long as the drinks are not exposed to the aforementioned conditions, as in the case of this room, which was built just below the mezzanine of the house, with shelves built in in a very discreet and functional way.

38. between books and decoration

For the house's main bookcase, the last niches at the bottom have been given their own divisions for bottles, which are not only within easy reach, but are also well protected and stored.

39. family-sized climate control

For the dining room, the architectural project added a triplex version along with custom cabinetry, which still had niches, cabinets, and a super functional counter.

40. storage and tasting environment

For the decoration of the wine cellar in the basement of the house, wallpaper imitating weathered bricks was used, giving more rusticity to the environment, and also leaving everything with a basement atmosphere.

41. the cozier, the better

"A house located in an area that has the option of a basement, even in Rio de Janeiro, can have a natural basement, as long as it has humidity and temperature control through automation systems, such as those from Crestron," guarantees João Marcos.

42. cellars standing by under the sideboard

This makes it easier to access the drinks during dinner, and still have a support for opening bottles without difficulty. Everything added in its place, without harming the circulation area.

43. internal custom made plans

Coated internally with black matte lacquer, the piece of furniture is full of functions: sink, champagne rack, mini wine cellar, drawers for skewers and even a table with casters. A definitely complete project!

44. hidden behind the mirror

The same resource used for bedrooms and closets was also used to create this environment, which left all the drinks in the house discreetly stored in this extensive cabinet. In the middle, the sliding door also guaranteed privacy to the cellar.

45. a game of poker and some good drinks

A game room is also a great environment to set up your dream wine cellar, mainly for the purpose that the wines will have between one game and another.

46. that sigh-taking woodwork

The decorative objects contributed to make the decoration more classic.

47. Is it or is it not a stock made on a whim?

The access doors to this wine cellar in the basement also became skylights, exposing the drinks in a different way among the wooden shelves. To guarantee the temperature, a portable air conditioner was included in the creation of the space.

See more cellars for all types of environments

No matter what size your cellar is, what matters is to include it in your design in style:

48. when simplicity becomes enough

49. receiving and serving becomes much easier with the wine cellar next to the dining room

50. the door gained the necessary prominence amidst the sobriety

51. a project that looks like a shopping mall showcase

52. games room with an enclosed, air-conditioned environment for drinks

53. the beverage area was also adapted to be a coffee corner

54. niches created in the entrance hall to hold the bottles

55. three little bottles of wine to get the job done

56 The shelf gained more depth with the mirror in the background

57 Cabinet with drawers and internal lighting designed in the kitchen

58 The light wood doors matched the clean decor of the room

59. all hidden behind mirrors

60. hollow bookcase with internal lighting adds even more value to the furniture

61 The private cellar guarantees more safety, especially for those who have children at home

62 - Making use of all the walls in the room

63. exposed bowls can give a different look to the decoration

64 This wine cellar has planned cabinetry with countertop and drawers

65. cellars on the balcony need special protection from direct sunlight

66. the favorite titles were displayed in a fun way on the furniture

67 The house bar was thematically decorated with paintings

68 A special and comfortable touch with the addition of the ethnic rug

69. it looks like a work of art, but it's just a cellar

70. the wallpaper imitating import crate gave an industrial atmosphere to the space

71 The illuminated bookcase even got a stylized sign

72 In addition to the wine cellar, it is possible to use the space to create a social environment

73. cabinets filled with bottles on all sides

74. one for wines, another for beers

75. for a clean space, go for a single, sober color

76. realize how good lighting makes all the difference

77. as well as a beautiful decoration

78 The mirrors on the cabinet doors help to give more amplitude to the room

79. when the drinks become the main highlight of the environment

80. the gray cabinet added a lot of delicacy to the space

81. the special atmosphere looks amazing next to the piano

82. discreetly integrated into the decor

83. stored by categories

84. a bookcase from ceiling to floor

85. included the living room as a large aquarium

86. horizontal bottles also prevent the cork from drying out

87. the wine cellar installed on the mezzanine gained more prominence even on the lower floor

88 You can even create a climate-controlled cellar in the basement of the house

89. buffet with crystal rack: rustic and extremely functional

90. the panel became also the welcome of the house

91 The barrels made the decoration even more thematic

92. making use of the wall so as not to compromise the circulation of the small space

93 - Regardless of the decorative style, a wine cellar will always be welcome

94. when in doubt, set up your cellar in an inspiring environment

95. make sure that charm and refinement are guaranteed

96. even if it is attached to the kitchen cabinetry

97. or in the basement of the house

98. what matters is to have an environment with your personality

99. ... and of course, your personal taste

100. the external thermostat helps control the temperature

101. The luminous panel highlighted the bottles even more

102. included in the retro decoration

103 In addition to storing the wines, it also collaborated to give the room a feeling of spaciousness

104. create a collection to please all palates

105. so your guests will always be well served and satisfied

106. keep your focus with the organization of your cellar

107. and avoid storing anything other than beverages in this space

108. After all, the idea is to have a cellar, not a storage room, right?

109 The perfect marriage between wine cellar and minibar

110 - In addition to making the kitchen complete, it also adds a touch of modernity

111. a colonial style basement

112 The beverage niches were included under the stairs along with the cabinet

113 Once again, the mirror collaborated, and made the space appear to have doubled in size

114. everything fitted in its place

115. organization and style for your wines


After facing all this multitude of inspirations, it is much easier to visualize what the wine cellar of your dreams would be.

Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera is a seasoned interior designer and home decor expert with over a decade of experience in the industry. Born and raised in California, he has always had a passion for design and art, which eventually led him to pursue a degree in interior design from a prestigious design school. With a keen eye for color, texture, and proportion, Robert effortlessly blends different styles and aesthetics to create unique and beautiful living spaces. He is highly knowledgeable in the latest design trends and techniques, and is constantly experimenting with new ideas and concepts to bring life to his clients' homes. As the author of a popular blog on home decor and design, Robert shares his expertise and insights with a large audience of design enthusiasts. His writing is engaging, informative, and easy to follow, making his blog an invaluable resource for anyone looking to spruce up their living space. Whether you're seeking advice on color schemes, furniture arrangement, or DIY home projects, Robert has the tips and tricks you need to create a stylish, welcoming home.